15th Dec 2021 17:48
Caerus Mineral Resources PLC - London-based exploration & resource development company - Concerning joint venture with Bezant Resources PLC which is focused on the Troulli project in Cyprus, indications show that drilling has delineated en economically viable gold oxide zone for near term development.
In addition, infill diamond drilling has shown evidence for the continuity of the sulphide zone at depth beneath the gold zone.
"We continue to make significant progress with our joint ventures and evaluation and resource development programmes. Our policy of regular communication with shareholders has been undermined by the painfully slow turnaround from the independent assay laboratory. It is little comfort to shareholders that we are drilling, trenching, and sampling at an impressive pace if we cannot back this up by sharing analytical results. We remain hopeful that the backlog will be cleared soon," says Chief Executive Officer Martyn Churchouse.
Current stock price: 14.28 pence
Year-to-date change: up 9.8% since March 19
By Dayo Laniyan; [email protected]
Copyright 2021 Alliance News Limited. All Rights Reserved.
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