UPDATE: York consortium sells call options over 10 million LSEG shares
London Stock Exchange Group PLC - London-based stock market operator and data provider - JP Morgan Securities PLC on Tuesday confirms that BCP York Holdings LP sold call options over around 10 million voting shares in LSEG, having announced plans to do so after the London market close on Monday. The call options were sold to Barclays Bank PLC, Merrill Lynch International, Citigroup Global Markets Ltd, Goldman Sachs International, JP Morgan Securities PLC and Morgan Stanley & Co International PLC. The call option shares represent around a 1.9% economic and voting interest in LSEG. BCP York is an entity owned by a consortium of certain investment funds affiliated with Blackstone Inc, and including an affiliate of Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, an affiliate of GIC Special Investments Pte Ltd, Thomson Reuters Corp and certain other minority holders. Thomson Reuters didn't participate in the call option transaction. Read More