23rd Feb 2021 10:05
23 February 2021
Greatland Gold plc
("Greatland" or "the Company")
Work Programme agreed for the Juri Joint Venture with Newcrest Mining
Initial drilling to focus on high priority targets Los Diablos, Goliath, Outamind and Parlay
Multiple compelling additional targets identified across the Paterson Range East and Black Hills licenses
Greatland Gold plc (AIM:GGP), the precious and base metals exploration and development company, announces the initial 2021 work programme for the Juri Joint Venture ("Juri JV"), including drilling of several targets within the Paterson Range East and Black Hills licences.
Multiple additional targets within the Juri JV have been identified following analysis of results of a heliborne Airborne Electromagnetic ("AEM") survey conducted last year and further geological interpretation of regional aeromagnetics. Exploration work at the Juri JV is focussed on the discovery of intrusion related gold-copper deposits similar to Havieron, Telfer and Winu.
2021 Juri JV Work Programme
First round of drilling of high priority targets across the Paterson Range East and Black Hills licences, including Los Diablos, Goliath, Outamind and Parlay, expected to commence by early April.Ground electromagnetics ("EM") surveys to be conducted over several new targets identified following interpretation of AEM data to better locate and prioritise targets.Camps and infrastructure are being established with field activities scheduled to commence in the coming weeks.
Additional targets identified
Analysis of results from a Heliborne AEM geophysical survey conducted last year has identified multiple new conductors within the Juri JV including:A11 - a moderate amplitude anomaly located along or adjacent to the major province scale Anketell-Samphire Fault.A25 ("Tama" Prospect) - a strong, apparently flat lying conductor, interpreted to represent a supergene horizon developed in or over an intermediate to mafic pipe intruding granite.
Shaun Day, Chief Executive Officer of Greatland Gold plc, commented: "It is with great excitement that we announce plans to begin exploration under our second joint venture with Newcrest in the Paterson region. Drilling will commence in the coming weeks at our Paterson Range East and Black Hills licences, testing the high-priority targets Parlay, Goliath, Outamind and Los Diablos. The joint venture will also look to progress several additional compelling targets that have emerged following analysis of geophysical data. We entered the Juri JV to accelerate our exploration activity and maximise value of the Paterson Range East and Black Hills licences and this initial 2021 work programme is an important step towards achieving that goal.
"The Juri JV campaign forms part of our multi-pronged exploration strategy for 2021 in the highly prospective Paterson region. As Juri JV drilling gets underway, this will complement the ongoing work at Havieron with 65,000m of growth drilling planned in the next six months together with our exploration activities at our 100% licences across the region."
In addition to this release, a PDF version of this report with supplementary information can be found at the Company's website: www.greatlandgold.com/media/jorc/
Further information on the Juri JV Work Programme and new airborne electromagnetic targets
The Juri JV comprises the Paterson Range East and Black Hills licences covering an area of approximately 249 square kilometres in the Paterson region of north-western Australia. The Farm-In commenced on 30 November 2020. Newcrest Mining Limited (Newcrest) has the right to earn up to a 75% interest in the licences by spending up to A$20m as part of a two stage Farm In over five years. Stage 1 minimum commitment by Newcrest is A$3m within 24 months of commencement, and Stage 2 commitment contemplates an additional A$17m over a further three years (total A$20m over five years). Newcrest currently hold a 25% interest in the JV.
Greatland will be the manager of the Juri JV until the end of calendar 2021 when Newcrest has the right, but not the obligation, to be appointed manager at the end of that initial period.
Exploration work at the Juri JV licences is focussed on the discovery of intrusion related gold-copper deposits similar to Havieron, Telfer and Winu.
The 2021 Work Programme for the Juri JV will include the following activities as agreed by the Juri JV partners:
Drill testing of several high-priority targets across the Paterson Range East licence, including Goliath, Outamind and Los Diablos.Drill testing of the Parlay target, a discrete magnetic anomaly with coincident gravity response in the south-west of the Black Hills licence.Ground EM surveys to better locate and prioritise multiple additional targets through Paterson Range East and Black Hills licences.
All heritage clearances and government approvals have been received for these initial drilling activities. Field activities for the Juri JV are scheduled to commence in the coming weeks with field camps and infrastructure being established ahead of drill rig arrival.
Currently, the first drill rig is due to commence by early April 2021. Supporting heritage surveys will be completed over new targets ahead of ground geophysical work and additional drilling.
Airborne electromagnetic geophysical data were collected from the Black Hills licence and the north western part of the Paterson Range East exploration license during the 2020 field season. The survey was designed to:
Assist in the detection of Havieron, Winu and Telfer style Au-Cu deposits beneath cover;Detect basement conductors related to accumulation of massive sulphides and/or associated conductive (or resistive) alteration;Map structure and stratigraphy, particularly in non-magnetic sedimentary packages, similar to the host rocks at Telfer and Havieron; andMap basement topography and depth of cover.
Within the Black Hills and Paterson Range East licences the survey comprised 873 line kilometres of AEM collected by New Resolution Geophysics using their helicopter borne 25Hz "Xcite" system. Line spacing was 100m in Paterson Range East and 200m in Black Hills. The survey has identified 25 new conductors within Paterson Range East and six in Black Hills, with several priority targets described below.
In Paterson Range East priority AEM targets include:
A11 - a moderate amplitude anomaly located along or adjacent to the major province scale Anketell-Samphire Fault, and coincident with a weak gravity response. A11 is more than 1500m long, around 200m to the top of the conductor, and warrants follow up ground EM and drill testing; andA25 ("Tama" Prospect) - comprises a strong, apparently flat lying conductor, interpreted to represent a supergene horizon developed in or over an intermediate to mafic pipe intruding granite. Again, follow up ground EM and drill testing is planned.
These are in addition to the existing coincident gravity and magnetic targets defined at Goliath, Outamind and Los Diablos, where drilling is planned in the first half of CY2021.
At Black Hills six conductors have been outlined, including four associated with the Black Hills Dome, where Greatland reported significant gold results including 13m @ 2.01g/t Au from 67m (SRRC012) and 12m @ 1.38g/t Au from 32m (SRRC011) from drilling in 2019. Priority targets include A27 and A31. Two conductors have been defined outside the Dome, including A30 associated with the Parlay Prospect, and A28 located to the east of the Black Hills Dome.
There has been historic drilling over the Black Hills Dome and further work is required to integrate this drill hole data with the interpreted AEM anomaly sources. Ground EM data is required to more accurately constrain the sources and relate them to existing drilling and will be collected in the upcoming 2021 field programme. At A28 and A30 there are only two shallow holes recorded in the area of the conductors and these are considered ineffective due to cover depth.
Interpretation and ranking of bedrock AEM conductors is ongoing, including integration with other available geological, geochemical, geophysical and drill hole datasets. Several targets warrant drill testing after ground EM follow-up to confirm conductor location and tenor.
Additional information is presented in Appendix I and historic drill hole collar details for Black Hills are presented in Appendix II.
A regional map showing the Havieron licence area with regional targets and adjacent landholdings can be found at: www.greatlandgold.com/paterson
Competent Person:
Information in this announcement that relates to Black Hills drill results has been extracted from the following announcements:
"Black Hills - Final Drill Results & New Geophysical Targets", dated 14/11/2019 (Greatland)
Information in this announcement pertaining to Reporting of Exploration Results has been reviewed and approved by Mr John McIntyre, a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (MAIG), who has more than 30 years relevant industry experience. Mr McIntyre is a full-time consultant to the Company and has no financial interest in Greatland Gold plc or its related entities. Mr McIntyre has sufficient experience relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration, and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined by the 2012 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (the JORC Code) and under the AIM Rules - Note for Mining and Oil & Gas Companies, which outline standards of disclosure for mineral projects. Mr McIntyre consents to the inclusion in this announcement of the matters based on this information in the form and context in which it appears. Mr McIntyre confirms that the Company is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the relevant market announcements, and that the form and context in which the information has been presented has not been materially modified.
Additional information on the project can be found on the Company's website at www.greatlandgold.com/paterson/
In addition to this release, a PDF version of this report with supplementary information can be found at the Company's website: www.greatlandgold.com/media/jorc
Greatland Gold PLC
Gervaise Heddle/Callum Baxter
Tel: +44 (0)20 3709 4900
Email: [email protected]
SPARK Advisory Partners Limited (Nominated Adviser)
Andrew Emmott/James Keeshan
Tel: +44 (0)20 3368 3550
Berenberg (Joint Corporate Broker and Financial Adviser)
Matthew Armitt/Jennifer Wyllie/Detlir Elezi
Tel: +44 (0)20 3207 7800
Hannam & Partners (Joint Corporate Broker and Financial Adviser)
Andrew Chubb/Matt Hasson/Jay Ashfield
Tel: +44 (0)20 7907 8500
SI Capital Limited (Joint Broker)
Nick Emerson/Alan Gunn
Tel: +44 (0)14 8341 3500
Luther Pendragon (Media and Investor Relations)
Harry Chathli/Alexis Gore/Joe Quinlan
Tel: +44 (0)20 7618 9100
Notes for Editors:
Greatland Gold plc is a London Stock Exchange AIM-listed (AIM:GGP) natural resource exploration and development company with a current focus on precious and base metals. The Company has six main projects; four situated in Western Australia and two in Tasmania.
In March 2019, Greatland signed a Farm-in Agreement with Newcrest Operations Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Newcrest Mining Limited (ASX:NCM), to explore and develop Greatland's Havieron gold-copper deposit in the Paterson region of Western Australia. The Havieron Project is operated by Newcrest under a Joint Venture Agreement with Greatland Gold plc. Newcrest can earn up to a 70% joint venture interest through total expenditure of US$65 million and the completion of a series of exploration and development milestones in a four-stage farm-in over a six year period that commenced in March 2019. Newcrest may acquire an additional 5% interest at the end of the farm-in period at fair market value.
The Joint Venture Agreement includes tolling principles reflecting the intention of the parties that, subject to a successful exploration programme and feasibility study and a positive decision to mine, the resulting joint venture mineralised material will be processed at Telfer, located 45km west of Havieron.
Greatland is seeking to identify large mineral deposits in areas that have not been subject to extensive exploration previously. It is widely recognised that the next generation of large deposits will come from such under-explored areas and Greatland is applying advanced exploration techniques to investigate a number of carefully selected targets within its focused licence portfolio.
The Company is also actively investigating a range of new opportunities in precious and strategic metals and will update the market on new opportunities as and when appropriate.
JORC Code, 2012 Edition - Table 1 report template
Section 1 Sampling Techniques and Data
(Criteria in this section apply to all succeeding sections.)
Criteria | JORC Code explanation | Commentary |
Sampling techniques | · Nature and quality of sampling (eg cut channels, random chips, or specific specialised industry standard measurement tools appropriate to the minerals under investigation) · Include reference to measures taken to ensure sample representivity and the appropriate calibration of any measurement tools or systems used. · Aspects of the determination of mineralisation that are Material to the Public Report. · In cases where 'industry standard' work has been done this would be relatively simple (eg 'reverse circulation drilling was used to obtain 1 m samples from which 3 kg was pulverised to produce a 30 g charge for fire assay'). In other cases more explanation may be required, such as where there is coarse gold that has inherent sampling problems. Unusual commodities or mineralisation types (eg submarine nodules) may warrant disclosure of detailed information. | · Historical drilling- no sampling reported |
Sampling techniques | · Xcite Airborne EM Programme | · An Airborne Electromagnetic and Magnetic Survey was undertaken in 2020 by New Resolution Geophysics Australia Pty Ltd (NRG), using a Time Domain Airborne Electromagnetic (Excite TM ) time‐ domain, helicopter borne electromagnetic system. Transmitter -Receiver Concentric In-loop; Acquisition System NRG RDAS II Dual Core ARM 1.5Ghz; Transmitter details: Diameter 18.4m Number of turns 4 Current 235 amperes Dipole Moment 250,000 NIA Base Frequency 25Hz Flight Height 30m Waveform Nominal square wave On Time Typically 5.4 mSec Off time 14.6 mSec Receiver Flight Height 30m Orientation X & Z
Receiver (Z - Component) Diameter 1m Number of turns 100 Dipole Moment 78.5m2 Number of Channels 44
Receiver (XZ - Component) Diameter 0.613m Number of turns 200 Dipole Moment 236m2 Number of Channels 24
Drilling techniques | · Drill type (eg core, reverse circulation, open-hole hammer, rotary air blast, auger, Bangka, sonic, etc) and details (eg core diameter, triple or standard tube, depth of diamond tails, face-sampling bit or other type, whether core is oriented and if so, by what method, etc). | · Historical drilling compiled to date has comprised a combination of aircore, RAB, open hole percussion, RC and diamond drilling. Collar locations are listed in Appendix II, but drill hole methods have not been compiled to date, or are not reported.. |
Drill sample recovery | · Method of recording and assessing core and chip sample recoveries and results assessed. · Measures taken to maximise sample recovery and ensure representative nature of the samples. · Whether a relationship exists between sample recovery and grade and whether sample bias may have occurred due to preferential loss/gain of fine/coarse material. | · Historical drilling- no sampling reported |
Logging | · Whether core and chip samples have been geologically and geotechnically logged to a level of detail to support appropriate Mineral Resource estimation, mining studies and metallurgical studies. · Whether logging is qualitative or quantitative in nature. Core (or costean, channel, etc) photography. · The total length and percentage of the relevant intersections logged. | · Historical drilling- no sampling reported and logging not reviewed |
Sub-sampling techniques and sample preparation | · If core, whether cut or sawn and whether quarter, half or all core taken. · If non-core, whether riffled, tube sampled, rotary split, etc and whether sampled wet or dry. · For all sample types, the nature, quality and appropriateness of the sample preparation technique. · Quality control procedures adopted for all sub-sampling stages to maximise representivity of samples. · Measures taken to ensure that the sampling is representative of the in situ material collected, including for instance results for field duplicate/second-half sampling. · Whether sample sizes are appropriate to the grain size of the material being sampled. | · Historical drilling- no sampling reported;
Quality of assay data and laboratory tests | · The nature, quality and appropriateness of the assaying and laboratory procedures used and whether the technique is considered partial or total. · For geophysical tools, spectrometers, handheld XRF instruments, etc, the parameters used in determining the analysis including instrument make and model, reading times, calibrations factors applied and their derivation, etc. · Nature of quality control procedures adopted (eg standards, blanks, duplicates, external laboratory checks) and whether acceptable levels of accuracy (ie lack of bias) and precision have been established. | · Historical drilling- no sampling reported |
Verification of sampling and assaying | · The verification of significant intersections by either independent or alternative company personnel. · The use of twinned holes. · Documentation of primary data, data entry procedures, data verification, data storage (physical and electronic) protocols. · Discuss any adjustment to assay data. | · Historical drilling- no sampling reported |
Location of data points | · Accuracy and quality of surveys used to locate drill holes (collar and down-hole surveys), trenches, mine workings and other locations used in Mineral Resource estimation. · Specification of the grid system used. · Quality and adequacy of topographic control. | · The topography is generally low relief to flat, elevation within the dune corridors in ranges between 250-265m AHD steepening to the southeast; · All collar coordinates are provided in the Geocentric Datum of Australian (GDA20 Zone 51). All relative depth information is reported in Australian Height Datum (AHD); · Historical drilling- where recorded holes are located by GPS with +/-30m accuracy. |
Data spacing and distribution | · Data spacing for reporting of Exploration Results. · Whether the data spacing and distribution is sufficient to establish the degree of geological and grade continuity appropriate for the Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve estimation procedure(s) and classifications applied. · Whether sample compositing has been applied. | · Historical drilling has been completed by numerous companies over many years, comprising a range of drill methods and spacings, from 400m x 400m vertical aircore grids through to 25m spaced shallow holes on 800m spaced lines, with limited fences of 100m to 200m spaced deeper RC and diamond drilling on broad spaced, up to 800m, fences. · The historical drilling and drill spacing is not suitable for resource estimation. |
Orientation of data in relation to geological structure | · Whether the orientation of sampling achieves unbiased sampling of possible structures and the extent to which this is known, considering the deposit type. · If the relationship between the drilling orientation and the orientation of key mineralised structures is considered to have introduced a sampling bias, this should be assessed and reported if material. | · Historical drilling- no sampling or structure reported · Drilling is oriented at various angles to folded layering, and to identified sulphide mineralized structures. The relationship to possible mineralized structures is unknown at this stage.
Sample security | · The measures taken to ensure sample security. | · Historical drilling- not recorded |
Audits or reviews | · The results of any audits or reviews of sampling techniques and data. | · No audits or reviews have been completed. |
Section 2 Reporting of Exploration Results
(Criteria listed in the preceding section also apply to this section.)
Criteria | JORC Code explanation | Commentary |
Mineral tenement and land tenure status | · Type, reference name/number, location and ownership including agreements or material issues with third parties such as joint ventures, partnerships, overriding royalties, native title interests, historical sites, wilderness or national park and environmental settings. · The security of the tenure held at the time of reporting along with any known impediments to obtaining a licence to operate in the area. | · The Juri JV tenements (E45/4928 and E45/4512) are owned by Greatland Pty Ltd (75%) and Newcrest Operations Limited ("Newcrest"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Newcrest Mining Limited (25%). Newcrest can earn up to 75% · The tenement is subject to a Land Access Agreement (LAA) with Western Desert Lands Aboriginal Corporation;
Exploration done by other parties | · Acknowledgment and appraisal of exploration by other parties. | · Drilling and surface sampling has been completed on the Black Hills tenement, and ilimited drilling on the Paterson Range East tenement, by companies including: · CBM (1974-1989) · Peko (- 1978) · Marathon Petroleum (-1979) · Western Mining Corporation (1980- · 1981) · Duval (1984) · Malateur (1985-1986) · Newmont (1986-1996) · Freeport (1987-1988) · Newcrest (1995-1997) · Normandy Exploration (1998-1999) · Croesus Mining (2000-2001) · Opus Exploration (2001-2002) · Range River Gold (2003-2005) · Newcrest (2009-2015); and · Greatland 2018 to now
· Historical drilling referred to in the text or figures are sourced from GSWA Open File reports (WAMEX "A" numbers) 28250, 57453, 60010, 97054, 101401 and 104953 |
Geology | · Deposit type, geological setting and style of mineralisation. | · Exploration is for intrusion related Au-Cu deposits similar to Telfer, Havieron and Winu, all located in Neo-Proterozoic Yeneena Group sediments of the Paterson Province, Western Australia |
Drill hole Information | · A summary of all information material to the understanding of the exploration results including a tabulation of the following information for all Material drill holes: o easting and northing of the drill hole collar o elevation or RL (Reduced Level - elevation above sea level in metres) of the drill hole collar o dip and azimuth of the hole o down hole length and interception depth o hole length. · If the exclusion of this information is justified on the basis that the information is not Material and this exclusion does not detract from the understanding of the report, the Competent Person should clearly explain why this is the case. | · Historical drill hole results are not reported in this release and drill hole collars are shown for reference only in the Figures, and until detailed ground electromagnetic data over the priority TEM anomalies are collected and interpreted drill hole results are not considered material to this announcement. · Results from Greatland drilling quoted in the text are reported in a previous Greatland release ""Black Hills - Final Drill Results & New Geophysical Targets", dated 14/11/2019. |
Data aggregation methods | · In reporting Exploration Results, weighting averaging techniques, maximum and/or minimum grade truncations (eg cutting of high grades) and cut-off grades are usually Material and should be stated. · Where aggregate intercepts incorporate short lengths of high grade results and longer lengths of low grade results, the procedure used for such aggregation should be stated and some typical examples of such aggregations should be shown in detail. · The assumptions used for any reporting of metal equivalent values should be clearly stated. | · No significant results have been reported, and no data aggregation methods have been applied.
Relationship between mineralis-ation widths and intercept lengths | · These relationships are particularly important in the reporting of Exploration Results. · If the geometry of the mineralisation with respect to the drill hole angle is known, its nature should be reported. · If it is not known and only the down hole lengths are reported, there should be a clear statement to this effect (eg 'down hole length, true width not known'). | · No significant results are reported, and there is no known relationship between reported widths and the geometry of any mineralization. |
Diagrams | · Appropriate maps and sections (with scales) and tabulations of intercepts should be included for any significant discovery being reported These should include, but not be limited to a plan view of drill hole collar locations and appropriate sectional views. | · Maps are provided in Figure 1 and 2. No significant discovery is reported and no sections are provided. |
Balanced reporting | · Where comprehensive reporting of all Exploration Results is not practicable, representative reporting of both low and high grades and/or widths should be practiced to avoid misleading reporting of Exploration Results. | · The reporting is considered balanced |
Other substantive exploration data | · Other exploration data, if meaningful and material, should be reported including (but not limited to): geological observations; geophysical survey results; geochemical survey results; bulk samples - size and method of treatment; metallurgical test results; bulk density, groundwater, geotechnical and rock characteristics; potential deleterious or contaminating substances. | · No other substantive exploration data is considered meaningful or material to the AEM results reported here. |
Further work | · The nature and scale of planned further work (eg tests for lateral extensions or depth extensions or large-scale step-out drilling). · Diagrams clearly highlighting the areas of possible extensions, including the main geological interpretations and future drilling areas, provided this information is not commercially sensitive. | · Follow-up ground TEM and drilling is proposed for the 2021 field season |
Juri JV : Historical and GPL Drill Hole Collar Locations
Hole_ID | Hole Type | Max Depth | East | North | RL | Dip | Azi |
| Hole_ID | Hole Type | Max Depth | East | North | RL | Dip | Azi |
BH11H02 | PC | 12 | 448246 | 7608663 | 269 | -55 | 278 |
| NBH111 | RAB | 18 | 445014 | 7611038 | 265 | -70 | 232 |
BH11H03 | PC | 15 | 448237 | 7608659 | 270 | -50 | 78 |
| NBH112 | RAB | 34 | 445033 | 7611051 | 266 | -70 | 237 |
BH11H04 | PC | 20 | 448226 | 7608656 | 270 | -50 | 78 |
| NBH12 | DD | 153 | 447167 | 7609355 | 250 | -60 | 46 |
BH12H11 | PC | 45 | 445259 | 7610381 | 272 | -55 | 278 |
| NBH2001 | RAB | 36 | 445374 | 7609780 | 270 | -90 | 360 |
BH18H01 | PC | 49 | 445287 | 7610340 | 274 | -55 | 278 |
| NBH2002 | RAB | 36 | 445388 | 7609787 | 270 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0801 | RAB | 60 | 443147 | 7612446 | 259 | -60 | 136 |
| NBH2003 | RAB | 36 | 445407 | 7609795 | 270 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0802 | RAB | 64 | 443172 | 7612426 | 259 | -60 | 136 |
| NBH2004 | RAB | 36 | 445437 | 7609803 | 269 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0803 | RAB | 60 | 443192 | 7612401 | 259 | -60 | 136 |
| NBH2005 | RAB | 40 | 445449 | 7609812 | 269 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0804 | RAB | 60 | 443212 | 7612386 | 259 | -60 | 136 |
| NBH2006 | RAB | 60 | 445481 | 7609825 | 268 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0805 | RAB | 50 | 443237 | 7612366 | 259 | -60 | 136 |
| NBH2007 | RAB | 40 | 445577 | 7609860 | 269 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0806 | RAB | 60 | 443252 | 7612351 | 259 | -60 | 136 |
| NBH2008 | RAB | 36 | 445600 | 7609867 | 271 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0807 | RAB | 28 | 443272 | 7612326 | 260 | -60 | 136 |
| NBH2009 | RAB | 36 | 445606 | 7609870 | 272 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0808 | RAB | 62 | 443282 | 7612316 | 260 | -60 | 136 |
| NBH2010 | RAB | 50 | 445617 | 7609877 | 273 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0809 | RAB | 50 | 443302 | 7612296 | 260 | -60 | 136 |
| NBH3501 | RAB | 34 | 445627 | 7609512 | 273 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0810 | RAB | 40 | 443322 | 7612281 | 260 | -60 | 136 |
| NBH3502 | RAB | 36 | 445604 | 7609540 | 270 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0811 | RAB | 52 | 443337 | 7612266 | 260 | -60 | 136 |
| NBH3503 | RAB | 60 | 445641 | 7609573 | 271 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0812 | RAB | 43 | 443357 | 7612251 | 261 | -60 | 136 |
| NBH3504 | RAB | 36 | 445679 | 7609608 | 273 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0813 | RAB | 40 | 443372 | 7612236 | 261 | -60 | 136 |
| NBH3505 | RAB | 36 | 445718 | 7609643 | 274 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0814 | RAB | 54 | 443387 | 7612221 | 261 | -60 | 136 |
| NBH3506 | RAB | 36 | 445754 | 7609679 | 273 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0901 | RAB | 60 | 444122 | 7609551 | 253 | -60 | 42 |
| NBH3507 | RAB | 36 | 445791 | 7609709 | 275 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0902 | RAB | 72 | 444242 | 7609576 | 256 | -60 | 52 |
| NBH3508 | RAB | 0.1 | 445591 | 7609472 | 276 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0903 | RAB | 62 | 444172 | 7609606 | 257 | -60 | 52 |
| NBH3601 | RAB | 30 | 445942 | 7608802 | 272 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0904 | RAB | 72 | 444202 | 7609636 | 259 | -60 | 52 |
| NBH3601A | RAB | 6 | 445950 | 7608800 | 271 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0905 | RAB | 76 | 444227 | 7609666 | 258 | -60 | 52 |
| NBH3602 | RAB | 24 | 445997 | 7608792 | 268 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0906 | RAB | 72 | 444252 | 7609691 | 257 | -60 | 52 |
| NBH3603 | RAB | 36 | 446049 | 7608789 | 268 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0907 | RAB | 76 | 444282 | 7609721 | 256 | -60 | 52 |
| NBH3604 | RAB | 60 | 446100 | 7608787 | 268 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0908 | RAB | 60 | 444307 | 7609751 | 256 | -60 | 52 |
| NBH3605 | RAB | 42 | 446152 | 7608779 | 265 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0909 | RAB | 76 | 444332 | 7609781 | 256 | -60 | 222 |
| NBH3606 | RAB | 36 | 446202 | 7608776 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
BHB0910 | RAB | 75 | 444357 | 7609806 | 256 | -60 | 222 |
| NBH3607 | RAB | 36 | 446251 | 7608770 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
BHB1001 | RAB | 76 | 444572 | 7609221 | 261 | -60 | 226 |
| NBH3608 | RAB | 36 | 446299 | 7608765 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
BHB1002 | RAB | 76 | 444612 | 7609266 | 259 | -60 | 226 |
| NBH3609 | RAB | 36 | 446337 | 7608762 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
BHB1003 | RAB | 75 | 444517 | 7609081 | 257 | -60 | 52 |
| NBH3610 | RAB | 36 | 446402 | 7608753 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BHB1004 | RAB | 56 | 444537 | 7609031 | 255 | -60 | 226 |
| NBH3611 | RAB | 48 | 446450 | 7608748 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
BHB1005 | RAB | 72 | 444557 | 7609046 | 256 | -60 | 226 |
| NBH3612 | RAB | 40 | 446501 | 7608744 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BHB1006 | RAB | 78 | 444587 | 7609071 | 257 | -60 | 226 |
| NBH3613 | RAB | 36 | 446553 | 7608741 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BHB1007 | RAB | 66 | 444607 | 7609096 | 258 | -60 | 226 |
| NBH3614 | RAB | 36 | 446600 | 7608733 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
BHB1008 | RAB | 75 | 444637 | 7609121 | 259 | -60 | 226 |
| NBH3615 | RAB | 36 | 446648 | 7608726 | 257 | -90 | 360 |
BHB1009 | RAB | 60 | 444662 | 7609146 | 261 | -60 | 226 |
| NBH3616 | RAB | 36 | 446698 | 7608723 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
BHB1010 | RAB | 75 | 444687 | 7609166 | 263 | -60 | 226 |
| NBH3617 | RAB | 48 | 446752 | 7608719 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
BHB1011 | RAB | 72 | 444712 | 7609191 | 265 | -60 | 226 |
| NBH3618 | RAB | 36 | 446775 | 7608719 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
BHB1012 | RAB | 69 | 444732 | 7609216 | 263 | -60 | 226 |
| NBH3619 | RAB | 32 | 446800 | 7608715 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
BHB1101 | RAB | 48 | 443136 | 7612540 | 259 | -60 | 316 |
| NBH3620 | RAB | 36 | 446825 | 7608714 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
BHB1102 | RAB | 44 | 443154 | 7612522 | 259 | -60 | 316 |
| NBH3621 | RAB | 40 | 446849 | 7608713 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
BHB1103 | RAB | 40 | 443168 | 7612508 | 260 | -60 | 316 |
| NBH3629 | RAB | 6 | 446350 | 7608757 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
BHB1104 | RAB | 44 | 443179 | 7612497 | 260 | -60 | 316 |
| NBH3701 | RAB | 70 | 446561 | 7609705 | 269 | -70 | 250 |
BHB1105 | RAB | 44 | 443196 | 7612480 | 260 | -60 | 316 |
| NBH3702 | RAB | 60 | 446549 | 7609690 | 266 | -70 | 250 |
BHB1106 | RAB | 44 | 443210 | 7612466 | 259 | -60 | 316 |
| NBH3703 | RAB | 60 | 446540 | 7609663 | 261 | -70 | 250 |
BHB1107 | RAB | 44 | 443225 | 7612451 | 259 | -60 | 316 |
| NBH3704 | RAB | 60 | 446530 | 7609644 | 258 | -70 | 250 |
BHB1201 | RAB | 42 | 443405 | 7612525 | 260 | -60 | 316 |
| NBH3705 | RAB | 60 | 446520 | 7609621 | 258 | -70 | 250 |
BHB1202 | RAB | 44 | 443419 | 7612511 | 260 | -60 | 316 |
| NBH3706 | RAB | 60 | 446508 | 7609600 | 259 | -70 | 250 |
BHB1203 | RAB | 44 | 443433 | 7612497 | 260 | -60 | 316 |
| NBH3707 | RAB | 60 | 446499 | 7609583 | 261 | -70 | 250 |
BHB1204 | RAB | 46 | 443465 | 7612465 | 261 | -60 | 316 |
| NBH3708 | RAB | 60 | 446492 | 7609570 | 262 | -70 | 250 |
BHB1205 | RAB | 44 | 443483 | 7612447 | 262 | -60 | 316 |
| NBH3709 | RAB | 60 | 446482 | 7609553 | 263 | -70 | 250 |
BHB1206 | RAB | 43 | 443500 | 7612429 | 263 | -60 | 316 |
| NBH3710 | RAB | 60 | 446472 | 7609529 | 263 | -70 | 250 |
BHB4301 | RAB | 50 | 446646 | 7609527 | 259 | 0 | 0 |
| NBH3711 | RAB | 60 | 446453 | 7609490 | 261 | -70 | 250 |
BHB4302 | RAB | 50 | 446639 | 7609511 | 258 | 0 | 0 |
| NBH3712 | RAB | 44 | 446429 | 7609447 | 259 | -70 | 250 |
BHB4303 | RAB | 50 | 446633 | 7609497 | 257 | 0 | 0 |
| NBH3713 | RAB | 50 | 446411 | 7609410 | 260 | -70 | 250 |
BHB4304 | RAB | 50 | 446623 | 7609479 | 255 | 0 | 0 |
| NBH3714 | RAB | 60 | 446383 | 7609365 | 263 | -70 | 250 |
BHB4305 | RAB | 50 | 446617 | 7609471 | 255 | 0 | 0 |
| NBH3801 | RAB | 60 | 446562 | 7609617 | 258 | -70 | 250 |
BHB4306 | RAB | 0.1 | 446612 | 7609453 | 254 | 0 | 0 |
| NBH3802 | RAB | 60 | 446554 | 7609603 | 259 | -70 | 250 |
BHB4401 | RAB | 50 | 446677 | 7609429 | 254 | 0 | 0 |
| NBH3803 | RAB | 60 | 446544 | 7609587 | 259 | -70 | 250 |
BHB4402 | RAB | 50 | 446671 | 7609412 | 254 | 0 | 0 |
| NBH3804 | RAB | 60 | 446536 | 7609571 | 260 | -70 | 250 |
BHB4403 | RAB | 50 | 446664 | 7609394 | 254 | 0 | 0 |
| NBH3901 | RAB | 62 | 446502 | 7609909 | 270 | -70 | 258 |
BHB4404 | RAB | 50 | 446651 | 7609374 | 254 | 0 | 0 |
| NBH3902 | RAB | 64 | 446493 | 7609895 | 271 | -70 | 258 |
BHB4405 | RAB | 50 | 446643 | 7609357 | 254 | 0 | 0 |
| NBH3903 | RAB | 60 | 446485 | 7609878 | 273 | -70 | 258 |
BHB4705 | RAB | 54 | 445059 | 7609829 | 270 | 0 | 0 |
| NBH3904 | RAB | 60 | 446476 | 7609865 | 274 | -70 | 258 |
BHB4706 | RAB | 60 | 445082 | 7609850 | 273 | 0 | 0 |
| NBH3905 | RAB | 76 | 446472 | 7609857 | 274 | -70 | 258 |
BHB4801 | RAB | 58 | 445196 | 7609549 | 264 | 0 | 0 |
| NBH3906 | RAB | 66 | 446462 | 7609839 | 275 | -70 | 258 |
BHB4802 | RAB | 52 | 445223 | 7609577 | 263 | 0 | 0 |
| NBH4201 | RAB | 62 | 444740 | 7609380 | 258 | -70 | 96 |
BHB4803 | RAB | 58 | 445251 | 7609601 | 264 | 0 | 0 |
| NBH4202 | RAB | 60 | 444720 | 7609375 | 258 | -70 | 96 |
BHB4804 | RAB | 60 | 445262 | 7609608 | 264 | 0 | 0 |
| NBH4203 | RAB | 60 | 444706 | 7609367 | 258 | -70 | 96 |
BHB5001 | RAB | 58 | 445955 | 7608523 | 258 | 0 | 0 |
| NBH4204 | RAB | 64 | 444671 | 7609357 | 258 | -70 | 96 |
BHB5002 | RAB | 60 | 445967 | 7608546 | 258 | 0 | 0 |
| NBH4205 | RAB | 60 | 444644 | 7609350 | 258 | -70 | 96 |
BHB5003 | RAB | 59 | 445989 | 7608581 | 258 | 0 | 0 |
| NBH4206 | RAB | 64 | 444636 | 7609348 | 258 | -70 | 96 |
BHB5004 | RAB | 60 | 446005 | 7608609 | 258 | 0 | 0 |
| NBH-WB | PC | 42 | 448065 | 7608951 | 252 | 0 | 0 |
BHB5005 | RAB | 44 | 446021 | 7608635 | 259 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1402 | RAB | 10 | 443309 | 7612738 | 267 | -90 | 360 |
BHB5101 | RAB | 57 | 445929 | 7608182 | 250 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1403 | RAB | 12 | 443342 | 7612767 | 268 | -90 | 360 |
BHB5102 | RAB | 60 | 445965 | 7608203 | 251 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1404 | RAB | 12 | 443376 | 7612797 | 266 | -90 | 360 |
BHB5103 | RAB | 60 | 445989 | 7608210 | 252 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1405 | RAB | 14 | 443410 | 7612826 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
BHB5201 | RAB | 54 | 446763 | 7608923 | 255 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1406 | RAB | 8 | 443444 | 7612856 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BHB5202 | RAB | 50 | 446745 | 7608916 | 255 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1407 | RAB | 8 | 443477 | 7612886 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
BHB5203 | RAB | 60 | 446747 | 7608905 | 256 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1408 | RAB | 8 | 443511 | 7612915 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BHB5204 | RAB | 48 | 446721 | 7608883 | 256 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1409 | RAB | 8 | 443545 | 7612945 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
BHB5205 | RAB | 0.1 | 446706 | 7608863 | 256 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1410 | RAB | 14 | 443579 | 7612975 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
BHC1301 | NR | 0.1 | 444940 | 7610354 | 275 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1411 | RAB | 8 | 443613 | 7613004 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
BHC1302 | NR | 0.1 | 444953 | 7610366 | 274 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1412 | RAB | 8 | 443646 | 7613034 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
BHC1303 | NR | 0.1 | 444969 | 7610373 | 273 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1413 | RAB | 8 | 443680 | 7613064 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
BHC1304 | NR | 0.1 | 444976 | 7610382 | 273 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1414 | RAB | 6 | 443714 | 7613093 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BHC1305 | NR | 0.1 | 444988 | 7610389 | 273 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1415 | RAB | 6 | 443748 | 7613123 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
BHC1306 | NR | 0.1 | 444999 | 7610402 | 272 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1416 | RAB | 6 | 443782 | 7613153 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
BHC1307 | NR | 0.1 | 445012 | 7610409 | 272 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1417 | RAB | 6 | 443815 | 7613182 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
BHC1308 | NR | 0.1 | 445021 | 7610421 | 272 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1423 | RAB | 12 | 445212 | 7613081 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
BHC1309 | NR | 0.1 | 445039 | 7610420 | 272 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1424 | RAB | 18 | 445171 | 7613044 | 257 | -90 | 360 |
BHC1310 | NR | 0.1 | 445047 | 7610440 | 272 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1425 | RAB | 8 | 445130 | 7613008 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
BHC1311 | NR | 0.1 | 445045 | 7610412 | 272 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1426 | RAB | 12 | 445089 | 7612972 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
BHC9401 | DD | 224.8 | 445741 | 7609619 | 274 | -60 | 247 |
| PPR1427 | RAB | 18 | 445048 | 7612936 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BHC9402 | DD | 600 | 445119 | 7610409 | 271 | -75 | 297 |
| PPR1428 | RAB | 12 | 445007 | 7612900 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
BHC9403 | DD | 600 | 445765 | 7609414 | 273 | -75 | 7 |
| PPR1429 | RAB | 18 | 444966 | 7612864 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BHC9404 | DD | 600 | 445546 | 7609777 | 267 | -75 | 232 |
| PPR1430 | RAB | 18 | 444925 | 7612828 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BHC9405 | DD | 600.7 | 444903 | 7610676 | 266 | -80 | 232 |
| PPR1431 | RAB | 18 | 444884 | 7612792 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BHC9406 | DD | 288.3 | 445891 | 7608914 | 265 | -80 | 232 |
| PPR1432 | RAB | 18 | 444843 | 7612756 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BHC9407 | DD | 501.8 | 445928 | 7608955 | 266 | -80 | 247 |
| PPR1433 | RAB | 18 | 444802 | 7612720 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
BHCB28 | RAB | 0.1 | 445455 | 7610354 | 274 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1434 | RAB | 18 | 444761 | 7612684 | 264 | -90 | 360 |
BHCB29 | RAB | 0.1 | 445439 | 7610338 | 272 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1435 | RAB | 18 | 444720 | 7612648 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
BHCB30 | RAB | 0.1 | 445423 | 7610327 | 271 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1436 | RAB | 18 | 444679 | 7612612 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BHCB31 | RAB | 0.1 | 445409 | 7610320 | 271 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1437 | RAB | 18 | 444638 | 7612576 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
BHCB32 | RAB | 0.1 | 445399 | 7610311 | 270 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1438 | RAB | 16 | 444597 | 7612540 | 265 | -90 | 360 |
BHCB33 | RAB | 0.1 | 445389 | 7610304 | 270 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1439 | RAB | 18 | 444556 | 7612504 | 268 | -90 | 360 |
BHCB34 | RAB | 0.1 | 445379 | 7610294 | 270 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1440 | RAB | 18 | 444515 | 7612468 | 271 | -90 | 360 |
BHCB35 | RAB | 0.1 | 445353 | 7610273 | 270 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1441 | RAB | 18 | 444474 | 7612432 | 273 | -90 | 360 |
BHCB36 | RAB | 0.1 | 445327 | 7610254 | 273 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1442 | RAB | 18 | 444433 | 7612396 | 271 | -90 | 360 |
BHCB37 | RAB | 0.1 | 445308 | 7610234 | 275 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1443 | RAB | 16 | 444392 | 7612360 | 272 | -90 | 360 |
BHCB38 | RAB | 0.1 | 445285 | 7610216 | 278 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1444 | RAB | 8 | 444351 | 7612324 | 272 | -90 | 360 |
BHCB39 | RAB | 0.1 | 445263 | 7610202 | 278 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1445 | RAB | 6 | 444310 | 7612288 | 272 | -90 | 360 |
BHCB40 | RAB | 0.1 | 445251 | 7610180 | 279 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1446 | RAB | 18 | 444269 | 7612251 | 273 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP177 | RAB | 0.1 | 445931 | 7610537 | 285 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1447 | RAB | 18 | 444009 | 7611975 | 268 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP178 | RAB | 0.1 | 445957 | 7610550 | 284 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1448 | RAB | 18 | 443987 | 7611956 | 267 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP179 | RAB | 0.1 | 445972 | 7610563 | 282 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1449 | RAB | 18 | 443965 | 7611938 | 267 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP180 | RAB | 0.1 | 445986 | 7610571 | 281 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1450 | RAB | 18 | 443943 | 7611919 | 266 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP181 | RAB | 0.1 | 446007 | 7610581 | 279 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1451 | RAB | 18 | 443921 | 7611901 | 266 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP182 | RAB | 0.1 | 446026 | 7610585 | 277 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1452 | RAB | 16 | 443899 | 7611882 | 266 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP183 | RAB | 0.1 | 446045 | 7610609 | 273 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1453 | RAB | 16 | 443878 | 7611864 | 265 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP184 | RAB | 0.1 | 446069 | 7610619 | 271 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1454 | RAB | 14 | 443856 | 7611846 | 265 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP185 | RAB | 0.1 | 446092 | 7610638 | 269 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1455 | RAB | 14 | 443834 | 7611827 | 265 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP186 | RAB | 0.1 | 446109 | 7610647 | 269 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1456 | RAB | 36 | 443812 | 7611809 | 265 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP187 | RAB | 0.1 | 446125 | 7610661 | 269 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1457 | RAB | 30 | 443790 | 7611790 | 266 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP188 | RAB | 0.1 | 446144 | 7610669 | 269 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1458 | RAB | 6 | 443769 | 7611772 | 265 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP189 | RAB | 0.1 | 446172 | 7610684 | 269 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1459 | RAB | 14 | 443747 | 7611754 | 265 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP190 | RAB | 0.1 | 446188 | 7610701 | 269 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1460 | RAB | 12 | 443725 | 7611735 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP191 | RAB | 0.1 | 446209 | 7610711 | 269 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1461 | RAB | 26 | 443703 | 7611717 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP192 | RAB | 0.1 | 446227 | 7610723 | 268 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1462 | RAB | 28 | 443681 | 7611698 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP193 | RAB | 0.1 | 446250 | 7610735 | 267 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1463 | RAB | 28 | 443660 | 7611680 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP213 | RAB | 0.1 | 444495 | 7610621 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1464 | RAB | 30 | 443638 | 7611661 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP214 | RAB | 0.1 | 444480 | 7610607 | 259 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1465 | RAB | 20 | 443616 | 7611643 | 257 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP215 | RAB | 0.1 | 444467 | 7610600 | 259 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1466 | RAB | 30 | 443594 | 7611625 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP216 | RAB | 0.1 | 444454 | 7610590 | 259 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1467 | RAB | 20 | 443572 | 7611606 | 254 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP217 | RAB | 0.1 | 444441 | 7610578 | 259 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1468 | RAB | 28 | 443551 | 7611588 | 254 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP218 | RAB | 0.1 | 444426 | 7610566 | 259 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1469 | RAB | 36 | 443529 | 7611569 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP219 | RAB | 0.1 | 444418 | 7610554 | 259 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1470 | RAB | 32 | 443507 | 7611551 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP220 | RAB | 0.1 | 444410 | 7610546 | 259 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1471 | RAB | 30 | 443485 | 7611533 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP221 | RAB | 0.1 | 444393 | 7610530 | 259 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1472 | RAB | 32 | 443463 | 7611514 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP222 | RAB | 0.1 | 444381 | 7610520 | 259 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1473 | RAB | 28 | 443442 | 7611496 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP223 | RAB | 0.1 | 444374 | 7610509 | 259 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1474 | RAB | 30 | 443420 | 7611477 | 254 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP224 | RAB | 0.1 | 444360 | 7610497 | 259 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1475 | RAB | 32 | 443398 | 7611459 | 254 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP225 | RAB | 0.1 | 444348 | 7610485 | 258 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1476 | RAB | 30 | 443376 | 7611441 | 254 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP226 | RAB | 0.1 | 444336 | 7610474 | 258 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1477 | RAB | 36 | 443354 | 7611422 | 254 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP227 | RAB | 0.1 | 444309 | 7610452 | 256 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1478 | RAB | 36 | 443333 | 7611404 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP228 | RAB | 0.1 | 444300 | 7610443 | 256 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1479 | RAB | 34 | 443311 | 7611385 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP229 | RAB | 0.1 | 444286 | 7610430 | 256 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1480 | RAB | 32 | 443289 | 7611367 | 252 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP231 | RAB | 0.1 | 444274 | 7610417 | 256 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1481 | RAB | 34 | 443267 | 7611348 | 252 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP232 | RAB | 0.1 | 444262 | 7610407 | 257 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1482 | RAB | 32 | 443245 | 7611330 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP233 | RAB | 0.1 | 444254 | 7610397 | 258 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1483 | RAB | 34 | 443224 | 7611312 | 254 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP234 | RAB | 0.1 | 444241 | 7610387 | 258 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1484 | RAB | 26 | 443202 | 7611293 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
BHMP235 | RAB | 0.1 | 444227 | 7610374 | 259 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1485 | RAB | 30 | 443180 | 7611275 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
BHR01 | RC | 103 | 445074 | 7609749 | 260 | -60 | 45 |
| PPR1486 | RAB | 20 | 443158 | 7611256 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
BHR02 | RC | 100 | 444863 | 7609561 | 260 | -60 | 45 |
| PPR1487 | RAB | 26 | 443136 | 7611238 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
BHR03 | RC | 124 | 444643 | 7609400 | 260 | -60 | 45 |
| PPR1488 | RAB | 32 | 443115 | 7611220 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
BHR04 | RC | 130 | 444604 | 7609277 | 260 | -60 | 45 |
| PPR1489 | RAB | 36 | 443093 | 7611201 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
BHR05 | RC | 106 | 444492 | 7609164 | 260 | -60 | 45 |
| PPR1556 | RAB | 12 | 443268 | 7612687 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
BHR06 | RC | 100 | 444292 | 7609030 | 260 | -60 | 45 |
| PPR1557 | RAB | 16 | 443248 | 7612669 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BHR07 | RC | 118 | 445433 | 7608337 | 260 | -60 | 70 |
| PPR1558 | RAB | 14 | 443228 | 7612651 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
BHR08 | RC | 124 | 445650 | 7608438 | 260 | -60 | 70 |
| PPR1559 | RAB | 14 | 443208 | 7612634 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
BHR09 | RC | 118 | 445917 | 7608560 | 260 | -60 | 70 |
| PPR1560 | RAB | 14 | 443188 | 7612616 | 257 | -90 | 360 |
BHR10 | RC | 120 | 446126 | 7608630 | 261 | -60 | 250 |
| PPR1561 | RAB | 16 | 443168 | 7612599 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
BHR11 | RC | 120 | 446355 | 7608663 | 270 | -60 | 250 |
| PPR1562 | RAB | 16 | 443148 | 7612581 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
BHR12 | RC | 118 | 446651 | 7608806 | 258 | -60 | 250 |
| PPR1563 | RAB | 22 | 443128 | 7612564 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
BHR13 | RC | 124 | 446843 | 7608866 | 255 | -60 | 250 |
| PPR1564 | RAB | 24 | 443108 | 7612546 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
BHR14 | RC | 126 | 447086 | 7608941 | 253 | -60 | 250 |
| PPR1565 | RAB | 30 | 443088 | 7612529 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
BHR15 | RC | 100 | 447220 | 7607865 | 247 | -60 | 250 |
| PPR1566 | RAB | 24 | 443068 | 7612511 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
BHR16 | RC | 126 | 446977 | 7607820 | 248 | -60 | 250 |
| PPR1589 | RAB | 20 | 443142 | 7611993 | 265 | -90 | 360 |
BHR17 | RC | 114 | 446718 | 7607748 | 247 | -60 | 250 |
| PPR1590 | RAB | 20 | 443159 | 7612009 | 265 | -90 | 360 |
BHR25 | RC | 120 | 445854 | 7610726 | 276 | -60 | 250 |
| PPR1591 | RAB | 20 | 443177 | 7612026 | 265 | -90 | 360 |
BHR26 | RC | 124 | 446093 | 7610785 | 270 | -60 | 250 |
| PPR1592 | RAB | 18 | 443195 | 7612043 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
BHR27 | RC | 115 | 446334 | 7610899 | 267 | -60 | 250 |
| PPR1593 | RAB | 6 | 443213 | 7612060 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
BHR28 | RC | 124 | 446586 | 7610941 | 262 | -60 | 250 |
| PPR1594 | RAB | 20 | 443231 | 7612077 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BHR29 | RC | 118 | 446849 | 7611041 | 269 | -60 | 250 |
| PPR1595 | RAB | 20 | 443249 | 7612094 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BHR30 | RC | 130 | 447031 | 7611104 | 261 | -60 | 250 |
| PPR1596 | RAB | 18 | 443267 | 7612111 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BHR31 | RC | 124 | 445562 | 7612159 | 260 | -60 | 225 |
| PPR1597 | RAB | 18 | 443285 | 7612127 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BHR32 | RC | 121 | 445433 | 7612014 | 261 | -60 | 225 |
| PPR1598 | RAB | 20 | 443303 | 7612144 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BHR33 | RC | 98 | 445205 | 7611845 | 261 | -60 | 225 |
| PPR1599 | RAB | 18 | 443321 | 7612161 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BHR34 | RC | 130 | 445061 | 7611642 | 265 | -60 | 225 |
| PPR1600 | RAB | 18 | 443339 | 7612178 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BHR35 | RC | 58 | 444948 | 7611541 | 269 | -60 | 225 |
| PPR1601 | RAB | 18 | 443357 | 7612195 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BHR36 | RC | 106 | 444948 | 7611541 | 269 | -60 | 225 |
| PPR1602 | RAB | 18 | 443375 | 7612212 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BHR37 | RC | 124 | 444745 | 7611248 | 262 | -60 | 225 |
| PPR1603 | RAB | 16 | 443393 | 7612229 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BHR38 | RC | 118 | 444546 | 7611123 | 259 | -60 | 45 |
| PPR1604 | RAB | 18 | 443411 | 7612245 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BHR39 | RC | 136 | 444382 | 7610948 | 261 | -60 | 45 |
| PPR1605 | RAB | 12 | 443429 | 7612262 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BHR40 | RC | 82 | 444197 | 7610764 | 254 | -60 | 45 |
| PPR1606 | RAB | 12 | 443447 | 7612279 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BHR40A | RC | 10 | 444172 | 7610714 | 254 | -60 | 45 |
| PPR1607 | RAB | 12 | 443464 | 7612296 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BHR41 | RC | 24 | 444172 | 7610714 | 254 | -60 | 45 |
| PPR1608 | RAB | 12 | 443482 | 7612313 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BHR42 | RC | 119 | 444006 | 7610541 | 255 | -60 | 45 |
| PPR1609 | RAB | 12 | 443500 | 7612330 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BHR43 | RC | 120 | 443862 | 7610437 | 257 | -60 | 45 |
| PPR1610 | RAB | 12 | 443518 | 7612347 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BHR44 | RC | 124 | 443674 | 7610250 | 252 | -60 | 45 |
| PPR1611 | RAB | 12 | 443536 | 7612363 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BHR45 | RC | 34 | 443074 | 7611192 | 257 | -60 | 45 |
| PPR1612 | RAB | 8 | 443554 | 7612380 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
BHR45A | RC | 22 | 443073 | 7611192 | 260 | -60 | 45 |
| PPR1613 | RAB | 10 | 443572 | 7612397 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
BHR46 | RC | 118 | 443239 | 7611356 | 253 | -60 | 45 |
| PPR1614 | RAB | 18 | 443590 | 7612414 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
BHR47 | RC | 90 | 443405 | 7611566 | 253 | -60 | 45 |
| PPR1615 | RAB | 10 | 443608 | 7612431 | 264 | -90 | 360 |
BHR48 | RC | 148 | 443520 | 7611636 | 254 | -60 | 45 |
| PPR1616 | RAB | 12 | 443626 | 7612448 | 264 | -90 | 360 |
BHR49 | RC | 118 | 443676 | 7611808 | 267 | -60 | 45 |
| PPR1617 | RAB | 12 | 443644 | 7612465 | 264 | -90 | 360 |
BHR50 | RC | 118 | 443815 | 7611950 | 264 | -60 | 45 |
| PPR1618 | RAB | 18 | 443662 | 7612481 | 264 | -90 | 360 |
BHR51 | RC | 118 | 443967 | 7612136 | 270 | -60 | 225 |
| PPR1619 | RAB | 18 | 443680 | 7612498 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
BHR52 | RC | 118 | 444219 | 7612256 | 275 | -60 | 225 |
| PPR1620 | RAB | 20 | 443698 | 7612515 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
BHR53 | RC | 114 | 444412 | 7612413 | 271 | -60 | 225 |
| PPR1621 | RAB | 18 | 443716 | 7612532 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
BHR54 | RC | 118 | 444618 | 7612570 | 263 | -60 | 225 |
| PPR1622 | RAB | 18 | 443734 | 7612549 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
BHR55 | RC | 105 | 444757 | 7612741 | 263 | -60 | 225 |
| PPR1623 | RAB | 18 | 443752 | 7612566 | 265 | -90 | 360 |
BHR56 | RC | 120 | 445003 | 7612824 | 258 | -60 | 225 |
| PPR1624 | RAB | 16 | 443770 | 7612583 | 268 | -90 | 360 |
BHR57 | RC | 124 | 443318 | 7612153 | 261 | -60 | 15 |
| PPR1625 | RAB | 6 | 443787 | 7612599 | 272 | -90 | 360 |
BHR58 | RC | 124 | 443328 | 7612235 | 260 | -60 | 15 |
| PPR1626 | RAB | 16 | 444500 | 7611493 | 273 | -90 | 360 |
BHR59 | RC | 121 | 443187 | 7612402 | 259 | -60 | 15 |
| PPR1627 | RAB | 36 | 444547 | 7611521 | 276 | -90 | 360 |
BHR60 | RC | 118 | 443231 | 7612456 | 259 | -60 | 15 |
| PPR1628 | RAB | 36 | 444595 | 7611549 | 273 | -90 | 360 |
BHR61 | RC | 80 | 444967 | 7610506 | 269 | -60 | 315 |
| PPR1629 | RAB | 36 | 444643 | 7611577 | 270 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0101 | RAB | 50 | 445878 | 7611317 | 275 | -70 | 205 |
| PPR1630 | RAB | 40 | 444691 | 7611606 | 269 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0102 | RAB | 50 | 445887 | 7611350 | 270 | -70 | 205 |
| PPR1631 | RAB | 42 | 444739 | 7611634 | 269 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0103 | RAB | 60 | 445921 | 7611384 | 267 | -70 | 205 |
| PPR1632 | RAB | 38 | 444787 | 7611662 | 267 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0104 | RAB | 56 | 445935 | 7611417 | 265 | -70 | 205 |
| PPR1633 | RAB | 26 | 444835 | 7611690 | 265 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0105 | RAB | 60 | 445940 | 7611450 | 264 | -70 | 205 |
| PPR1634 | RAB | 28 | 444883 | 7611719 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0106 | RAB | 38 | 445956 | 7611483 | 264 | -70 | 205 |
| PPR1635 | RAB | 26 | 444931 | 7611747 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0107 | RAB | 60 | 445971 | 7611517 | 263 | -70 | 205 |
| PPR1636 | RAB | 24 | 444979 | 7611775 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0108 | RAB | 60 | 445987 | 7611550 | 262 | -70 | 205 |
| PPR1637 | RAB | 24 | 445027 | 7611803 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0109 | RAB | 46 | 446002 | 7611583 | 261 | -70 | 205 |
| PPR1638 | RAB | 24 | 445074 | 7611832 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0110 | RAB | 50 | 446018 | 7611616 | 260 | -70 | 205 |
| PPR1639 | RAB | 18 | 445122 | 7611860 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0111 | RAB | 36 | 446033 | 7611650 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
| PPR1640 | RAB | 20 | 445170 | 7611888 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0112 | RAB | 32 | 446049 | 7611683 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
| PPR1641 | RAB | 24 | 445218 | 7611916 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0113 | RAB | 30 | 446064 | 7611716 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
| PPR1642 | RAB | 24 | 445266 | 7611945 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0114 | RAB | 36 | 446080 | 7611749 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
| PPR1643 | RAB | 24 | 445314 | 7611973 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0115 | RAB | 33 | 446095 | 7611783 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
| PPR1644 | RAB | 24 | 445362 | 7612001 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0206 | RAB | 60 | 446155 | 7610799 | 269 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1645 | RAB | 24 | 445410 | 7612029 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0207 | RAB | 60 | 446238 | 7610827 | 266 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1646 | RAB | 24 | 445458 | 7612058 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0208 | RAB | 54 | 446321 | 7610855 | 267 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1647 | RAB | 24 | 445506 | 7612086 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0209 | RAB | 60 | 446404 | 7610883 | 266 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1648 | RAB | 20 | 445554 | 7612114 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0210 | RAB | 54 | 446487 | 7610911 | 264 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1649 | RAB | 20 | 445602 | 7612142 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0211 | RAB | 50 | 446877 | 7611042 | 271 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1650 | RAB | 20 | 445649 | 7612171 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0212 | RAB | 46 | 447043 | 7611098 | 261 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1651 | RAB | 22 | 445961 | 7611193 | 282 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0213 | RAB | 50 | 447209 | 7611154 | 264 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1652 | RAB | 20 | 445978 | 7611213 | 280 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0214 | RAB | 52 | 447375 | 7611209 | 258 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1653 | RAB | 22 | 445996 | 7611233 | 278 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0215 | RAB | 32 | 447541 | 7611265 | 262 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1654 | RAB | 20 | 446013 | 7611253 | 275 | -90 | 360 |
BRH0216 | RAB | 50 | 447707 | 7611321 | 258 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1655 | RAB | 24 | 446031 | 7611273 | 273 | -90 | 360 |
BRHB0301 | RAB | 60 | 445580 | 7611464 | 272 | -60 | 203 |
| PPR1656 | RAB | 22 | 446049 | 7611293 | 270 | -90 | 360 |
BRHB0302 | RAB | 58 | 445592 | 7611491 | 270 | -60 | 203 |
| PPR1657 | RAB | 24 | 446066 | 7611313 | 268 | -90 | 360 |
BRHB0303 | RAB | 56 | 445603 | 7611519 | 268 | -60 | 203 |
| PPR1658 | RAB | 28 | 446084 | 7611333 | 266 | -90 | 360 |
BRHB0304 | RAB | 60 | 445614 | 7611547 | 267 | -60 | 203 |
| PPR1659 | RAB | 24 | 446101 | 7611353 | 264 | -90 | 360 |
BRHB0305 | RAB | 60 | 445625 | 7611574 | 267 | -60 | 203 |
| PPR1660 | RAB | 28 | 446119 | 7611373 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
BRHB0306 | RAB | 60 | 445637 | 7611603 | 266 | -60 | 203 |
| PPR1661 | RAB | 18 | 446137 | 7611394 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
BRHB0307 | RAB | 60 | 445648 | 7611630 | 265 | -60 | 203 |
| PPR1662 | RAB | 18 | 446154 | 7611414 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BRHB0308 | RAB | 60 | 445659 | 7611659 | 264 | -60 | 203 |
| PPR1663 | RAB | 18 | 446172 | 7611434 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
BRHB0309 | RAB | 59 | 445671 | 7611686 | 263 | -60 | 203 |
| PPR1664 | RAB | 18 | 446189 | 7611454 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BRHB0310 | RAB | 60 | 445688 | 7611714 | 262 | -60 | 203 |
| PPR1665 | RAB | 24 | 446207 | 7611474 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
BRHB0501 | RAB | 60 | 445692 | 7611387 | 278 | -60 | 245 |
| PPR1666 | RAB | 18 | 446225 | 7611494 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
BRHB0502 | RAB | 60 | 445717 | 7611404 | 274 | -60 | 245 |
| PPR1667 | RAB | 8 | 446242 | 7611514 | 264 | -90 | 360 |
BRHB0503 | RAB | 60 | 445742 | 7611421 | 271 | -60 | 245 |
| PPR1668 | RAB | 18 | 446260 | 7611534 | 264 | -90 | 360 |
BRHB0504 | RAB | 60 | 445766 | 7611439 | 269 | -60 | 245 |
| PPR1669 | RAB | 24 | 446278 | 7611554 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
BRHB0505 | RAB | 60 | 445791 | 7611456 | 269 | -60 | 245 |
| PPR1670 | RAB | 18 | 446295 | 7611574 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
BRHB0506 | RAB | 60 | 445816 | 7611474 | 268 | -60 | 245 |
| PPR1671 | RAB | 18 | 446313 | 7611595 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BRHB0507 | RAB | 60 | 445840 | 7611491 | 266 | -60 | 245 |
| PPR1672 | RAB | 20 | 446330 | 7611615 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
BRHB0508 | RAB | 60 | 445865 | 7611509 | 264 | -60 | 245 |
| PPR1673 | RAB | 18 | 446348 | 7611635 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BRHB0509 | RAB | 60 | 445889 | 7611526 | 261 | -60 | 245 |
| PPR1674 | RAB | 18 | 446366 | 7611655 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
BRHB0510 | RAB | 60 | 445914 | 7611544 | 260 | -60 | 245 |
| PPR1675 | RAB | 18 | 446383 | 7611675 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
CBH100 | RAB | 25 | 444997 | 7610546 | 267 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1676 | RAB | 18 | 446401 | 7611695 | 257 | -90 | 360 |
CBH101 | RAB | 40 | 444978 | 7610537 | 268 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1677 | RAB | 18 | 446418 | 7611715 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
CBH102 | RAB | 40 | 444961 | 7610524 | 269 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1678 | RAB | 20 | 446436 | 7611735 | 257 | -90 | 360 |
CBH103 | RAB | 25 | 444942 | 7610518 | 269 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1679 | RAB | 20 | 446454 | 7611755 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
CBH104 | RAB | 25 | 446335 | 7609245 | 261 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1680 | RAB | 18 | 446471 | 7611775 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
CBH105 | RAB | 25 | 446352 | 7609248 | 259 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1681 | RAB | 32 | 446489 | 7611796 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
CBH106 | RAB | 25 | 446374 | 7609255 | 259 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1682 | RAB | 30 | 446507 | 7611816 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
CBH107 | RAB | 30 | 446384 | 7609254 | 259 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1691 | RAB | 26 | 444387 | 7611464 | 270 | -90 | 360 |
CBH109 | RAB | 25 | 446733 | 7609348 | 255 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1692 | RAB | 32 | 444367 | 7611447 | 268 | -90 | 360 |
CBH110 | RAB | 25 | 445234 | 7609445 | 266 | -60 | 77 |
| PPR1693 | RAB | 30 | 444348 | 7611430 | 265 | -90 | 360 |
CBH111 | RAB | 25 | 445216 | 7609441 | 266 | -60 | 77 |
| PPR1694 | RAB | 26 | 444328 | 7611414 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
CBH112 | RAB | 25 | 445200 | 7609443 | 266 | -60 | 77 |
| PPR1695 | RAB | 26 | 444309 | 7611397 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
CBH113 | RAB | 25 | 445187 | 7609438 | 265 | -60 | 77 |
| PPR1696 | RAB | 26 | 444289 | 7611380 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
CBH114 | RAB | 25 | 445177 | 7609434 | 265 | -60 | 77 |
| PPR1697 | RAB | 36 | 444270 | 7611364 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
CBH115 | RAB | 25 | 445161 | 7609433 | 264 | -60 | 77 |
| PPR1698 | RAB | 30 | 444250 | 7611347 | 257 | -90 | 360 |
CBH116 | RAB | 25 | 445142 | 7609429 | 263 | -60 | 77 |
| PPR1699 | RAB | 30 | 444231 | 7611331 | 257 | -90 | 360 |
CBH117 | RAB | 25 | 445124 | 7609423 | 262 | -60 | 77 |
| PPR1700 | RAB | 36 | 444212 | 7611314 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
CBH118 | RAB | 25 | 445111 | 7609421 | 261 | -60 | 77 |
| PPR1701 | RAB | 30 | 444192 | 7611297 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
CBH119 | RAB | 25 | 444847 | 7609372 | 260 | -60 | 77 |
| PPR1702 | RAB | 26 | 444173 | 7611281 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
CBH120 | RAB | 25 | 444829 | 7609366 | 258 | -60 | 77 |
| PPR1703 | RAB | 26 | 444153 | 7611264 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
CBH121 | RAB | 25 | 444811 | 7609367 | 258 | -60 | 77 |
| PPR1704 | RAB | 30 | 444134 | 7611248 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
CBH122 | RAB | 25 | 444792 | 7609359 | 258 | -60 | 77 |
| PPR1705 | RAB | 30 | 444114 | 7611231 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
CBH123 | RAB | 25 | 444772 | 7609357 | 258 | -60 | 77 |
| PPR1706 | RAB | 22 | 444095 | 7611214 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
CBH124 | RAB | 29 | 444626 | 7611329 | 250 | -90 | 360 |
| PPR1707 | RAB | 26 | 444076 | 7611198 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
CBH125 | RAB | 50 | 444510 | 7611235 | 250 | -90 | 360 |
| PPR1708 | RAB | 26 | 444056 | 7611181 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
CBH126 | RAB | 50 | 444485 | 7611215 | 250 | -90 | 360 |
| PPR1709 | RAB | 30 | 444037 | 7611165 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
CBH127 | RAB | 46 | 444461 | 7611196 | 250 | -90 | 360 |
| PPR1710 | RAB | 32 | 444017 | 7611148 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
CBH128 | RAB | 40 | 444439 | 7611178 | 250 | -90 | 360 |
| PPR1711 | RAB | 32 | 443998 | 7611131 | 257 | -90 | 360 |
CBH129 | RAB | 50 | 444419 | 7611161 | 250 | -90 | 360 |
| PPR1712 | RAB | 32 | 443978 | 7611115 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
CBH130 | RAB | 43 | 444532 | 7611253 | 250 | -90 | 360 |
| PPR1713 | RAB | 30 | 443959 | 7611098 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
CBH131 | RAB | 31 | 444556 | 7611273 | 250 | -90 | 360 |
| PPR1714 | RAB | 30 | 443940 | 7611082 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
CBH132 | RAB | 25 | 446135 | 7610531 | 273 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1715 | RAB | 36 | 443920 | 7611065 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
CBH133 | RAB | 25 | 446151 | 7610536 | 271 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1716 | RAB | 32 | 443901 | 7611048 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
CBH134 | RAB | 25 | 446165 | 7610538 | 270 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1717 | RAB | 34 | 443881 | 7611032 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
CBH135 | RAB | 25 | 446178 | 7610543 | 269 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1718 | RAB | 32 | 443862 | 7611015 | 257 | -90 | 360 |
CBH136 | RAB | 25 | 446195 | 7610546 | 269 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1719 | RAB | 32 | 443842 | 7610998 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
CBH137 | RAB | 25 | 446204 | 7610551 | 269 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1720 | RAB | 38 | 443823 | 7610982 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
CBH138 | RAB | 25 | 446219 | 7610553 | 269 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1721 | RAB | 34 | 443804 | 7610965 | 257 | -90 | 360 |
CBH139 | RAB | 25 | 446228 | 7610560 | 269 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1722 | RAB | 18 | 443784 | 7610949 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
CBH140 | RAB | 25 | 445720 | 7610952 | 281 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1723 | RAB | 22 | 443765 | 7610932 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
CBH141 | RAB | 25 | 445732 | 7610959 | 280 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1724 | RAB | 38 | 443745 | 7610915 | 254 | -90 | 360 |
CBH142 | RAB | 25 | 445743 | 7610964 | 279 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1725 | RAB | 44 | 443726 | 7610899 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
CBH143 | RAB | 25 | 445759 | 7610969 | 278 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1726 | RAB | 26 | 443706 | 7610882 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
CBH144 | RAB | 25 | 445773 | 7610971 | 277 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1727 | RAB | 34 | 443687 | 7610866 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
CBH145 | RAB | 25 | 445788 | 7610978 | 275 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1728 | RAB | 20 | 443668 | 7610849 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
CBH146 | RAB | 26 | 445802 | 7610985 | 274 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1729 | RAB | 40 | 443648 | 7610832 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
CBH147 | RAB | 26 | 445815 | 7610989 | 273 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1730 | RAB | 40 | 443629 | 7610816 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
CBH148 | RAB | 26 | 445829 | 7610994 | 272 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1731 | RAB | 40 | 443609 | 7610799 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH149 | RAB | 26 | 445845 | 7610998 | 272 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1732 | RAB | 24 | 443590 | 7610783 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH150 | RAB | 26 | 445860 | 7611005 | 271 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1733 | RAB | 16 | 443570 | 7610766 | 252 | -90 | 360 |
CBH151 | RAB | 26 | 445872 | 7611015 | 271 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1734 | RAB | 30 | 443551 | 7610749 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH152 | RAB | 26 | 445885 | 7611018 | 271 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1735 | RAB | 44 | 443532 | 7610733 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH153 | RAB | 28 | 445901 | 7611023 | 270 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1736 | RAB | 46 | 443512 | 7610716 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH154 | RAB | 8 | 445916 | 7611026 | 271 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1737 | RAB | 52 | 443493 | 7610700 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH155 | RAB | 34 | 445923 | 7611031 | 271 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1738 | RAB | 52 | 443473 | 7610683 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH156 | RAB | 20 | 445929 | 7611035 | 272 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1739 | RAB | 48 | 443454 | 7610666 | 252 | -90 | 360 |
CBH157 | RAB | 30 | 445936 | 7611039 | 272 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1740 | RAB | 52 | 443434 | 7610650 | 252 | -90 | 360 |
CBH158 | RAB | 30 | 445951 | 7611043 | 273 | -60 | 252 |
| PPR1741 | RAB | 52 | 443415 | 7610633 | 251 | -90 | 360 |
CBH159 | RAB | 32 | 446171 | 7610143 | 276 | -60 | 244 |
| PPR1742 | RAB | 52 | 443396 | 7610617 | 251 | -90 | 360 |
CBH160 | RAB | 32 | 446191 | 7610151 | 276 | -60 | 244 |
| PPR1743 | RAB | 52 | 443376 | 7610600 | 252 | -90 | 360 |
CBH161 | RAB | 32 | 446206 | 7610156 | 275 | -60 | 244 |
| PPR1744 | RAB | 46 | 443357 | 7610583 | 254 | -90 | 360 |
CBH162 | RAB | 32 | 446226 | 7610163 | 275 | -60 | 244 |
| PPR1745 | RAB | 40 | 443337 | 7610567 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
CBH163 | RAB | 30 | 446244 | 7610170 | 274 | -60 | 244 |
| PPR1746 | RAB | 28 | 443318 | 7610550 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
CBH164 | RAB | 30 | 446265 | 7610179 | 274 | -60 | 244 |
| PPR1747 | RAB | 34 | 443298 | 7610533 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
CBH165 | RAB | 30 | 446285 | 7610191 | 273 | -60 | 244 |
| PPR1773 | RAB | 26 | 445042 | 7611355 | 276 | -90 | 360 |
CBH166 | RAB | 30 | 446303 | 7610200 | 273 | -60 | 244 |
| PPR1774 | RAB | 28 | 445021 | 7611339 | 274 | -90 | 360 |
CBH167 | RAB | 30 | 446319 | 7610206 | 272 | -60 | 244 |
| PPR1775 | RAB | 22 | 445000 | 7611323 | 272 | -90 | 360 |
CBH168 | RAB | 25 | 444407 | 7610754 | 262 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1776 | RAB | 40 | 444979 | 7611307 | 270 | -90 | 360 |
CBH169 | RAB | 23 | 444394 | 7610744 | 261 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1777 | RAB | 50 | 444959 | 7611291 | 270 | -90 | 360 |
CBH170 | RAB | 28 | 444383 | 7610735 | 260 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1778 | RAB | 40 | 444938 | 7611275 | 269 | -90 | 360 |
CBH171 | RAB | 30 | 444371 | 7610724 | 259 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1779 | RAB | 40 | 444917 | 7611259 | 268 | -90 | 360 |
CBH172 | RAB | 34 | 444361 | 7610714 | 258 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1780 | RAB | 40 | 444897 | 7611243 | 267 | -90 | 360 |
CBH173 | RAB | 40 | 444348 | 7610705 | 258 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1781 | RAB | 40 | 444876 | 7611227 | 265 | -90 | 360 |
CBH174 | RAB | 44 | 444337 | 7610694 | 257 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1782 | RAB | 40 | 444855 | 7611211 | 264 | -90 | 360 |
CBH175 | RAB | 36 | 444327 | 7610684 | 257 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1783 | RAB | 40 | 444835 | 7611195 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
CBH176 | RAB | 35 | 444314 | 7610672 | 257 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1784 | RAB | 40 | 444814 | 7611179 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
CBH177 | RAB | 32 | 444301 | 7610662 | 257 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1785 | RAB | 40 | 444793 | 7611163 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
CBH178 | RAB | 28 | 444288 | 7610653 | 258 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1786 | RAB | 40 | 444773 | 7611147 | 264 | -90 | 360 |
CBH179 |
| 26 | 444278 | 7610643 | 258 | 0 | 0 |
| PPR1787 | RAB | 40 | 444752 | 7611131 | 264 | -90 | 360 |
CBH180 | RAB | 27 | 444268 | 7610635 | 258 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1788 | RAB | 40 | 444731 | 7611115 | 264 | -90 | 360 |
CBH181 | RAB | 25 | 444256 | 7610625 | 258 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1789 | RAB | 40 | 444711 | 7611099 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
CBH182 | RAB | 25 | 444245 | 7610615 | 258 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1790 | RAB | 52 | 444690 | 7611083 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
CBH183 | RAB | 25 | 444229 | 7610605 | 258 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1791 | RAB | 52 | 444669 | 7611067 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
CBH184 | RAB | 25 | 444222 | 7610598 | 258 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1792 | RAB | 52 | 444648 | 7611051 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
CBH185 | RAB | 25 | 444211 | 7610588 | 258 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1793 | RAB | 54 | 444628 | 7611035 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
CBH186 | RAB | 27 | 444197 | 7610578 | 258 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1794 | RAB | 46 | 444607 | 7611019 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
CBH187 | RAB | 25 | 444185 | 7610568 | 258 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1795 | RAB | 40 | 444586 | 7611003 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
CBH188 | RAB | 31 | 444174 | 7610559 | 258 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1796 | RAB | 46 | 444566 | 7610987 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
CBH189 | RAB | 28 | 444162 | 7610548 | 258 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1797 | RAB | 46 | 444545 | 7610971 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
CBH190 | RAB | 28 | 444150 | 7610538 | 258 | -60 | 53 |
| PPR1798 | RAB | 42 | 444524 | 7610955 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
CBH191 | RAB | 40 | 445515 | 7609832 | 268 | -60 | 78 |
| PPR1799 | RAB | 28 | 444504 | 7610939 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
CBH192 | RAB | 40 | 445493 | 7609823 | 268 | -60 | 78 |
| PPR1800 | RAB | 22 | 444483 | 7610923 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
CBH193 | RAB | 25 | 446393 | 7609120 | 257 | -60 | 271 |
| PPR1801 | RAB | 24 | 444462 | 7610907 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
CBH194 | RAB | 25 | 446405 | 7609118 | 257 | -60 | 271 |
| PPR1802 | RAB | 18 | 444442 | 7610891 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
CBH195 | RAB | 25 | 446421 | 7609116 | 257 | -60 | 271 |
| PPR1803 | RAB | 34 | 444421 | 7610875 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
CBH196 | RAB | 25 | 446435 | 7609115 | 257 | -60 | 271 |
| PPR1804 | RAB | 18 | 444400 | 7610859 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
CBH197 | RAB | 25 | 446448 | 7609113 | 257 | -60 | 271 |
| PPR1805 | RAB | 26 | 444380 | 7610844 | 264 | -90 | 360 |
CBH198 | RAB | 25 | 446463 | 7609111 | 257 | -60 | 271 |
| SRRC001 | RC | 304 | 444938 | 7610279 | 268 | -60 | 55 |
CBH199 | RAB | 25 | 446478 | 7609110 | 257 | -60 | 271 |
| SRRC002 | RC | 298 | 445049 | 7610348 | 263 | -60 | 55 |
CBH200 | RAB | 25 | 446492 | 7609109 | 257 | -60 | 271 |
| SRRC003 | RC | 298 | 445237 | 7610487 | 261 | -60 | 235 |
CBH201 | RAB | 25 | 446508 | 7609107 | 257 | -60 | 271 |
| SRRC004 | RC | 350 | 445338 | 7610550 | 269 | -75 | 235 |
CBH202 | RAB | 25 | 446523 | 7609106 | 257 | -60 | 271 |
| SRRC005 | RC | 298 | 445772 | 7609821 | 271 | -60 | 235 |
CBH203 | RAB | 25 | 446534 | 7609100 | 254 | -60 | 271 |
| SRRC006 | RC | 500 | 445473 | 7609622 | 262 | -60 | 55 |
CBH204 | RAB | 25 | 446559 | 7609102 | 255 | -60 | 271 |
| SRRC007 | RC | 298 | 445331 | 7609521 | 259 | -60 | 55 |
CBH205 | RAB | 25 | 446572 | 7609101 | 255 | -60 | 271 |
| SRRC008 | RC | 298 | 445184 | 7609402 | 255 | -60 | 55 |
CBH206 | RAB | 25 | 446589 | 7609098 | 255 | -60 | 271 |
| SRRC009 | RC | 298 | 445035 | 7609292 | 255 | -60 | 55 |
CBH207 | RAB | 25 | 446605 | 7609094 | 256 | -60 | 271 |
| SRRC010 | RC | 154 | 445131 | 7610543 | 260 | -60 | 235 |
CBH208 | RAB | 25 | 446622 | 7609094 | 256 | -60 | 271 |
| SRRC011 | RC | 154 | 445186 | 7610561 | 260 | -60 | 235 |
CBH209 | RAB | 25 | 445092 | 7609416 | 261 | -60 | 74 |
| SRRC012 | RC | 154 | 445067 | 7610486 | 260 | -60 | 235 |
CBH210 | RAB | 25 | 445082 | 7609416 | 261 | -60 | 74 |
| SRRC013 | RC | 298 | 445093 | 7610449 | 264 | -60 | 235 |
CBH211 | RAB | 25 | 445070 | 7609412 | 261 | -60 | 74 |
| SRRC014 | RC | 262 | 444090 | 7609417 | 249 | -60 | 55 |
CBH212 | RAB | 25 | 445056 | 7609410 | 261 | -60 | 74 |
| SRRC015 | RC | 358 | 444229 | 7609535 | 248 | -60 | 55 |
CBH213 | RAB | 25 | 445040 | 7609408 | 261 | -60 | 74 |
| SRRC016 | RC | 358 | 444381 | 7609641 | 249 | -60 | 55 |
CBH214 | RAB | 25 | 445026 | 7609404 | 261 | -60 | 74 |
| SRRC017 | RC | 300 | 445646 | 7608546 | 249 | -60 | 55 |
CBH215 | RAB | 25 | 445009 | 7609401 | 262 | -60 | 74 |
| SRRC018 | RC | 300 | 445877 | 7608630 | 253 | -60 | 55 |
CBH216 | RAB | 25 | 444997 | 7609399 | 262 | -60 | 74 |
| SRRC019 | RC | 287 | 446778 | 7609373 | 249 | -60 | 235 |
CBH217 | RAB | 25 | 444981 | 7609397 | 263 | -60 | 74 |
| SRRC020 | RC | 279 | 446239 | 7609695 | 270 | -60 | 255 |
CBH218 | RAB | 25 | 444967 | 7609393 | 263 | -60 | 74 |
| T3B03 | RAB | 25 | 445860 | 7610002 | 286 | -60 | 246 |
CBH219 | RAB | 25 | 444950 | 7609392 | 264 | -60 | 74 |
| T3B04 | RAB | 25 | 445866 | 7610011 | 286 | -60 | 246 |
CBH220 | RAB | 25 | 444937 | 7609389 | 264 | -60 | 74 |
| T3B05 | RAB | 25 | 445875 | 7610016 | 286 | -60 | 246 |
CBH221 | RAB | 25 | 444922 | 7609384 | 265 | -60 | 74 |
| T3B06 | RAB | 25 | 445886 | 7610019 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH222 | RAB | 25 | 444907 | 7609382 | 264 | -60 | 74 |
| T3B07 | RAB | 25 | 445897 | 7610019 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH223 | RAB | 25 | 444889 | 7609377 | 263 | -60 | 74 |
| T3B08 | RAB | 25 | 445907 | 7610022 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH224 | RAB | 25 | 444877 | 7609375 | 262 | -60 | 74 |
| T3B09 | RAB | 25 | 445919 | 7610024 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH225 | RAB | 25 | 444857 | 7609373 | 261 | -60 | 74 |
| T3B10 | RAB | 25 | 445963 | 7610034 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH226 | RAB | 31 | 446373 | 7607999 | 250 | -60 | 267 |
| T3B11 | RAB | 26 | 445947 | 7610039 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH227 | RAB | 28 | 446550 | 7608001 | 253 | -60 | 267 |
| T3B12 | RAB | 25 | 445984 | 7610044 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH228 | RAB | 28 | 446739 | 7608000 | 260 | -60 | 267 |
| T3B13 | RAB | 25 | 445993 | 7610048 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH229 | RAB | 25 | 445772 | 7608140 | 260 | -60 | 60 |
| T3B14 | RAB | 25 | 446002 | 7610052 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH230 | RAB | 32 | 445756 | 7608134 | 250 | -60 | 60 |
| T3B15 | RAB | 25 | 446011 | 7610055 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH231 | RAB | 36 | 445742 | 7608128 | 250 | -60 | 60 |
| T3B16 | RAB | 26 | 446020 | 7610060 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH232 | RAB | 14 | 445725 | 7608122 | 250 | -60 | 60 |
| T3B17 | RAB | 25 | 446031 | 7610065 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH233 | RAB | 40 | 445628 | 7608097 | 248 | -60 | 60 |
| T3B18 | RAB | 25 | 446040 | 7610069 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH234 | RAB | 24 | 444837 | 7611508 | 260 | -60 | 60 |
| T3B19 | RAB | 25 | 446049 | 7610073 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH235 | RAB | 25 | 444259 | 7612334 | 260 | -60 | 236 |
| T3B20 | RAB | 25 | 446058 | 7610077 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH236 | RAB | 25 | 444269 | 7612346 | 260 | -60 | 236 |
| T3B21 | RAB | 25 | 446067 | 7610081 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH237 | RAB | 25 | 444280 | 7612359 | 260 | -60 | 236 |
| T3B22 | RAB | 25 | 446076 | 7610085 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH238 | RAB | 27 | 444290 | 7612371 | 260 | -60 | 236 |
| T3B23 | RAB | 25 | 446085 | 7610089 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH239 | RAB | 25 | 444299 | 7612382 | 260 | -60 | 236 |
| T3B24 | RAB | 25 | 446094 | 7610093 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH240 | RAB | 25 | 444309 | 7612393 | 260 | -60 | 236 |
| T3B25 | RAB | 25 | 446103 | 7610097 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH241 | RAB | 25 | 444321 | 7612407 | 260 | -60 | 236 |
| T3B26 | RAB | 25 | 446112 | 7610101 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH242 | RAB | 25 | 444329 | 7612417 | 260 | -60 | 236 |
| T3B27 | RAB | 25 | 446121 | 7610105 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH243 | RAB | 23 | 443968 | 7612670 | 260 | -60 | 229 |
| T3B28 | RAB | 31 | 446315 | 7610188 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH244 | RAB | 25 | 443982 | 7612679 | 260 | -60 | 229 |
| T3B29 | RAB | 29 | 446324 | 7610192 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH245 | RAB | 25 | 443996 | 7612688 | 260 | -60 | 229 |
| T3B30 | RAB | 28 | 446333 | 7610196 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH246 | RAB | 11 | 444010 | 7612697 | 260 | -60 | 229 |
| T3B31 | RAB | 27 | 446342 | 7610200 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH247 | RAB | 25 | 444024 | 7612706 | 260 | -60 | 229 |
| T3B32 | RAB | 28 | 446351 | 7610204 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH248 | RAB | 25 | 444038 | 7612715 | 260 | -60 | 229 |
| T3B33 | RAB | 32 | 446360 | 7610208 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH249 | RAB | 25 | 444052 | 7612724 | 260 | -60 | 229 |
| T3B34 | RAB | 28 | 446369 | 7610212 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH250 | RAB | 25 | 444065 | 7612733 | 260 | -60 | 229 |
| T3B35 | RAB | 29 | 446378 | 7610216 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH251 | RAB | 24 | 444079 | 7612742 | 260 | -60 | 229 |
| T3B36 | RAB | 30 | 446387 | 7610220 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH252 | RAB | 25 | 444092 | 7612751 | 260 | -60 | 229 |
| T3B37 | RAB | 28 | 446396 | 7610224 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH253 | RAB | 25 | 444107 | 7612761 | 260 | -60 | 229 |
| T3B38 | RAB | 32 | 446405 | 7610228 | 260 | 0 | 0 |
CBH254 | RAB | 25 | 444120 | 7612770 | 260 | -60 | 229 |
| YAC1621 | AC | 24 | 443340 | 7611514 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH255 | RAB | 25 | 444134 | 7612779 | 260 | -60 | 229 |
| YAC1622 | AC | 18 | 443561 | 7611511 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
CBH256 | RAB | 25 | 444148 | 7612788 | 260 | -60 | 229 |
| YAC1623 | AC | 24 | 443762 | 7611593 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
CBH257 | RAB | 25 | 444162 | 7612797 | 260 | -60 | 229 |
| YAC1625 | AC | 35 | 443114 | 7611214 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
CBH258 | RAB | 25 | 444634 | 7611752 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1626 | AC | 35 | 443547 | 7611148 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
CBH259 | RAB | 8 | 444646 | 7611761 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1875 | AC | 9 | 444141 | 7609543 | 254 | -90 | 360 |
CBH260 | RAB | 47 | 444658 | 7611770 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1876 | AC | 6 | 446339 | 7609557 | 272 | -90 | 360 |
CBH261 | RAB | 72 | 444699 | 7611799 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1877 | AC | 6 | 446574 | 7609537 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
CBH262 | RAB | 54 | 444731 | 7611822 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1878 | AC | 6 | 446736 | 7609562 | 257 | -90 | 360 |
CBH263 | RAB | 40 | 444747 | 7611834 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1879 | AC | 6 | 446940 | 7609556 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH264 | RAB | 35 | 444764 | 7611846 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1880 | AC | 4 | 448139 | 7609161 | 249 | -90 | 360 |
CBH265 | RAB | 30 | 444780 | 7611858 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1881 | AC | 6 | 447935 | 7609160 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH266 | RAB | 30 | 444794 | 7611868 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1882 | AC | 14 | 447740 | 7609161 | 252 | -90 | 360 |
CBH267 | RAB | 30 | 444811 | 7611882 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1883 | AC | 8 | 447340 | 7609161 | 250 | -90 | 360 |
CBH268 | RAB | 30 | 444826 | 7611894 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1884 | AC | 17 | 447139 | 7609160 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH269 | RAB | 35 | 444841 | 7611906 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1885 | AC | 25 | 446938 | 7609162 | 254 | -90 | 360 |
CBH270 | RAB | 38 | 444857 | 7611918 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1886 | AC | 17 | 446735 | 7609160 | 257 | -90 | 360 |
CBH271 | RAB | 35 | 444869 | 7611927 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1887 | AC | 6 | 446537 | 7609159 | 257 | -90 | 360 |
CBH272 | RAB | 29 | 444881 | 7611936 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1888 | AC | 1 | 446356 | 7609162 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
CBH273 | RAB | 38 | 444893 | 7611945 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1889 | AC | 9 | 446541 | 7608741 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
CBH274 | RAB | 38 | 444905 | 7611954 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1890 | AC | 48 | 446938 | 7608767 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH275 | RAB | 29 | 444917 | 7611963 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1891 | AC | 24 | 447337 | 7608767 | 251 | -90 | 360 |
CBH276 | RAB | 25 | 444485 | 7612214 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1892 | AC | 12 | 447739 | 7608762 | 250 | -90 | 360 |
CBH277 | RAB | 25 | 444497 | 7612223 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1893 | AC | 6 | 448141 | 7608765 | 249 | -90 | 360 |
CBH278 | RAB | 25 | 444510 | 7612231 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1898 | AC | 6 | 444334 | 7612361 | 271 | -90 | 360 |
CBH279 | RAB | 25 | 444522 | 7612240 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1899 | AC | 6 | 444537 | 7612361 | 267 | -90 | 360 |
CBH280 | RAB | 25 | 444536 | 7612249 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1900 | AC | 3 | 444735 | 7611960 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
CBH281 | RAB | 25 | 444548 | 7612257 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1901 | AC | 27 | 445139 | 7611960 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
CBH282 | RAB | 25 | 444560 | 7612265 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1902 | AC | 24 | 445538 | 7611964 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
CBH283 | RAB | 25 | 444572 | 7612273 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1903 | AC | 6 | 445939 | 7611962 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
CBH284 | RAB | 25 | 444585 | 7612283 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1904 | AC | 6 | 446338 | 7611960 | 267 | -90 | 360 |
CBH285 | RAB | 25 | 444597 | 7612291 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1908 | AC | 12 | 446739 | 7611162 | 266 | -90 | 360 |
CBH286 | RAB | 25 | 444610 | 7612299 | 260 | -60 | 232 |
| YAC1909 | AC | 9 | 446341 | 7611232 | 269 | -90 | 360 |
CBH299 | RAB | 35 | 445557 | 7609846 | 268 | -60 | 66 |
| YAC1911 | AC | 21 | 446136 | 7611563 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
CBH300 | RAB | 40 | 445469 | 7609816 | 269 | -60 | 66 |
| YAC1912 | AC | 12 | 445938 | 7611561 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
CBH301 | RAB | 35 | 445437 | 7609802 | 269 | -60 | 66 |
| YAC1913 | AC | 9 | 445740 | 7611562 | 264 | -90 | 360 |
CBH302 | RAB | 35 | 445405 | 7609792 | 270 | -60 | 66 |
| YAC1914 | AC | 12 | 445538 | 7611561 | 264 | -90 | 360 |
CBH303 | RAB | 23 | 446320 | 7608401 | 251 | -60 | 270 |
| YAC1915 | AC | 15 | 445338 | 7611564 | 266 | -90 | 360 |
CBH304 | RAB | 30 | 446334 | 7608401 | 251 | -60 | 270 |
| YAC1916 | AC | 18 | 445139 | 7611561 | 267 | -90 | 360 |
CBH305 | RAB | 25 | 446350 | 7608399 | 251 | -60 | 270 |
| YAC1917 | AC | 15 | 444935 | 7611560 | 268 | -90 | 360 |
CBH306 | RAB | 25 | 446363 | 7608398 | 251 | -60 | 270 |
| YAC1918 | AC | 24 | 444735 | 7611558 | 272 | -90 | 360 |
CBH307 | RAB | 25 | 446379 | 7608396 | 251 | -60 | 270 |
| YAC1919 | AC | 3 | 443738 | 7611960 | 264 | -90 | 360 |
CBH308 | RAB | 25 | 446393 | 7608395 | 252 | -60 | 270 |
| YAC1920 | AC | 12 | 443540 | 7611989 | 267 | -90 | 360 |
CBH309 | RAB | 30 | 446408 | 7608395 | 253 | -60 | 270 |
| YAC1921 | AC | 12 | 443336 | 7611957 | 268 | -90 | 360 |
CBH310 | RAB | 16 | 446431 | 7608393 | 254 | -60 | 270 |
| YAC1922 | AC | 9 | 443337 | 7612362 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
CBH311 | RAB | 19 | 446856 | 7608371 | 252 | -60 | 270 |
| YAC1923 | AC | 12 | 443139 | 7612359 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
CBH312 | RAB | 25 | 445493 | 7608745 | 258 | -60 | 62 |
| YAC1932 | AC | 24 | 444934 | 7611959 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
CBH313 | RAB | 25 | 445482 | 7608741 | 258 | -60 | 62 |
| YAC1933 | AC | 9 | 445337 | 7611956 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
CBH314 | RAB | 27 | 445469 | 7608733 | 258 | -60 | 62 |
| YAC1934 | AC | 15 | 445740 | 7611962 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
CBH315 | RAB | 25 | 445454 | 7608727 | 258 | -60 | 62 |
| YAC1936 | AC | 48 | 444539 | 7611162 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
CBH316 | RAB | 25 | 445441 | 7608718 | 257 | -60 | 62 |
| YAC1937 | AC | 36 | 444138 | 7611161 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
CBH317 | RAB | 25 | 445430 | 7608712 | 256 | -60 | 62 |
| YAC1938 | AC | 5 | 445538 | 7611145 | 280 | -90 | 360 |
CBH318 | RAB | 25 | 445414 | 7608705 | 256 | -60 | 62 |
| YAC1939 | AC | 12 | 445737 | 7611156 | 283 | -90 | 360 |
CBH319 | RAB | 25 | 445401 | 7608698 | 255 | -60 | 62 |
| YAC1940 | AC | 6 | 445942 | 7610760 | 274 | -90 | 360 |
CBH320 | RAB | 25 | 445386 | 7608691 | 255 | -60 | 62 |
| YAC1941 | AC | 3 | 446131 | 7610765 | 269 | -90 | 360 |
CBH321 | RAB | 25 | 445376 | 7608681 | 254 | -60 | 62 |
| YAC1942 | AC | 6 | 446339 | 7610761 | 267 | -90 | 360 |
CBH322 | RAB | 25 | 445363 | 7608677 | 254 | -60 | 62 |
| YAC1943 | AC | 6 | 446546 | 7610763 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
CBH323 | RAB | 27 | 445348 | 7608669 | 254 | -60 | 62 |
| YAC1944 | AC | 6 | 446741 | 7610759 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
CBH324 | RAB | 25 | 445337 | 7608660 | 253 | -60 | 62 |
| YAC1945 | AC | 3 | 446933 | 7610759 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
CBH325 | RAB | 25 | 445323 | 7608654 | 253 | -60 | 62 |
| YAC1946 | AC | 6 | 446140 | 7610766 | 269 | -90 | 360 |
CBH326 | RAB | 25 | 445307 | 7608650 | 252 | -60 | 62 |
| YAC1947 | AC | 6 | 444524 | 7610362 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
CBH327 | RAB | 25 | 445293 | 7608642 | 252 | -60 | 62 |
| YAC1948 | AC | 3 | 444337 | 7610359 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
CBH328 | RAB | 28 | 445278 | 7608637 | 252 | -60 | 62 |
| YAC1949 | AC | 3 | 444136 | 7610361 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
CBH329 | RAB | 31 | 445268 | 7608629 | 252 | -60 | 62 |
| YAC1950 | AC | 21 | 444333 | 7610761 | 261 | -90 | 360 |
CBH330 | RAB | 18 | 445255 | 7608621 | 253 | -60 | 62 |
| YAC1951 | AC | 21 | 444148 | 7610759 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
CBH331 | RAB | 25 | 445118 | 7608938 | 256 | -60 | 62 |
| YAC1952 | AC | 37 | 443940 | 7610762 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH332 | RAB | 25 | 445115 | 7608935 | 256 | -60 | 62 |
| YAC1953 | AC | 15 | 443538 | 7610763 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH39 | RAB | 0.1 | 446175 | 7609134 | 271 | 0 | 0 |
| YAC1954 | AC | 9 | 443337 | 7610761 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
CBH390 | RAB | 0.1 | 446180 | 7609146 | 272 | 0 | 0 |
| YAC1955 | AC | 8 | 443135 | 7610762 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH40 | RAB | 0.1 | 446193 | 7609145 | 271 | 0 | 0 |
| YAC1961 | AC | 4 | 444548 | 7609559 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
CBH41 | RAB | 0.1 | 446200 | 7609144 | 270 | 0 | 0 |
| YAC1962 | AC | 4 | 444338 | 7609560 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
CBH42 | RAB | 0.1 | 446210 | 7609144 | 270 | 0 | 0 |
| YAC1963 | AC | 3 | 444131 | 7609557 | 254 | -90 | 360 |
CBH43 | RAB | 0.1 | 446221 | 7609143 | 269 | 0 | 0 |
| YAC1964 | AC | 3 | 443939 | 7609565 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
CBH44 | RAB | 0.1 | 446231 | 7609140 | 268 | 0 | 0 |
| YAC1965 | AC | 9 | 443738 | 7609561 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH45 | RAB | 0.1 | 446241 | 7609139 | 268 | 0 | 0 |
| YAC1966 | AC | 12 | 443525 | 7609569 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
CBH46 | RAB | 0.1 | 446263 | 7609131 | 266 | 0 | 0 |
| YAC1967 | AC | 13 | 443337 | 7609629 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
CBH47 | RAB | 0.1 | 446269 | 7609139 | 266 | 0 | 0 |
| YAC1974 | AC | 18 | 443437 | 7609961 | 252 | -90 | 360 |
CBH48 | RAB | 0.1 | 446275 | 7609140 | 266 | 0 | 0 |
| YAC1975 | AC | 21 | 443337 | 7609965 | 254 | -90 | 360 |
CBH49 | RAB | 0.1 | 446283 | 7609137 | 265 | 0 | 0 |
| YAC1976 | AC | 12 | 443521 | 7609948 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH50 | RAB | 0.1 | 446289 | 7609137 | 265 | 0 | 0 |
| YAC1977 | AC | 15 | 443753 | 7609946 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH51 | RAB | 0.1 | 446301 | 7609134 | 264 | 0 | 0 |
| YAC1978 | AC | 3 | 443955 | 7609920 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
CBH52 | RAB | 0.1 | 446311 | 7609128 | 263 | 0 | 0 |
| YAC1979 | AC | 3 | 444169 | 7609965 | 254 | -90 | 360 |
CBH53 | RAB | 0.1 | 446318 | 7609128 | 263 | 0 | 0 |
| YAC1980 | AC | 3 | 444353 | 7609958 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
CBH54 | RAB | 0.1 | 446328 | 7609126 | 263 | 0 | 0 |
| YRB1172 | AC | 58 | 445350 | 7613168 | 271 | -90 | 360 |
CBH55 | RAB | 0.1 | 446341 | 7609126 | 262 | 0 | 0 |
| YRB1174 | AC | 38 | 446130 | 7613163 | 264 | -90 | 360 |
CBH56 | RAB | 0.1 | 446351 | 7609122 | 262 | 0 | 0 |
| YRB1185 | AC | 17 | 443333 | 7613161 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
CBH57 | RAB | 0.1 | 446361 | 7609125 | 261 | 0 | 0 |
| YRB1186 | AC | 4 | 443737 | 7613161 | 262 | -90 | 360 |
CBH58 | RAB | 0.1 | 446370 | 7609125 | 261 | 0 | 0 |
| YRB1187 | AC | 8 | 444136 | 7613165 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
CBH59 | RAB | 0.1 | 446381 | 7609124 | 261 | 0 | 0 |
| YRB1188 | AC | 62 | 444532 | 7613157 | 265 | -90 | 360 |
CBH71 | RC | 36 | 446578 | 7609659 | 262 | 0 | 0 |
| YRB1189 | AC | 49 | 444944 | 7613111 | 265 | -90 | 360 |
CBH72 | RC | 71 | 445197 | 7610374 | 270 | -60 | 241 |
| YRB1190 | AC | 31 | 444937 | 7612761 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
CBH73 | RC | 50 | 445211 | 7610383 | 270 | -60 | 241 |
| YRB1191 | AC | 47 | 445331 | 7612761 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
CBH74 | RC | 50 | 445230 | 7610391 | 270 | -60 | 241 |
| YRB1192 | AC | 32 | 445733 | 7612760 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
CBH75 | RC | 50 | 445249 | 7610399 | 270 | -60 | 241 |
| YRB1193 | AC | 33 | 446139 | 7612768 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
CBH76 | RC | 50 | 445267 | 7610409 | 270 | -60 | 241 |
| YRB1204 | AC | 38 | 446132 | 7612358 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
CBH77 | RC | 50 | 445189 | 7610367 | 271 | -60 | 61 |
| YRB1205 | AC | 74 | 445741 | 7612357 | 259 | -90 | 360 |
CBH78 | RC | 50 | 445177 | 7610359 | 271 | -60 | 61 |
| YRB1206 | AC | 42 | 445354 | 7612406 | 265 | -90 | 360 |
CBH79 | RC | 50 | 445155 | 7610347 | 270 | -60 | 61 |
| YRB1207 | AC | 64 | 444939 | 7612475 | 267 | -90 | 360 |
CBH80 | RC | 60 | 446091 | 7610765 | 270 | -90 | 360 |
| YRB1208 | AC | 73 | 444541 | 7612759 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
CBH83 | RC | 73 | 445268 | 7610420 | 269 | -60 | 241 |
| YRB1209 | AC | 16 | 444121 | 7612757 | 267 | -90 | 360 |
CBH88 | RAB | 30 | 445099 | 7610489 | 272 | 0 | 0 |
| YRB1210 | AC | 10 | 443731 | 7612764 | 263 | -90 | 360 |
CBH89 | RAB | 27 | 445064 | 7610469 | 272 | 0 | 0 |
| YRB1211 | AC | 9 | 443337 | 7612766 | 268 | -90 | 360 |
CBH90 | RAB | 30 | 445039 | 7610458 | 272 | 0 | 0 |
| YRB1216 | AC | 17 | 443342 | 7612375 | 260 | -90 | 360 |
CBH91 | RAB | 25 | 445022 | 7610447 | 272 | 0 | 0 |
| YRB1231 | AC | 20 | 443346 | 7610368 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH92 | RAB | 30 | 445009 | 7610438 | 272 | 0 | 0 |
| YRB1232 | AC | 50 | 443740 | 7610361 | 254 | -90 | 360 |
CBH93 | RAB | 25 | 444993 | 7610431 | 272 | 0 | 0 |
| YRB1236 | AC | 27 | 443351 | 7609199 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH94 | RAB | 25 | 445031 | 7610566 | 269 | 0 | 0 |
| YRB1237 | AC | 20 | 443738 | 7609161 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH95 | RAB | 25 | 445050 | 7610572 | 269 | 0 | 0 |
| YRB1238 | AC | 32 | 444143 | 7609151 | 254 | -90 | 360 |
CBH96 | RAB | 25 | 445068 | 7610583 | 270 | 0 | 0 |
| YRB1239 | AC | 20 | 444554 | 7609086 | 258 | -90 | 360 |
CBH97 | RAB | 30 | 445081 | 7610593 | 271 | 0 | 0 |
| YRB1240 | AC | 41 | 444255 | 7608859 | 256 | -90 | 360 |
CBH98 | RAB | 25 | 445092 | 7610616 | 271 | 0 | 0 |
| YRB1241 | AC | 26 | 444528 | 7608764 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
CBH99 | RAB | 25 | 445111 | 7610629 | 272 | 0 | 0 |
| YRB1242 | AC | 20 | 444949 | 7608764 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
H16H01 | NR | 0.1 | 445255 | 7610433 | 268 | 0 | 0 |
| YRB1243 | AC | 9 | 445344 | 7608716 | 255 | -90 | 360 |
HB5301 | NR | 0.1 | 445828 | 7610376 | 289 | 0 | 0 |
| YRB1244 | AC | 20 | 446185 | 7608357 | 254 | -90 | 360 |
NBH01 | DD | 118 | 445175 | 7610367 | 270 | -90 | 2 |
| YRB1245 | AC | 32 | 446551 | 7608358 | 248 | -90 | 360 |
NBH02 | DD | 120 | 445166 | 7610540 | 267 | -60 | 241 |
| YRB1246 | AC | 39 | 446944 | 7608361 | 249 | -90 | 360 |
NBH03 | DD | 150 | 446609 | 7609657 | 260 | -60 | 249 |
| YRB1247 | AC | 23 | 447334 | 7608357 | 254 | -90 | 360 |
NBH04 | DD | 120 | 446479 | 7610047 | 266 | -60 | 253 |
| YRB1248 | AC | 20 | 447750 | 7608361 | 250 | -90 | 360 |
NBH05 | DD | 150 | 446263 | 7610591 | 264 | -50 | 252 |
| YRB1249 | AC | 14 | 448140 | 7608364 | 253 | -90 | 360 |
NBH06 | DD | 81 | 444084 | 7612771 | 265 | -90 | 2 |
| YRB1262 | AC | 24 | 443364 | 7608752 | 251 | -90 | 360 |
NBH07 | DD | 107.7 | 444167 | 7612827 | 266 | -50 | 232 |
| YRB1263 | AC | 5 | 443736 | 7608749 | 249 | -90 | 360 |
NBH08 | DD | 189 | 448209 | 7608847 | 248 | -50 | 222 |
| YRB1264 | AC | 23 | 443756 | 7608380 | 254 | -90 | 360 |
NBH09 | DD | 80 | 448144 | 7608774 | 248 | -50 | 42 |
| YRB1265 | AC | 41 | 444146 | 7608363 | 249 | -90 | 360 |
NBH10 | DD | 130 | 448101 | 7608864 | 248 | -50 | 57 |
| YRB1266 | AC | 77 | 444519 | 7608351 | 250 | -90 | 360 |
NBH101 | RAB | 48 | 444804 | 7610893 | 269 | -70 | 237 |
| YRB1267 | AC | 53 | 444965 | 7608399 | 245 | -90 | 360 |
NBH102 | RAB | 54 | 444821 | 7610913 | 268 | -70 | 237 |
| YRB1268 | AC | 53 | 445349 | 7608342 | 247 | -90 | 360 |
NBH103 | RAB | 40 | 444852 | 7610924 | 267 | -70 | 237 |
| YRB1269 | AC | 33 | 445735 | 7607958 | 247 | -90 | 360 |
NBH104 | RAB | 48 | 444869 | 7610933 | 266 | -70 | 237 |
| YRB1270 | AC | 69 | 445741 | 7607962 | 247 | -90 | 360 |
NBH105 | RAB | 40 | 444889 | 7610950 | 265 | -70 | 237 |
| YRB1271 | AC | 79 | 445383 | 7607960 | 248 | -90 | 360 |
NBH106 | RAB | 36 | 444907 | 7610968 | 264 | -70 | 232 |
| YRB1272 | AC | 54 | 446149 | 7607956 | 249 | -90 | 360 |
NBH107 | RAB | 36 | 444927 | 7610981 | 263 | -70 | 237 |
| YRB1273 | AC | 47 | 446539 | 7607956 | 252 | -90 | 360 |
NBH108 | RAB | 40 | 444947 | 7610995 | 263 | -70 | 237 |
| YRB1274 | AC | 35 | 446927 | 7607968 | 250 | -90 | 360 |
NBH109 | RAB | 36 | 444968 | 7611009 | 264 | -70 | 237 |
| YRB1275 | AC | 80 | 447305 | 7607876 | 247 | -90 | 360 |
NBH11 | DD | 50 | 448126 | 7608936 | 248 | -50 | 127 |
| YRB1323 | AC | 26 | 443339 | 7607966 | 248 | -90 | 360 |
NBH110 | RAB | 36 | 444991 | 7611022 | 264 | -70 | 232 |
| YRB1324 | AC | 23 | 443344 | 7608363 | 251 | -90 | 360 |
| YRB1325 | AC | 57 | 443743 | 7607955 | 246 | -90 | 360 |
| YRB1326 | AC | 80 | 444138 | 7607970 | 249 | -90 | 360 |
| YRB1327 | AC | 80 | 444538 | 7607960 | 249 | -90 | 360 |
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