11th Apr 2016 07:00
NBNK Investments PLC
Fifth Floor
100 Wood StreetLondonEC2V 7EX
11 April 2016
NBNK Investments plc (the "Company")
On 7 January 2016, the Company announced that it was engaged in discussions with target companies which, if one or more of the targets was acquired, would fulfil the Company's investing policy. The directors were of the opinion at that time that, since there was a realistic potential for an acquisition that could fulfil the Company's investing policy, it was in the best interests of shareholders for negotiations to continue for the time being. The Company's board resolved to extend until 11 April 2016 the point at which the directors would consider if it is appropriate to return unused funds to shareholders and/or to wind up the Company.
The directors now confirm that further negotiations with potential targets have not produced an acquisition proposition capable of being recommended to shareholders for approval.
As a consequence, and in accordance with the Company's previously stated intention, the directors have resolved that it is now appropriate to return unused funds to shareholders and/or to wind up the Company. Detailed consideration has begun into the most cost effective and timely way to achieve this and the directors will provide further updates and information for shareholders as soon as practicable.
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For further information contact:
Cenkos Securities plc (Nominated adviser and broker) Ian Soanes Ivonne Cantu
Law Debenture Corporate Services Limited (Company Secretary) Ian Bowden | +44 20 7397 8900
+44 20 7606 5451 |
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