24th Feb 2006 07:02
Ten Alps PLC24 February 2006 TEN ALPS: TV Programme of the Year award and launch of Ten Alps Live TV group Ten Alps Plc ('Ten Alps') announces award of the Royal TelevisionSociety Programme of the Year, and the launch of its events and live TVbusinesses in a single new operation, Ten Alps Live. RTS Programme of the Year The series Israel and the Arabs: Elusive Peace won the Programme of the Yearaward at the Royal Television Society Journalism Awards this week. The series was produced for BBC2 and other international broadcasters by a teamled by Norma Percy, Mark Anderson and Dan Edge at Brook Lapping, a company ownedby Ten Alps. The Royal Television Society jury citation said: "This winning series shone newlight on one of the most-reported stories of recent decades with exemplaryresearch and extraordinary access to the key players from all sides." In Elusive Peace, Presidents and Prime Ministers, their generals and ministers -and those behind the suicide bombs and assassinations - tell what happenedbehind closed doors as the peace talks failed and the intifada exploded. Theseries contains the only TV interview in which Ariel Sharon looks back on histime as Prime Minister. Brian Walden, Ten Alps Chairman said: "To win the most prestigious award intelevision journalism is yet more recognition of the programme quality BrianLapping has created at Brook Lapping, and the value of our focus on factualtelevision." Launch of Ten Alps Live Ten Alps has today launched Ten Alps Live, bringing together its events and liveTV coverage operations in a single unit. Ten Alps Live's political team kicks off this weekend (Feb24th) with TV coverageof the Scottish Labour conference in Aviemore for BBC Scotland to be followed bythe other 3 party conferences. Ten Alps is the only independent TV company tohave been awarded this commission - now in its third year. Ten Alps Live includes teams behind live TV broadcasts of political partyconferences, the Foreign Office's award-winning World Expo pavilion in Japan,music events producers behind last summer's Clapham Common Festival anddesigners behind the images projected onto Buckingham Palace. All are now basedin the Ten Alps plc head office in Bermondsey, London "Events and TV shows have become one and the same - and this revolutiondefinitely IS being televised," said Ten Alps non-executive director Bob Geldof. "Across the TV world, live shows from Live8 to the X Factor make maximum impactbecause the audience join the action. Advertisers covet the Champions Leagueadbreak because no one can fast forward into the future on Sky +. The phonevoting on I'm A Celebrity goes into orbit because the drama's happening thereand then on screen. And all this is why we've united our own resources to makethe most of the live market." Ten Alps Live events team last year produced the Foreign Office's UK Pavilion atthe International Expo in Japan. The Pavilion was attended by over 3 millionpeople and was the first UK entry to win one of the prestigious Organisers'Awards. Ten Alps Live's music events team last year produced the Metro Weekender for40,000 people and Weekender at Dave's. Led by former Radio 1 dance music andevents producer Matt Priest the team this year has a slate of productions comingup including another Metro Weekender, the launch of London's Roundhouse and there-branding event for Trouble TV, for Flextech. Other past hits from the Ten Alps Live team have included the MillenniumCelebrations in central London and the production of the National HolocaustMemorial Day screened live on BBC 2. The company also has a number ofcorporate clients ranging from BP to EMI and Corus, for whom it provides avariety of live productions. For the past six years Ten Alps have producedall of NCR's corporate communications in North America. "Professional events management is now the must-have ingredient in any TVproduction company, as scale, media impact, logistics and health and safety allweigh into the equation for great live shows, whether factual or entertainment,"said Tim Spencer, MD of Ten Alps' Live. "Technology has freed TV from the studio, so it has also freed events from beingconfined to one location. The future is about television and internet that youcan watch and experience anywhere - live," said Jo Phillips, Executive Producerof Ten Alps' live political programmes. Under the corporate reorganisation, Know Comment has merged its operations intoTen Alps Events Limited which has been re-branded as Ten Alps Live Limited. Contacts www.tenalps.com Peter BinnsBinns & Co PR Ltd020 7786 9600www.binnspr.co.uk Norma PercyBrook Lapping0207 428 3100 Tim SpencerManaging DirectorTen Alps Live020 7089 3686www.tenalpslive.com Jo PhillipsTen Alps Live020 7089 368607710 245 039 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
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