TUI AG (TUI) TUI AG: Result of AGM 14-Feb-2024 / 15:17 CET/CEST The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
TUI AG (“TUI AG”) Result of AGM 26,89 % of the share capital of the Company was represented at the virtual Annual General Meeting of TUI AG on Tuesday 13 February 2024. This includes the absentee votes. The Annual General Meeting has approved all resolution proposals for the items on the agenda - the full results are given below. | | VOTESFOR | % | VOTES AGAINST | % | VOTESTOTAL | % of Issued Share Capital Voted | VOTES WITHHELD | 1 | Financial statements as of 30 September 2023 and reports | No resolution required | 2 | Approval of the actions of the Executive Board for the financial year that ended on 30 September 2023 | 2.1 | Sebastian Ebel (CEO) | 130,170,091 | 96.80 | 4,301,177 | 3.20 | 134,471,268 | 26.50 | 1,933,785 | 2.2 | David Burling | 130,189,335 | 96.80 | 4,309,924 | 3.20 | 134,499,259 | 26.51 | 1,927,691 | 2.3 | Mathias Kiep | 130,213,201 | 96.81 | 4,297,077 | 3.19 | 134,510,278 | 26.51 | 1,909,194 | 2.4 | Peter Krueger | 130,155,837 | 96.82 | 4,278,274 | 3.18 | 134,434,111 | 26.49 | 1,992,569 | 2.5 | Sybille Reiß | 130,162,740 | 96.81 | 4,286,981 | 3.19 | 134,449,721 | 26.50 | 1,973,736 | 2.6 | Frank Rosenberger | 130,108,156 | 96.83 | 4,259,437 | 3.17 | 134,367,593 | 26.48 | 2,059,269 | 3 | Approval of the actions of the Supervisory Board for the financial year that ended on 30 September 2023 | 3.1 | Dr. Dieter Zetsche (Chairman) | 117,822,607 | 87.63 | 16,638,320 | 12.37 | 134,460,927 | 26.50 | 1,965,794 | 3.2 | Frank Jakobi (Deputy Chairman) | 124,999,001 | 93.07 | 9,310,969 | 6.93 | 134,309,970 | 26.47 | 2,116,582 | 3.3 | Ingrid-Helen Arnold | 125,011,833 | 93.06 | 9,317,744 | 6.94 | 134,329,577 | 26.47 | 2,097,162 | 3.4 | Sonja Austermühle | 124,936,204 | 93.07 | 9,299,730 | 6.93 | 134,235,934 | 26.45 | 2,191,004 | 3.5 | Christian Baier | 124,947,539 | 93.10 | 9,267,237 | 6.90 | 134,214,776 | 26.45 | 2,211,162 | 3.6 | Andreas Barczewski | 124,915,123 | 93.08 | 9,286,094 | 6.92 | 134,201,217 | 26.45 | 2,225,692 | 3.7 | Peter Bremme | 124,908,472 | 93.06 | 9,314,257 | 6.94 | 134,222,729 | 26.45 | 2,204,181 | 3.8 | María Garaña Corces | 124,891,674 | 93.05 | 9,322,615 | 6.95 | 134,214,289 | 26.45 | 2,212,511 | 3.9 | Dr Jutta A. Dönges | 124,907,266 | 93.05 | 9,331,774 | 6.95 | 134,239,040 | 26.45 | 2,187,760 | 3.10 | Prof Dr Edgar Ernst | 117,465,995 | 87.51 | 16,764,866 | 12.49 | 134,230,861 | 26.45 | 2,195,899 | 3.11 | Wolfgang Flintermann | 124,971,889 | 93.07 | 9,302,300 | 6.93 | 134,274,189 | 26.46 | 2,152,761 | 3.12 | Stefan Heinemann | 124,891,613 | 93.08 | 9,279,363 | 6.92 | 134,170,976 | 26.44 | 2,252,068 | 3.13 | Janina Kugel | 124,867,121 | 93.07 | 9,301,592 | 6.93 | 134,168,713 | 26.44 | 2,257,611 | 3.14 | Coline Lucille McConville | 124,843,794 | 93.03 | 9,348,025 | 6.97 | 134,191,819 | 26.45 | 2,234,226 | 3.15 | Helena Murano | 124,846,408 | 93.05 | 9,322,775 | 6.95 | 134,169,183 | 26.44 | 2,257,717 | 3.16 | Mark Muratovic | 124,887,533 | 93.04 | 9,340,723 | 6.96 | 134,228,256 | 26.45 | 2,197,894 | 3.17 | Anette Strempel | 124,931,847 | 93.07 | 9,299,530 | 6.93 | 134,231,377 | 26.45 | 2,195,573 | 3.18 | Joan Trían Riu | 119,462,187 | 92.70 | 9,402,384 | 7.30 | 128,864,571 | 25.40 | 2,186,144 | 3.19 | Tanja Viehl | 124,929,930 | 93.07 | 9,307,692 | 6.93 | 134,237,622 | 26.45 | 2,189,328 | 3.20 | Stefan Weinhofer | 124,965,887 | 93.10 | 9,268,271 | 6.90 | 134,234,158 | 26.45 | 2,192,562 | 4 | Appointment of the auditor | 133,620,235 | 99.54 | 622,904 | 0.46 | 134,243,139 | 26.46 | 2,140,805 | 5 | Creation of Authorised Capital 2024/I with the authorisation to disapply pre-emption rights (new article 4 (5) of the Charter), cancellation Authorised Capital 2018 and 2022/I; amendment to the Charter | 126,786,914 | 94.23 | 7,769,922 | 5.77 | 134,556,836 | 26.52 | 1,869,459 | 6 | Creation of Authorised Capital 2024/II with the authorisation to disapply pre-emption rights (new article 4 (7) of the Charter), cancellation Authorised Capital 2022/II; amendment to the Charter | 123,987,396 | 92.12 | 10,600,003 | 7.88 | 134,587,399 | 26.52 | 1,839,470 | 7 | Authorisation for convertible bonds/bonds with warrants with the option to disapply pre-emption rights and creation of Conditional Capital 2024 (new article 4 (6) of the Charter), cancellation Conditional Capitals 2016, Economic Stabilisation Fund Silent Participation I, 2022/I and 2022/II; amendment to the Charter | 125,396,976 | 93.22 | 9,117,833 | 6.78 | 134,514,809 | 26.51 | 1,912,141 | 8 | Election of Supervisory Board members | | | | | | | | 8.1 | Ingrid-Helen Arnold | 128,910,266 | 96.99 | 4,006,423 | 3.01 | 132,916,689 | 26.19 | 3,506,892 | 8.2 | María Garaña Corces | 128,876,591 | 96.96 | 4,044,100 | 3.04 | 132,920,691 | 26.19 | 3,505,163 | 8.3 | Coline Lucille McConville | 126,022,386 | 94.76 | 6,966,966 | 5.24 | 132,989,352 | 26.21 | 3,437,211 | 8.4 | Joan Trían Riu | 121,515,946 | 91.46 | 11,342,435 | 8.54 | 132,858,381 | 26.18 | 3,568,451 | 9 | Approval of the remuneration report for the financial year that ended on 30 September 2023 | 117,872,370 | 87.53 | 16,794,002 | 12.47 | 134,666,372 | 26.54 | 1,753,233 | 10 | Approval of the remuneration system for the Executive Board | 118,366,770 | 88.94 | 14,718,617 | 11.06 | 133,085,387 | 26.23 | 3,339,866 | 11 | Cancellation of admission of the TUI AG shares to trading on the London Stock Exchange | 133,400,614 | 98.35 | 2,236,438 | 1.65 | 135,637,052 | 26.73 | 783,710 |
General Notes: 1. Votes 'Withheld' are not counted in the calculation of the proportion of votes 'For' or ‘Against' a resolution. 2. Copies of the resolutions passed will be submitted to the UK Listing Authority via the National Storage Mechanism and will be available in due course for inspection at Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement, transmitted by EQS Group. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.