1st Apr 2014 15:49
BARONSMEAD VCT 2 PLC - Total Voting RightsBARONSMEAD VCT 2 PLC - Total Voting Rights
PR Newswire
London, April 1
Baronsmead VCT 2 plc Total Voting Rights In conformity with the Disclosure and Transparency Rule 5.6.1, we would like tonotify the market of the following: As at 31 March 2014, the issued share capital and voting rights of BaronsmeadVCT 2 plc are as follows: Class of Total number of Number of Total number Number of Total numbershare shares in voting of voting shares held of shares in circulation rights rights of in treasury issue attached shares in (carrying no to each circulation voting share rights attached until issued) Ordinary 84,648,313 1 84,648,313 10,323,819 94,972,13210p shares The above total voting rights figure may be used by shareholders as thedenominator for the calculations by which they will determine whether they arerequired to notify their interest in Baronsmead VCT 2 plc under the FCA'sDisclosure and Transparency Rules. 1 April 2014 For further information please contact: Michael Probin - VCT Investor Relations Director ISIS EP LLP
Tel: 020 7506 5796
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