26th Feb 2021 11:32
February 26, 2021
London Stock Exchange
Dear Madam, Sirs,
Sub: First and Final Call Money Notice (ISIN: IN9081A01010) -
Dispatch Completion and Newspaper Advertisement
This has reference to our letter dated February 23, 2021, regarding issuance of the Notice for payment of First and Final Call ("First and Final Call Money Notice") on the partly paid-up equity shares of the Company issued in terms of the Letter of Offer dated January 22, 2018 ("Letter of Offer").
In this connection, we wish to inform you that, in terms of the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 ("Act") read with relevant rules made thereunder, and the Letter of Offer, the First and Final Call Money Notice has been sent in electronic mode, to the holders of partly paid-up equity shares ("Shareholders"), whose e-mail addresses are registered with the Company or its Registrars and Transfer Agent ("RTA") or Depository Participant(s) as on the record date i.e. February 19, 2021 ("Record Date"). Further, physical copy of the First and Final Call Money Notice along with the detailed instructions, ASBA Form and payment slip, has been sent through permitted modes of dispatch at the registered address of those Shareholders: a) who have not registered their e-mail address with the Company or its RTA or Depository Participant(s); or b) who have specifically registered their request for a physical copy of the same. The Company has completed the dispatch on February 25, 2021.
In case of non-receipt of the First and Final Call Money Notice, Shareholders may request by an e-mail or letter addressed to the Registrar to the First and Final Call, for a duplicate First andFinal Call Money Notice, or may also download the same from the website of the Company: https://www.tatasteel.com/investors/investor-information/rights-issue-first-and-final-call/ or the Registrar's website: www.linkintime.co.in. In such case, however, the Shareholder has to fill the DP ID-Client ID or Folio No., number of partly paid-up equity shares held and amount payable towards the First and Final Call money.
Further, an advertisement in connection with the issue of the First and Final Call Money Notice was published on February 26, 2021, in the following newspapers:
1. The Indian Express (English - All editions)
2. Loksatta (Marathi - All editions)
3. Jansatta (Hindi - All editions)
Copies of the newspaper advertisement are enclosed herewith. The same are also available on the website of the Company at www.tatasteel.com
This is for your information and records.
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