11th Sep 2008 07:00
11th September 2008
Empyrean Energy PLC
("Empyrean" or the "Company"; Ticker: (EME))
Sugarloaf Block A, Texas USA
TCEI JV Block A # 4 well reaches total depth
Encouraging gas observations and flares over more than 1500 feet
Operator preparing the well for setting production casing followed by testing
Empyrean Energy Plc, the oil and gas explorer and producer with assets in Germany and the USA, is pleased to provide the following update on operations at Block A within the Sugarloaf Prospect:
Empyrean has been advised by Texas Crude Energy Inc that the TCEI JV Block A #4 horizontal well has reached a total measured depth of 15,084 feet. Current operations are circulating gas out of the drilling fluid in preparation to run production casing. The well will then be tested.
During drilling, high gas readings and flares have prompted the operator to call total depth earlier than anticipated as they believe the gas observations from an interval of more than 1500 ft in length suggest sufficient encouragement to provide for a good commercial outcome. The early total depth has also meant that this well has been drilled under the budgeted cost.
Multiple gas readings in excess of 500 units (background gas approximately 50 units) and multiple flares measuring over 20 feet in height were observed during drilling of the 1500 ft interval.
Further updates will be provided as significant developments occur.
Empyrean has a 7.5% working interest in this well.
Commenting today, Empyrean executive director Tom Kelly stated "The gas readings and flares provide great encouragement for Empyrean on this well. We look forward to the testing in due course."
The information contained in this announcement was completed and reviewed by the Technical Director of Empyrean Energy Plc, Mr Frank Brophy BSc (Hons) who has over 40 years experience as a petroleum geologist.
For further information
Empyrean Energy plc
Tom Kelly
Tel: +44(0) 207 182 1746
Blue Oar Securities Plc
Olly Cairns / Jerry Keen
Tel: (+61) 8 6430 1631 / (+44) 207 448 4400
Conduit PR
Jonathan Charles / Sarah Alexander
Tel: +44 (0) 207 429 6611 / +44 (0) 7791 892 509
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