14th Jun 2011 07:00
14 June 2011
Empyrean Energy PLC
("Empyrean" or the "Company")
Sugarloaf Project, ("Sugarloaf"), Block B, Texas USA
Empyrean is pleased to provide the following update on operations at the Sugarloaf Project within the Sugarkane Gas & Condensate Field, Texas.
Production Data
The following well has been on production for a period of 60 days and Empyrean is pleased to provide the market with an update on produced volumes during that period:-
Working Interest | Total Gas Production (mmscf) | Total Condensate Production (bbls) | Average Daily Equivalent Oil Rate (boe/d)* | |
Buehring #1H - 60 day | 3% | 45.8 | 31,085 | 645 |
\* The equivalent barrels per day production rate has been calculated on a simple 6:1 ratio in compliance with Canadian securities laws under National Instrument 51 - 101.
PMT #1H (1.11% WI) - The PMT #1H well commenced production on 10th May 2011, Empyrean will provide a production update when this well has achieved 30 days of production.
Davenport #1H (1.4% WI) - The fracture stimulation of the Davenport #1H well is now complete, the isolation plugs will shortly be drilled out, production tubing run and then the well will be unloaded and flowed to sales.
Best Huth #1H (0.58% WI) - The Best Huth #1H well reached a Total Depth of 16,159ft on May 19th 2011. The fracture stimulation of this well is presently underway and once complete it will be unloaded and flowed to sales.
Jordan #1H (3% WI) - The fracture stimulation of this well is complete and it will shortly be unloaded to sales.
Best Fenner #1H (3% WI)
The Best Fenner #1H well has been drilled and reached a total depth of 18,020 ft on the 27/04/11. This well has been successfully cased and will be fracture stimulated in due course.
Gilley #1H (3% WI) - Following the completion of a modified stimulation on this well attempts were made to unload the well, however frac sand production is presently bridging across the completion and limiting flow. Further operations may be carried out on this well but it is now holding leases by production.
The information contained in this announcement was completed and reviewed by the Technical Director of Empyrean Energy Plc, Mr Frank Brophy BSc (Hons) who has over 40 years experience as a petroleum geologist.
For further information
Empyrean Energy plc
Tom Kelly
+618 9388 8041
Shore Capital and Corporate Limited
Anita Ghanekar
Edward Mansfield
+ 444 (0) 207 408 4090
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