5th Jun 2018 07:00
5 June 2018
('Stobart Group' or 'the Company')
Shareholder requisition
The Company announces that it has received a requisition from shareholders holding in excess of 33% of the Company's voting capital to nominate Philip Day to be elected as a Director of the Company either at its forthcoming Annual General Meeting or at a subsequently convened general meeting and to invite the Board to nominate him as Chairman. The shareholders comprise Andrew Tinkler, Executive Director, funds acting through Woodford Investment Management Limited and Allan Jenkinson.
The Board, through its Nomination Committee, had separately identified in the ordinary course an excellent female candidate to replace John Garbutt who is standing down at the AGM. This candidature has been placed on hold pending the outcome of the AGM.
The Board will convene a general meeting of the Company in accordance with its Articles of Incorporation in due course to put Mr Day's election as a director to a shareholder vote. In addition, the Nomination Committee will consider Mr Day's candidature and will advise shareholders in due course of its recommendation in relation to board appointments.
This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of EU Regulation 956/2014.
Redleaf Communications
Robin Tozer
Charles Ansdell
+44 203 757 6880
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