1st Oct 2010 15:10
HAMILTON, Bermuda; On 29 September 2010, the Board of Hiscox Ltd (the 'Company') granted awards over a total of 4,656 ordinary shares of 5p each in the Company pursuant to the Hiscox Ltd Performance Share Plan (the 'Plan'). These awards are in respect of 'shadow dividends', which are payable to participants under the Plan in connection with vested but unexercised awards held as at the date the dividend was paid to shareholders in September 2010. These awards are subject to the same terms, and therefore exercisable on the same basis, as the vested but unexercised awards to which they relate.
Included in these grants were awards granted to a Director of the Company as set out below:
RRSH Hiscox 1,260 shares
For further information:
Charles Dupplin
Hiscox Ltd, Company Secretary
00 1 441 278 8300
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