9th Jul 2008 14:57
Assura Group Limited ("Assura" or the "Company")
Scrip Dividend Alternative
9 July 2008
On 25 June 2008 Assura announced its final results and its directors recommended a final dividend of 4.67p per ordinary share in the share capital of the Company ("Final Dividend"). Assura also announced that subject to seeking shareholder approval, it intended to offer its shareholders the alternative of a scrip dividend ("Scrip Dividend Alternative").
Assura issued a circular to its shareholders on 4 July 2008 ("Circular") containing details of the terms of the Scrip Dividend Alternative and the process for electing to take ordinary shares in lieu of cash dividends.
The scrip dividend reference price for the 2008 final dividend payable on 14 August 2008 is 81.65p. This is the reference price at which Assura ordinary shares will be issued to shareholders who elect to take ordinary shares in lieu of cash dividends through participation in the Assura Scrip Dividend Alternative and is based on the average of the middle market quotations of Assura ordinary shares derived from the London Stock Exchange Daily Official List on the five consecutive dealing days commencing 2 July 2008, the day when Assura ordinary shares were first quoted 'ex' the Final Dividend.
The issue of shares pursuant to the Scrip Dividend Alternative is subject to the requisite approvals of Assura shareholders at the 2008 annual general meeting of the Company.
Any shareholders who wish to participate in the Assura Scrip Dividend Alternative, should refer to the details set out in the Circular and the form of election posted with it.
A copy of the Circular and a blank form of election is also available on Assura's website: www.assuragroup.co.uk
Please contact Computershare (CI) Limited on 01534 825377 (or +44 1534 825337 if calling from overseas) if you have any queries or you wish to obtain a form of election. The form of election must be returned to Computershare (CI) Limited at Ordnance House, 31 Pier Road, St Helier, Jersey JE4 8PW to arrive by no later than 9.00 am on 25 July 2008 in order for it to be effective for the 2008 final dividend.
Enquiries etc:
Greg McMahon / Louise Bathersby: Assura Group |
020 7107 3800 |
Ben Atwell / Emma Thompson: Financial Dynamics |
020 7831 3113 |
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