13th Aug 2009 11:30
Atlantic Coal plc / Index: AIM / Epic: ATC / Sector: Mining
13th August 2009
Atlantic Coal plc
('Atlantic Coal' or 'the Company')
Rule 2.10 Announcement - Relevant Securities in Issue
In accordance with Rule 2.10 of the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers, the Company announces that, following the admission to trading on AIM at 8.00am today of 42,750,000 new ordinary shares of 0.07p each, it has 1,385,846,350 ordinary shares of 0.07p each in issue.
The International Security Identification Number for these securities is GB00B142G994.
For further information on the Company, visit: www.atlanticcoal.com or contact:
Stephen Best /Greg Kuenzel
Atlantic Coal plc
Tel: 020 7182 1747
Imran Ahmad / Nick Athanas
HB Corporate Limited
Tel: 020 7510 8600
Daniel Fox Davies
Fox Davies Capital Ltd
Tel: 020 7936 5230
Hugo de Salis / Chris Welsh
St Brides Media & Finance Ltd
Tel: 020 7236 1177
About the Company:
Atlantic Coal owns and operates the Stockton Colliery which comprises an opencast anthracite mine and an adjacent anthracite washing plant. The mine is an established non-union surface mine encompassing circa 900 land acres in the Hazle Creek Valley, Pennsylvania and has an estimated proven reserve of 4 million tons. Mining of raw coal is from the high quality mammoth seam, while washing and sizing takes place in the 150 ton per hour coal preparation plant. J T Boyd Company, the Company's Competent Person, estimated that there is over 10 years of mine life from existing reserves at an average production rate of 400,000 Run of Mine ('ROM') tons per annum. Based on historic production levels, the mine is capable of and is projected to produce approximately 450,000 ROM tons of coal per year. Mining operations are conducted by the use of hydraulic excavators. Uncovered raw coal is then loaded into 100 ton trucks for delivery to the onsite preparation plant. As each section of the mine is developed, mining progresses from the northern and southern faces into the basin. This yields a constant flow of raw coal to the preparation plant.
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