6th Aug 2013 07:00
AIM: EMED TSX: EMD 6 August 2013
EMED Mining Public Limited
("EMED Mining" or the "Company")
Update of Progress at
the Rio Tinto Copper Project
EMED Mining, the Europe-based minerals development and exploration company, is pleased to report progress during the past month at its Rio Tinto Copper Project in Spain. These matters were covered in a presentation by the Company's Managing Director in Kalgoorlie, a mining centre in Australia, and his power point presentation has been uploaded onto the Company's website.
Progress during July included:
·; Government affirmation of its objective to process the project trigger permits (Administrative Standing, or "AS", and Environmental Plan, or "AAU") by the end of 2013 in full compliance with standard procedures for regulatory compliance.
·; Receipt of the independent Viability Report by the Government's independent technical expert CEDEX in respect of the refinements for the tailings management facility (TMF) as agreed with the Departments of Industry and Environment. This relates to one of the two remaining conditions for granting of AS, the other condition being approval of the AAU. The AAU has already been through its public comment and regulatory review, but the refinements for the TMF which have now been incorporated into relevant documentation, need also to be put to public to so that the Government can ensure the Company has addressed all relevant concerns.
·; Commencement of administrative procedures for ancillary permits as scheduled at this stage, such as plant inspections to check that planned refurbishment works will achieve safety and other standards.
·; Appointment of Spanish executives to the management team to replace the expatriate executives who have completed their assignments to oversee the Company's initial project evaluation and planning.
Harry Anagnostaras-Adams, Managing Director and CEO of EMED Mining, commented:
"The status of the various procedures, such as the punctual report from CEDEX, serve to advance the administrative process as directed by the regulatory authorities. We look forward to 2014 to participate in the current strong resurgence of mining in Andalucia, which reflects the Government's recently announced policy initiatives in this regard."
EMED Mining | Harry Anagnostaras-Adams | +357 9945 7843 |
RFC Ambrian | Stuart Laing | +61 8 9480 2500 |
Fox-Davies Capital | Susan Walker | +44 203 463 5028 |
Bishopsgate Communications | Nick Rome | +44 207 562 3350 |
Proconsul Capital | Andreas Curkovic | +1 416 577 9927 |
For further information on the Company's activities, visit www.emed-mining.com
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