21st Oct 2020 16:54
DWF Group plc
("DWF" or "the Company")
21 October 2020
Results of the Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of DWF Group plc was held at 2.00pm on 21 October 2020. A poll was held on each resolution proposed. All the resolutions set out in the Notice of Meeting were duly passed. The results of the poll are as follows:
| Resolution | Votes For | Votes Against | Total Votes Validly Cast | ISC Voted | Votes Withheld | ||
| No. of shares | % | No. of shares | % | No. of shares | % | No. of shares |
1. | To receive the Annual Reports & financial statements for the period ended 30 April 2020. | 116,870,277 | 100.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 116,870,277 | 36.01% | 1,240,896 |
2. | To approve the Directors' Remuneration Report. | 116,852,998 | 99.99 | 11,563 | 0.01 | 116,864,561 | 36.01% | 1,246,612 |
3. | To declare a final dividend. | 118,099,962 | 100.00 | 3,800 | 0.00 | 118,103,762 | 36.39% | 7,829 |
4. | To re-elect Sir Nigel Knowles as a Director. | 116,863,078 | 98.95 | 1,235,887 | 1.05 | 118,098,965 | 36.39% | 12,208 |
5. | To re-elect Teresa Colaianni as a Director. | 118,095,624 | 100.00 | 1,093 | 0.00 | 118,096,717 | 36.39% | 13,286 |
6. | To re-elect Matthew Doughty as a Director. | 118,096,794 | 100.00 | 1,093 | 0.00 | 118,097,887 | 36.39% | 13,286 |
7. | To re-elect Samantha Duncan as a Director. | 118,096,794 | 100.00 | 1,093 | 0.00 | 118,097,887 | 36.39% | 13,286 |
8. | To re-elect Vinodka Murria as a Director. | 118,096,794 | 100.00 | 1,093 | 0.00 | 118,097,887 | 36.39% | 13,286 |
9. | To re-elect Luke Savage as a Director. | 118,096,794 | 100.00 | 1,093 | 0.00 | 118,097,887 | 36.39% | 13,286 |
10. | To re-elect Chris Stefani as a Director. | 117,786,843 | 99.74 | 311,044 | 0.26 | 118,097,887 | 36.39% | 13,286 |
11. | To re-elect Chris Sullivan as a Director. | 117,984,500 | 99.90 | 113,387 | 0.10 | 118,097,887 | 36.39% | 13,286 |
12. | To elect Jonathan Bloomer as a Director. | 116,862,000 | 100.00 | 3,048 | 0.00 | 116,865,048 | 36.01% | 1,245,038 |
13. | To re-appoint Deloitte LLP as Auditors. | 111,070,425 | 94.05 | 7,023,891 | 5.95 | 118,094,316 | 36.39% | 16,857 |
14. | To authorise the Audit Committee to determine the Auditors' remuneration. | 112,313,668 | 95.10 | 5,792,911 | 4.90 | 118,106,579 | 36.39% | 4,594 |
15. | To authorise political donations. | 110,724,925 | 94.84 | 6,021,952 | 5.16 | 116,746,877 | 35.97% | 1,363,542 |
16. | To authorise the allotment of shares. | 115,301,214 | 97.63 | 2,796,632 | 2.37 | 118,097,846 | 36.39% | 13,745 |
17. | To disapply pre-emption rights. | 118,070,932 | 99.99 | 17,230 | 0.01 | 118,088,162 | 36.38% | 23,011 |
18. | To further disapply pre-emption rights for investment purposes. | 114,147,268 | 96.67 | 3,934,779 | 3.33 | 118,082,047 | 36.38% | 26,256 |
19. | To authorise market purchases of own shares. | 116,843,677 | 98.94 | 1,250,784 | 1.06 | 118,094,461 | 36.39% | 14,859 |
20. | To permit the holding of general meetings on not less than 14 clear days' notice. | 117,737,614 | 99.69 | 365,210 | 0.31 | 118,102,824 | 36.39% | 7,595 |
A 'vote withheld' is not a vote under English law and is therefore not counted in the calculation of votes 'for' and 'against' a resolution.
The total number of ordinary shares in issue at the close of business on 19 October 2020 was 324,554,653. Shareholders are entitled to one vote per share.
In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.2, copies of the resolutions (other than those concerning ordinary business) will be submitted to the FCA National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism.
For further information please contact:
DWF Group plc
Mollie Stoker - Company Secretary +44 (0)20 7280 8929
Nahidur Rahman - Senior PR Manager
Finsbury (PR advisers to DWF)
Ed Simpkins +44 (0)20 7251 3801
Charles O'Brien
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