25th Nov 2014 15:57
PR Newswire
London, November 25
PANTHEON INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATIONS PLC RESULT OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 25 NOVEMBER 2014 Annual General Meeting Following the Annual General Meeting held today, the Company is pleased toannounce that all resolutions put to shareholders were passed on a show ofhands. Resolutions 1-10 related to Ordinary Business. Resolutions 11-13 related toSpecial Business as set out below: Resolution 10: general authority to allot shares under Section 551 of theCompanies Act 2006. Resolution 11: authority to allot securities otherwise than in accordance withstatutory pre-emption rights, under Section 570 of the Companies Act 2006. Resolution 12: authority to make market purchases of shares under section 701of the Companies Act 2006. Resolution 13: authority to hold general meetings, other than Annual GeneralMeetings, on not less than 14 clear days' notice. The proxy votes received on each resolution were as follows: For Against At Chairman's Withheld discretion Resolution 1 15,304,968 0 448 2,521 Resolution 2 15,302,376 256 448 4,857 Resolution 3 15,302,509 1,914 448 3,066 Resolution 4 13,299,585 2,005,990 448 1,914 Resolution 5 13,330,850 1,956,287 448 20,352 Resolution 6 15,305,330 245 448 1,914 Resolution 7 12,937,289 2,362,093 448 8,107 Resolution 8 14,029,355 57,030 448 1,221,104 Resolution 9 15,305,468 107 448 1,914 Resolution 10 15,304,839 314 448 2,336 Resolution 11 14,543,807 761,346 448 2,336 Resolution 12 15,305,575 0 448 1,914 Resolution 13 15,037,914 267,661 448 1,914 A copy of the full text of Resolutions 10 to 13 will be submitted to theNational Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for viewing athttp://www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/nsm
25 November 2014
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