8th May 2018 14:27
8 May 2018
4imprint Group plc
Results of Annual General Meeting 2018
All of the resolutions proposed at the Annual General Meeting of 4imprint Group plc held at 11.00 a.m. on Tuesday 8 May 2018 were duly passed and the results of the poll on all resolutions passed at the AGM are set out in the table below.
Each shareholder, present in person or by proxy was entitled to one vote per share held.
| FOR* | % | AGAINST | % | WITHHELD** |
1 | Receipt of Financial Statements | 22,085,726 | 98.47% | 342,403 | 1.53% | 0 |
2 | Directors' Remuneration Report | 22,331,211 | 99.57% | 95,795 | 0.43% | 1,124 |
3 | Directors' Remuneration Policy | 19,117,268 | 85.97% | 3,120,163 | 14.03% | 190,697 |
4 | Declaration of Final Dividend | 22,427,132 | 100.00% | 998 | 0.00% | 0 |
5 | Declaration of Supplementary Dividend | 22,427,132 | 100.00% | 998 | 0.00% | 0 |
6 | Re-election of Director - Charles John Brady | 17,440,568 | 77.76% | 4,987,561 | 22.24% | 0 |
7 | Re-election of Director - Kevin Lyons-Tarr | 22,425,594 | 99.99% | 2,536 | 0.01% | 0 |
8 | Re-election of Director - Paul Stephen Moody | 22,181,134 | 98.90% | 246,996 | 1.10% | 0 |
9 | Re-election of Director - Andrew James Scull | 22,276,626 | 99.32% | 151,504 | 0.68% | 0 |
10 | Re-election of Director - David John Emmott Seekings | 22,427,032 | 100.00% | 1,098 | 0.00% | 0 |
11 | Re-election of Director - John Anthony Warren | 19,152,917 | 85.40% | 3,275,213 | 14.60% | 0 |
12 | Re-appointment of Auditors | 21,987,155 | 99.45% | 120,955 | 0.55% | 320,019 |
13 | Remuneration of Auditors | 22,425,544 | 99.99% | 2,586 | 0.01% | 0 |
14 | Directors' authority to allot shares*** | 22,423,056 | 99.99% | 2,272 | 0.01% | 2,802 |
15 | Disapplication of Pre-emption rights*** | 21,295,209 | 94.95% | 1,132,921 | 5.05% | 0 |
16 | Authority to purchase own shares*** | 22,099,983 | 98.54% | 328,146 | 1.46% | 0 |
17 | Notice of General Meeting*** | 22,318,891 | 99.51% | 109,239 | 0.49% | 0 |
The Board notes the outcome of the shareholder vote on Resolution 6 concerning the re-election of Mr. C. J. Brady, the Chairman of both the Remuneration and Nominations Committees. The Board understands that this is as a result of concerns expressed by some shareholders regarding (i) certain aspects of the Remuneration Policy and (ii) there being no female representation on the Board. Mr. Brady's knowledge and experience brings significant benefits to the business and he is an effective member of the Board. The Board will continue to engage with shareholders regarding the matters referred to above.
* Includes discretionary votes.
** A vote withheld is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the proportion of votes "For" or "Against" a resolution.
*** Indicates Special Business.
The total number of Ordinary Shares in issue, excluding Treasury Shares, on 8 May 2018 is 28,085,530.
A copy of the resolutions passed as special business at today's Annual General Meeting will, in accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.2, be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism.
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