1st Jul 2014 15:52
PR Newswire
London, July 1
INVESTEC STRUCTURED PRODUCTS CALCULUS VCT PLC RESULTS OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND SEPARATE CLASS MEETINGS Result of Annual General Meeting The Company is pleased to announce that at the Annual General Meeting held on1 July 2014 all resolutions were passed on a show of hands, including thefollowing resolutions 11 to 13: Resolution 11 (special resolution): To authorise the Directors to allot sharesfor cash pursuant to Sections 570 and 573 of the Companies Act 2006 otherwisethan in accordance with statutory pre-emption rights. Resolution 12 (special resolution): To authorise the Directors to make marketpurchases of the Company's own shares. Resolution 13 (special resolution): To hold general meetings (other than annualgeneral meetings) on 14 clear days' notice. A copy of the full text of Resolutions 11 to 13 will be submitted to theNational Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at http://www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/nsm. The proxy votes received on each resolution were as follows: For Against At Chairman's Withheld discretion Resolution 1 361,401 Nil Nil Nil Resolution 2 361,401 Nil Nil Nil Resolution 3 361,401 Nil Nil Nil Resolution 4 361,401 Nil Nil Nil Resolution 5 330,125 Nil 18,276 13,000 Resolution 6 348,401 Nil Nil 13,000 Resolution 7 348,401 Nil Nil 13,000 Resolution 8 361,401 Nil Nil Nil Resolution 9 330,125 Nil 18,276 13,000 Resolution 10 361,401 Nil Nil Nil Resolution 11 361,401 Nil Nil Nil Resolution 12 361,401 Nil Nil Nil Resolution 13 361,401 Nil Nil Nil Results of Separate Class Meetings The Company held Separate Meetings of the Holders of Ordinary Shares and C Shareson 1 July 2014 and the proposed resolutions were passed on a show of hands. A special resolution was passed at each Separate Meeting obtaining the approvaland consent of holders of ordinary shares and C shares to resolution 12 passedat the Company's Annual General Meeting held on 1 July 2014 (which had beensubject to approval at the Separate Meetings) and any variation of class rightsresulting therefrom. The proxy votes received on the resolution at the Separate Meeting of theHolders of Ordinary Shares were as follows: For Against At Chairman's Withheld discretion Resolution 351,401 Nil Nil Nil The proxy votes received on the resolution at the Separate Meeting of theHolders of C Shares were as follows: For Against At Chairman's Withheld discretion Resolution 35,162 Nil 5,125 Nil A copy of the full text of the Resolutions will be submitted to the NationalStorage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at
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