10th Jan 2013 15:45
PR Newswire
London, January 10
The Company announces that all of the resolutions put to the shareholders atthe Company's Annual General Meeting held at the Plaisterers' Hall, One LondonWall, EC2Y 5JU, on Thursday, 10 January 2013 were duly passed.
Resolutions 1 to 8 were passed as Ordinary Resolutions and Resolutions 9 to 11were passed as Special Resolutions. The resolutions are set out below:
Resolution 1: To receive the Report and Financial Statements for the year ended30 September 2012.
Resolution 2: To declare a final dividend of 5.0p per Ordinary Share.
Resolution 3: To approve the Directors' Remuneration Report for the year ended30 September 2012.
Resolution 4: To re-elect Mrs G Nott as a director.
Resolution 5: To re-elect Mr C Parritt as a director.
Resolution 6: To re-elect Mr H Goldring as a director
Resolution 7: To re-appoint KPMG Audit Plc as the independent auditors and toauthorise the directors to determine their remuneration.
Resolution 8: To extend the authority to allot shares in accordance withstatutory pre-emption rights pursuant to section 551 of the Companies Act 2006.
Resolution 9: To empower the Directors to allot shares pursuant to section 570and 573 of the Companies Act 2006.
Resolution 10: To extend the authority to make market purchases of theCompany's shares pursuant to section 693 (4) of the Companies Act 2006.
Resolution 11: To authorise the Directors to hold general meetings on 14 cleardays notice.
A notice of the resolutions passed will shortly be available via the NationalStorage Mechanism, which is located at: http://www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM
For further information please contact Michael Probin, VCT Investor Relations
ISIS EP LLP Tel: 0207 506 5796
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