20th Jun 2011 18:26
20 June, 2011
Zanaga Iron Ore Company Limited
Zanaga Iron Ore Company Limited (AIM: ZIOC) announces that at the Annual General Meeting held on Friday 17 June all resolutions proposed were duly passed.
About Zanaga Iron Ore Company Limited
Zanaga Iron Ore Company Limited (AIM: ZIOC) is the owner of 50% less one share interest in the Zanaga Iron Ore Project ("The Zanaga Project") based in the Republic of Congo through its joint venture partnership with Xstrata. The Zanaga Project is focused on the management, development and construction of a world-class iron ore mine and related, processing, rail and port infrastructure.
ZIOC owned 100% of and managed the Zanaga Project up until February 2011 when Xstrata exercised its first call option to acquire its 50% plus one share majority stake in Jumelles Limited, the joint venture vehicle for the Zanaga Project. Xstrata is now ZIOC's majority joint venture partner and has effective management control of the Zanaga Project at both a shareholder and director level.
Media contacts
Zanaga UK Services Limited
Corporate Development and Andrew TraharInvestor Relations Manager 020 7399 1105
Liberum Capital Limited
Nominated Adviser, Financial Chris Bowman, Christopher BrittonAdviser and Sole Broker and Christopher Kololian
020 3100 2000
Pelham Bell Pottinger
Financial PR Charles Vivian, James MacFarlane and Philippe Polman
020 7861 3232
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