18th Jul 2017 15:37
Brown (N) Group PLC
18 July 2017
N Brown Group plc ('the Company')
Results of 2017 AGM
The Company announces that all resolutions, save for resolution 14, proposed at the Company's 2017 Annual General Meeting held on 18 July 2017 were duly passed by shareholders on a show of hands.
At the meeting the Chairman Andy Higginson explained that the text of resolution 13 (authority to allot shares) and resolution 14 (permission to allot a limited number of shares other than to existing shareholders) as set out in the notice of meeting each contained an error in that they referred to an expiry date of not later than 20 July 2017 rather than 20 July 2018 which was the intended latest expiry date. Therefore the Chairman proposed an amended ordinary resolution to replace '20 July 2017' with '20 July 2018' in resolution 13. The amended resolution was passed unanimously.
Resolution 14, being a special resolution, was removed from the agenda and not voted on.
A summary of the proxy votes received prior to the meeting will shortly be displayed in the Investors/Shareholder information/AGM information section of the Company's website www.nbrown.co.uk
The text of the resolutions is set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting dated 19 May 2017 which accompanied the Company's Report and Accounts for the 53 weeks ended 4 March 2017, a copy of which can also be viewed on the Company's website www.nbrown.co.uk, again in the Investors/Download Centre/Reports and Shareholder meetings sections.
Listing Rule (LR) 9.6.2
In accordance with LR 9.6.2, the Company also hereby gives notification that a copy of the resolutions passed as special business at the Company's 2017 AGM will be available for inspection shortly at the National Storage Mechanisms, www.hemscott.com/nsm.do.
Theresa Casey
Company Secretary
N Brown Group plc
Tel: 0161 238 2141
Fax: 0161 238
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