14th May 2012 14:40
Results of Annual General Meeting 2012
The Annual General Meeting of Serco Group plc was held on 14 May 2012.
All resolutions were passed by poll. The results are set out below. A copy of resolutions passed as other than ordinary business will be submitted as soon as practicable to the National Storage Mechanism and will be available shortly for inspection at http://www.hemscott.com/nsm.do.
For Against Vote Withheld Resolution 1: Annual Report 383,099,283 15,900 205,852and Accounts Resolution 2: Remuneration 351,474,463 23,547,217 8,299,355Report Resolution 3: Declare a 383,212,527 11,145 97,363Final Dividend Resolution 4: Ralph D 380,858,781 2,346,793 115,461Crosby Jr Resolution 5: Alastair 371,647,784 11,266,028 447,223Lyons Resolution 6: Christopher 371,300,555 11,905,960 113,920Hyman Resolution 7: Andrew Jenner 380,763,019 2,424,902 133,114 Resolution 8: David 380,152,064 3,047,347 121,624Richardson Resolution 9: Angie Risley 380,204,364 2,991,036 121,326 Resolution 10: 375,456,085 4,081,662 3,783,288Re-Appointment of Auditors Resolution 11: Remuneration 379,281,635 3,918,146 121,254of Auditors Resolution 12: Purchase own 379,708,717 3,506,272 106,046Shares(*) Resolution 13: Allot 338,244,312 42,208,941 2,867,782Relevant Securities Resolution 14: Disapply 380,951,139 494,321 1,875,575Pre-emption Rights(*) Resolution 15: Political 368,248,679 11,096,557 3,975,799Donations Resolution 16: Notice of 355,651,793 27,558,928 110,314Meetings(*) Notes:
A "Vote Withheld" is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the proportion of votes "For" or "Against" a Resolution. The 'For' vote includes those giving the Chairman discretion.
(*) denotes special business
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