26th Sep 2006 08:00
Pfizer Expands Research Commitment to Ophthalmology Through Licensing Agreement With Quark Biotech Novel gene target RTP-801 offers a new approach for a potential treatment of age-related macular degeneration NEW YORK, and FREMONT, Calif., and NESS-ZIONA, Israel, Sept. 26-- Pfizer Inc and Quark Biotech, Inc., announced today that they have enteredinto an agreement under which Pfizer acquires an exclusive worldwide license toQuark's novel human gene RTP-801 and to molecules that modify its expression orfunction. RTP-801 is involved in the development of pathologic blood vesselswhich accelerate the progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Financial terms of the agreement were not announced. The agreement is subjectto clearance by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. AMD is the leading cause of blindness in the developed world affecting about 15million Americans over the age of 50. The target for RTP-801 is neovascular orwet AMD. Wet AMD is the most devastating form of the disease and occurs due tothe formation of an abnormal vascular network beneath the retina of the eye.These blood vessels are excessively leaky and lead to an accumulation of fluidand blood beneath and within the retina resulting in a loss of visual acuity. "Despite advances in research and the availability of new treatment options,there remains a need for new approaches to improve the lives of patients withAMD," said Martin Mackay, Ph.D., Pfizer senior vice president WorldwideResearch and Technology. "We are excited about the potential ofRTP-801 to preserve vision in patients with wet AMD who have an increased riskof progressive eye damage and vision loss." "We are pleased that Pfizer has chosen our novel target RTP-801 andbiomolecules for its drug development program," said Daniel Zurr, CEO of Quark."This agreement provides further recognition for Quark's creative approach todiscover conceptually new drugs to treat devastating diseases. We are dedicatedto help society with innovative medicines by moving from novel gene targets tounique compounds and eventually commercial products." Based on pre-clinical models, it is believed that AMD can be treated byblocking the expression of the RTP-801 gene through RNA interference or RNAi.RNAi is a naturally occurring mechanism within cells for selectively silencingand regulating specific genes. The ability to silence genes through RNAi couldprovide a new way to treat a wide range of human diseases -- including AMD --that are caused by the inappropriate activity of specific genes. Pfizer Inc: Working for a healthier world(TM) Founded in 1849, Pfizer is the world's largest research-based pharmaceuticalcompany taking new approaches to better health. We discover and developinnovative medicines to treat and help prevent disease for both people andanimals. Through consistent, high-quality manufacturing and distributionoperations, our medicines reach patients in 180 nations. We also partner withhealthcare providers, governments and local communities around the world toexpand access to our medicines and to provide better quality healthcare andhealth system support. At Pfizer, our colleagues work every day to help peoplestay happier and healthier longer and to reduce the human and economic burdenof disease worldwide. About Quark Biotech, Inc. Quark Biotech, Inc. is a privately held development-stage, biopharmaceuticalcompany headquartered in Fremont, CA. Through an innovative combination of genesilencing and DNA microarray technology, Quark has pioneered and patented itsBiFAR(TM) platform for high-throughput functional profiling, allowingsignificant advances in the identification of target genes and proteins. Thistechnology allows the company to develop conceptually novel drugs that couldprovide previously unavailable benefits to patients. Quark development effortsare focused on treatment of fibrotic and ischemic diseases of the eye, kidneyand lungs, in indications with clear unmet medical needs. Quark corporate product development teams are based in Fremont, CA and researchfacilities in Ness-Ziona, Israel. PFIZER DISCLOSURE NOTICE: The information contained in this document is as ofSeptember 26, 2006. Pfizer assumes no obligation to update anyforward-looking statements contained in this document as a result of newinformation or future events or developments. This release contains forward-looking information about a research anddevelopment program and the potential efficacy of product candidates that mightresult from the program that involve substantial risks and uncertainties. Suchrisks and uncertainties include, among other things, the uncertainty inherentin research and development activities, decisions by regulatory authoritiesregarding whether and when to approve any drug applications that may resultfrom the program as well as their decisions regarding labeling and othermatters that could affect the commercial potential of product candidates thatmay result from the program; and competitive developments. A further list and description of risks and uncertainties can be found in theCompany's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31,2005, and in its reports on Form 10-Q and Form 8-K.SOURCE Pfizer Inc 09/26/2006/CONTACT: Paul Fitzhenry of Pfizer, +1-212-733-4637; or Juliana Friedman ofQuark Biotech, +972-8-9305-111; or Cynthia Isaac of Ogilvy PR,+1-212-880-5206//Company News On-Call: Pfizer's press releases are available through PRNewswire's Company News On-Call service on PRN's Web Site. 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