18th Apr 2008 11:56
W.H. Ireland Group PLC18 April 2008 The following announcement replaces that released under RNS number 6529S and includes additional details relating to the outcome of the AGM: WH Ireland Group plc AGM Statement At the Annual General Meeting of W H Ireland Group plc ("WH Ireland" or "theGroup"), Sir David Trippier, Chairman, made the following statement: "It is pleasing to be able to report to shareholders on another successful yearfor the Group. Last year, we continued to invest in our business, adding two newfund management teams and our IFA business in Bristol and increasing ourinvestment in our Australian business. We will continue to expand our threeprimary business activities in parallel with the objective of achieving abalanced, diversified business, built on the foundation of strong asset base. "Shareholders will have seen our recent announcement detailing a significantinvestment in our Group by a consortium of individuals who are committed toassisting us to take our strategy forward. I am sure that the Group will deriveconsiderable benefit from their expertise within the financial services sectorand I would like to take this opportunity to welcome them as new shareholders. "In February, in the Chief Executive's report to shareholders, it was statedthat "Market conditions deteriorated during the second half of our year and weare yet to see signs of a significant or sustained recovery. Current economicforecasts suggest that the year will prove testing in many respects but ourcorporate finance operation continues to be active." This remains the case. "Nonetheless, the Board remains confident in its strategy of continueddevelopment of the Group's position within our chosen markets and will continueto pursue opportunities for growth, both organic and through acquisitions, onshareholders' behalf. "I have been Chairman of W H Ireland for some 15 years during which time I haveseen enormous changes within the industry and growth within the Group. Turnoverhas increased some 40 fold which is a considerable achievement and a positivereflection on the commitment of all concerned from directors down. "In conjunction with the Consortium transaction announced earlier this month, Ialong with John Lawrence will be retiring from the Board in the near term. Iwould like to take this opportunity to thank my board friends and colleagueswithin the company and I wish them the very best for the future. "I can also confirm that at today's AGM all resolutions, except resolution 7,were duly passed. The effect of resolution 7 not having been passed is that,going forward, the Directors do not have the ability to allot shares for cashwithout first going through the statutory pre-emption procedure or without firstobtaining the appropriate power and authority from the Company's shareholders. However, it should be noted that the result of the AGM in no way affects thetransaction entered into on 31 March 2008 with the Consortium. If and to theextent that shares are allotted pursuant to that transaction, such allotmentwill be covered by the power granted to the Directors at last year's AGM. Itshould also be noted that the allotment of shares pursuant to the exercise ofshare options granted by the Company is unaffected by resolution 7 not havingbeen passed" For further information, please contact:- Laurie Beevers WH Ireland Group plc 0161 832 6644Greg Cant Rothschild 0161 827 3800Zoe Biddick Biddicks 020 7448 1000 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: