9th Aug 2017 15:44
For Immediate Release
9 August 2017
Exillon Energy plc ("Exillon" or the "Company")
Information about the resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company regarding cancellation of listing of Exillon shares on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
On 14 July 2017 the Board of Directors (the "Board") of the Company noted the announcement that Seneal International Agency Ltd launched a tender offer for the Company's issued shares which were acquired in transactions executed in the regulated market in the Republic of Poland and entered into securities accounts maintained in the Republic of Poland as at the end of the second day after the announcement of the tender offer (the "Shares"). There were 10,265 Shares on 16 July 2017. The tender offer was conditional on approval by the Board of a resolution regarding the re-materialization of the Company's shares (where the term "re-materialization" is used in a meaning given under Polish law) (in Polish: zniesienie dematerializacji akcji) in compliance with Sec. 91 and Sec. 92 point 3 of Polish Act dated 29 July 2005 on Public Offerings and Conditions for Listing on Financial Instruments on Organized Trading Platforms and on Public Companies (in Polish: Ustawa z dnia 29 lipca 2005 r. o ofercie publicznej i warunkach wprowadzania instrumentów finansowych do zorganizowanego systemu obrotu oraz o spolkach publicznych) (the "Re-materialization") and their withdrawal from trading on the main market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange ("WSE").
On 9 August 2017, the Board considered and approved the Re-materialization and cancellation of the listing of the Company's ordinary shares of US$0.0000125 each on the WSE (the "Delisting").
The Board noted that trading on the WSE did not provide shareholders with meaningful levels of liquidity and the reduction in administration and costs related to maintaining trading on the WSE would accrue savings to the Company. The Board further noted that Delisting from the WSE is in the best interests and to the advantage of the Company and there will be a significant commercial benefit to the Company in pursuing the Delisting which the Board also considered likely to promote the success of the Company for the benefit of the Company's shareholders as a whole.
In order to effect the Delisting, the Company shall make relevant applications to the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, the National Depository for Securities and the WSE.
Following the Delisting from the WSE, Exillon's shares will continue to trade on the London Stock Exchange ("LSE"), and the Company intends to maintain its premium listing on the main market of the LSE.
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