12th Jul 2006 07:00
EcoSecurities Group plc12 July 2006 EcoSecurities signs 8 N2O Reduction CDM Projects in China UK, July 10, 2006: EcoSecurities, one of the world's leading companies inoriginating, developing and trading carbon credits, has successfully enteredinto Emission Reduction Purchase Agreements (ERPA) with eight nitric acid plantsin China that intend to develop N2O reduction projects under the CleanDevelopment Mechanism (CDM). These N2O projects are expected to generate up to 9 million tonnes of CertifiedEmission Reductions (CERs) to 2012. Plant owners include large state-ownedcompanies as well as both private Chinese chemical and fertilizer companies.Under the agreements, EcoSecurities will assist companies in sourcing thetechnology and equipment needed; develop the CDM component of the projects; andacquire all the carbon credits generated by these plants. EcoSecurities' President and COO, Pedro Moura Costa, said, "This deal isextremely significant for us and our business and we are very pleased to startworking with our Chinese counterparties on these important projects.EcoSecurities' proven China-specific CDM knowledge and development experiencewill now be used to guide these N2O reduction projects through the CDMlifecycle." -Ends- For further information please contact: Jill Barker Marketing Department EcoSecurities Tel: +44 (0) 1865 202 635 Email: [email protected] Editor's Notes: About EcoSecurities: EcoSecurities is one of the world's leading companies in the business oforiginating, developing and trading carbon credits. EcoSecurities structures andguides greenhouse gas emission reduction projects through the Kyoto Protocol,acting as principal intermediary between the projects and the buyers of carboncredits. EcoSecurities works with companies in developing and industrialising countriesto create carbon credits from projects that reduce emissions of greenhousegases. EcoSecurities has experience with projects in the areas of renewableenergy, agriculture and urban waste management, industrial efficiency, andforestry. With a network of offices and representatives in 20 countries on fivecontinents, EcoSecurities has amassed one of the industry's largest and mostdiversified portfolios of carbon projects. Today, the company is working on 195projects in 26 countries using 16 different technologies, with the potential togenerate more than 121 million carbon credits. EcoSecurities also works with companies in the developed world to assist them inmeeting their greenhouse gas emission compliance targets. Utilising its highlydiversified carbon credit portfolio, EcoSecurities is able to structure carboncredit transactions to fit compliance buyer's needs, and has executedtransactions with both private and public sector buyers in Europe, North Americaand Japan. Working at the forefront of carbon market development, EcoSecurities has beeninvolved in the development of many of the global carbon market's most importantmilestones, including developing the world's first CDM project to be registeredunder the Kyoto Protocol. EcoSecurities' consultancy division has been at theforefront of all the significant policy and scientific developments in thisfield. EcoSecurities Consult has been recognised as the world's leadinggreenhouse gas advisory firm over the last five years by reader surveysconducted by Environmental Finance Magazine. EcoSecurities Group plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange AIM (tickerECO.L). Additional information is available at www.ecosecurities.com. . This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
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