27th Oct 2022 09:00
Airtel Africa plc
('Airtel Africa', or the 'Group')
Publication of Inaugural Sustainability Report
London and Lagos, 27 October 2022: Airtel Africa, a leading provider of telecommunications and mobile money services, with a presence in 14 countries across Africa, has today launched its inaugural standalone Sustainability Report (the "report").
The report, which covers the period from 1 October 2021 to 30 September 2022, details the business' progress against the goals outlined in the Group's sustainability strategy, launched in October 2021. The report is prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and aligns with TCFD recommendations and the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, reflecting international best-practice ESG reporting.
The publication of the report constitutes an important milestone in enhancing the non-financial information transparency of the Group. The 2022 report provides details of early progress against the nine ambitious goals set out in the sustainability strategy.
Key sustainability highlights of the period include:
· The Group secured 'Information Security Management System' (ISO 27001) and 'Business Continuity Management System' (ISO 22301) certifications in all 14 markets. It also received a top ranking in data quality and speed indices in Nigeria, Uganda, Gabon, Rwanda and the Seychelles.
· Developing our landmark five-year partnership with UNICEF to increase access to education, plans were developed for rollout of free digital learning resources for children in the 13 markets that are covered by the partnership. With a $57m financial and in-kind investment, Airtel Africa is the first private sector company in Africa to partner with UNICEF to support programmes focused on accelerating digital learning.
· Airtel Africa restated its commitment to the United Nations' Global Compact. The Group CEO joined the Africa Business Leaders' Coalition and became a signatory to its Climate statement.
· The Group has provided accurate and verified baselines for scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and total energy consumption.
· The development of a detailed pathway to net zero for the entire Group is well progressed, and expected to be published by the end of the 2023 financial year.
The full 2022 Sustainability Report can be downloaded from the Group's website: www.airtel.africa
Olusegun Ogunsanya, CEO of Airtel Africa, said:
"I am delighted to present Airtel Africa's inaugural Sustainability Report. In October 2021, we set clear and measurable sustainability goals, and committed to invest in initiatives that will improve the lives of people across Africa. With the publication of annual sustainability reports, the Group will provide updates on our progress against each of these goals. Alongside this, we are committed to continuously improving our non-financial disclosure, including the quality and depth of ESG data we publish. Our objective is to provide best-practice transparency for the benefit of all of our stakeholders, ensuring that we are fully accountable for delivering on the important sustainability pledges we have made, which are fully aligned to our business purpose of transforming lives."
Further reflecting the Group's commitment to, and progress in, sustainability, Airtel Africa secured its first sustainability-linked loan facility in August. The $125m revolving credit facility with Citi provides potential interest rate savings in exchange for achieving social impact milestones relating to digital inclusion and gender diversity, with a focus on rural areas and women, and aligning with the Group's sustainability strategy.
Airtel Africa - Investor Relations Pier Falcione Alastair Jones |
+44 7446 858 280 +44 7464 830 011 +44 207 493 9315 |
Hudson Sandler Nick Lyon Emily Dillon | +44 207 796 4133 |
About Airtel Africa
Airtel Africa is a leading provider of telecommunications and mobile money services, with a presence in 14 countries in Africa, primarily in East Africa and Central and West Africa.
Airtel Africa offers an integrated suite of telecommunications solutions to its subscribers, including mobile voice and data services as well as mobile money services both nationally and internationally.
The Group aims to continue providing a simple and intuitive customer experience through streamlined customer journeys.
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