1st Jun 2005 16:49
June 1, 2005 NOT FOR RELEASE OR DISTRIBUTION IN THE US, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, THE REPUBLIC OFIRELAND OR JAPANChesnara plc ("Chesnara" or "the Company")On 5 May 2005 the Company announced the proposed acquisition of Irish Life (UK)Holdings plc and the proposed placing and open offer of 18,333,333 New Shares,incorporating an Open Offer of 8,625,545 New Shares at ‚£1.20 per share.Listing Particulars in connection with this proposed transaction were posted toshareholders on 5 May 2005 and have been available for examination at theCompany's Registered Office (Chesnara plc, Harbour House, Portway Ashton onRibble, Preston, Lancashire, PR2 2PR) and at the Public Viewing Facility of theFSA (25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5HS).Chesnara plc Tel: 07799 407519 Graham Kettleborough, Chief Executive Cubitt Consulting Tel: 020 7367 5100 (public relations advisers to Chesnara) Simon Brocklebank-Fowler/Selena Hedley Lewis ENDCHESNARA PLCRelated Shares: