1st Feb 2013 10:32
1 February 2013
Empyrean Energy PLC
("Empyrean" or the "Company"; Ticker: (EME))
Sugarloaf Project: Onshore Texas, USA
Production and Operational Update
·; Unaudited accounting revenue estimated at US$1,370,395.72 for the 3 months to 31 December 2012
·; Cash receipts of US$2,593,106.53 attributable to production and received during the 3 months to 31 December 2012
The following is a summary of 30 and 60 day production data recently received for the following wells at the Sugarloaf Project:
Working Interest | Total Gas Production (mmscf) | Total Condensate Production (bbls) | Average Daily Equivalent Oil Rate (boe/d)* | |
Davila Graham 1H - 60 day | 3.0% | 58.1 | 17,390 | 451 |
Davila Graham 1 2H - 60 day | 3.0% | 97.5 | 32,073 | 805 |
Bailey Retzloff 1H - 60 day | 3.0% | 125.3 | 28,330 | 820 |
Bailey Retzloff 2H - 60 day | 3.0% | 149.0 | 26,681 | 859 |
Bailey Retzloff 3H - 60 day | 2.9105% | 153.6 | 30,758 | 939 |
Brysch Adams 2H- 30 day | 3.0% | 30.3 | 25,456 | 1017 |
Brysch Adams 3H- 30 day | 3.0% | 36.9 | 28,211 | 1145 |
Gross McLean 1H - 30 day | 2.03% | 83.1 | 22,267 | 1204 |
Gross McLean 2H - 30 day | 2.03% | 101.9 | 23,894 | 1363 |
Mobil A 1H - 30 day | 3.0% | 10.8 | 30,516 | 1077 |
Mobil A 2H - 30 day | 3.0% | 24.9 | 26,970 | 1037 |
Mobil A 2H - 30 day | 3.0% | 51.4 | 14,915 | 783 |
Wielding Weston 1H - 60 day | 3.0% | 100.9 | 35,207 | 867
\* The wells have had the Average Daily Equivalent Oil Rate recalculated on a simple 6:1 basis.
Further production results will be released as they come to hand.
As at the end of December 2012 Empyrean had 62 wells that were producing at the Sugarloaf Project, on acreage operated by Marathon. In addition there was one well drilling ahead and a further three wells awaiting or in the process of having completion/ stimulation operations carried out.
During calendar year 2012 a total of 52 wells were spudded, and 44 of those were brought on to production. Marathon has recently indicated that the drilling schedule for calendar year 2013 is likely to be reduced from the 65 wells previously planned to be drilled at the Sugarloaf Project during 2013. The drill program may be subject to further change by Marathon.
Unaudited accounting revenue for the three months to 31 December 2012 was estimated by the board to be US$1,370,395.72. This is revenue attributable to those three months. Cash receipts attributable to production and received during the three months to 31 December 2012 totalled US$2,593,106.53. This is cash received during those three months but attributable to revenue generated in months prior.
Previously announced initiatives to test the viability of closer drill spacing and exploitation of the Austin Chalk and other horizons, potentially adding reserves and increasing production from the Eagle Ford Shale, are ongoing. Results from these initiatives are expected to start coming through in the first half of 2013.
Commenting today, Empyrean CEO - Tom Kelly stated, "Empyrean continues to be encouraged by the strong production numbers coming through on new wells. We look forward to the results of closer spacing and the testing of production from additional horizons. Success on any of these initiatives is potentially transformational for the value of Empyrean's Sugarloaf asset."
The information contained in this announcement was completed and reviewed by the Technical Director of Empyrean Energy Plc, Mr Frank Brophy BSc (Hons) who has over 40 years experience as a petroleum geologist.
For further information
Empyrean Energy plc
Tom Kelly
+618 9480 0111
Shore Capital
Anita Ghanekar
Edward Mansfield
+44 (0) 207 408 4090
Jonathan Charles
Lionsgate Communications
E: [email protected]M: +44 (0)7791 892509
Notes to Editors:
Empyrean Energy Plc is an AIM listed (Ticker : EME) condensate and gas exploration and production company focused on the Eagle Ford Shale, Texas, USA. Other assets include a 10% working interest in the Riverbend Project, Texas, just north of the prolific Brookeland Field (Austin Chalk) as well as a 48.5% interest in the Eagle Oil Pool Development Project located in the San Joaquin Basin, southern California.
Empyrean's portfolio includes an interest in over 60 producing wells with scaleable growth potential from further development and exploration updside.
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