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Preliminary Results - Part 2

24th May 2007 07:03

Burberry Group PLC24 May 2007 18 Retirement benefit obligations Burberry Group provides post-retirement arrangements for its employees in the UKand its overseas operations, which are both defined benefit and definedcontribution in nature. Where arrangements are funded, assets are held inindependently administered trusts. The Balance Sheet obligations in respect of Burberry Group's post-retirementarrangements, assessed in accordance with IAS 19, were: As at As at 31 March 31 March 2007 2006 £m £m Defined benefit schemesGUS defined benefit scheme UK * - -Supplemental executive retirement plan US** 1.4 1.4Retirement indemnities France 0.2 0.2Burberry (Taiwan) Co Ltd retirement scheme 0.2 0.2------------------------------------------ ------ ------Total obligation 1.8 1.8------------------------------------------ ------ ------ \* This plan has been renamed the Experian Pension Plan. *\* The plans in the US are classified as defined benefit schemes under IAS 19because their exact cost cannot be quantified as the funds are subject tonotional indexation according to specified investment return indices. No prepayments or obligations in respect of defined contributions schemes wereoutstanding at 31 March 2007 (2006: nil). The pension costs charged to the Income Statement in respect of the main planswere: Year to Year to 31 March 31 March 2007 2006 £m £m------------------------------------------ ------ ------Defined benefit schemesGUS defined benefit scheme UK 0.1 0.4Supplemental executive retirement plan US 0.2 0.3Defined contribution schemesGUS money purchase pension plan UK - 1.0Burberry stakeholder plan UK 2.0 -Burberry money purchase plan US 0.7 0.9Burberry Asia Limited retirement scheme 0.2 0.1------------------------------------------ ------ ------Total pension costs 3.2 2.7------------------------------------------ ------ ------ Defined benefit schemes GUS defined benefit scheme UK Prior to the demerger of Burberry from GUS plc on 13 December 2005, it wasagreed that existing employees of Burberry Group who were participating in theGUS defined benefit scheme (the 'GUS Pension Scheme') would continue to do sountil 31 December 2007 or such earlier date as required by HM Customs & Revenueor by Burberry. When the eventual withdrawal of members of the Burberry Groupfrom the GUS Pension Scheme takes place on or before 31 December 2007, Burberrymust pay any liabilities due under section 75 or 75A of the Pensions Act 1995.GUS has indemnified Burberry on an after tax basis against any amounts which arein excess of £1.25m. 18 Retirement benefit obligations (continued) The following disclosures regarding the GUS defined benefit scheme UK have beenincluded for completeness as required by IAS 19 and the assets have beenrestricted in accordance with the standard as it is not likely that Burberrywill be able to benefit from this surplus. The GUS Pension Scheme has rules which specify the benefits to be paid and isfinanced accordingly, with assets being held in independently administeredfunds. A full actuarial valuation of the GUS Pension Scheme is carried out every threeyears with interim reviews in the intervening years. The last full valuation wascarried out as at 31 March 2004 by independent qualified actuaries, Watson WyattLimited, using the projected unit method. A full valuation is currently beencarried out by Watson Wyatt Limited, the results of which are expected latesummer 2007. As a result of the 31 March 2004 valuation it became possible to separatelyidentify the underlying assets and liabilities which relate to the BurberryGroup. Therefore, since the valuation, Burberry Group has accounted for itsproportionate share of the overall defined benefit obligation, scheme assets andcosts. The valuation of the GUS Pension Scheme used for Burberry Group's IAS 19disclosures for the year to 31 March 2007 has been based on an update of the 31March 2004 valuation. As at 31 March 2007, this update showed that there was anexcess in the value of the assets of the GUS Pension Scheme, when compared tothe value of the liabilities, on the basis set out below. Burberry Group'sproportionate share of this excess was approximately £5.7m (2006: £1.8m) beforeallowing for deferred tax. This surplus has been restricted as explained above. Burberry Group's disclosures in respect of its continued participation in theGUS Pension Scheme are shown below. The disclosures are in accordance with IAS19 and the Group recognise all gains/losses immediately through the SORIE. The valuation assumptions The principal actuarial assumptions used in the IAS 19 valuation of the BurberryGroup portion of the GUS Pension Scheme are the same as those used for the wholeof the GUS Pension Scheme and are shown below: Year to Year to 31 March 31 March 2007 2006 % %----------------------------------------- ------ ------Discount rate 5.4% 4.9%Rate of inflation 3.1% 2.9%Rate of salary increases 4.9% 4.7%Rate of increases for pensions in payment and deferred pensions 3.1% 2.9%Expected return on plan assets 7.1% 6.8%----------------------------------------- ------ ------ The expected return on plan assets is calculated by reference to the GUS PensionScheme investments at the year end and is a weighted average of the expectedreturns on each main asset type (based on the market yields available on theseasset types at the year end). The main asset types held by the GUS PensionScheme (expressed as a percentage of total assets) and their expected returnsare as follows: Asset Asset allocation at Expected allocation at Expected 31 March return for the 31 March return for the 2007 next year 2006 next year % % % % --------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------Equities 69% 8.1% 67% 7.9%Fixed and index linked income securities 16% 5.0% 30% 4.6%Other 15% 4.6% 3% 3.7%--------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------Total 100% 7.1% 100% 6.8%--------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ 18 Retirement benefit obligations (continued) The IAS 19 valuation assumes mortality will be in line with standard tablesknown as PMA92C2004 for males and PFA92C2004 for females. An allowance is alsomade for anticipated future improvements in life expectancy, by assuming thatthe probability of death occurring at each age will decrease by 0.25% each year.Overall, the average expectation of life on retirement in normal health isassumed to be: • 19.1 years at age 65 for a male currently aged 65; • 22.2 years at age 65 for a female currently aged 65; • 19.8 years at age 65 for a male currently aged 50; and • 23.1 years at age 65 for a female currently aged 50. On 6 April 2006, "A-Day", the Rules of the Scheme were changed to allow membersto exchange a higher percentage of their pension for cash on retirement. Assuch, it has been assumed that non-retired members will exchange a higherpercentage, 25% (2006: 20%), of their pension for cash on retirement. Thisresults in a reduction in the year end liabilities of £0.2m. This reduction hasbeen treated as follows: • £0.1m of this reduction will impact the year end Balance Sheet via the SORIE; and • £0.1m of this reduction will impact the year end Balance Sheet via the Group Income Statement. Based on the method and assumptions outlined above, the amount recognised inBurberry Group's Balance Sheet is determined as follows: As at As at 31 March 31 March 2007 2006 £m £m------------------------------------------ ------ ------Present value of Burberry Group's share of scheme'sliabilities (the defined benefit obligation) (37.8) (39.4)Market value of Burberry Group's share of scheme's assets 43.5 41.2------------------------------------------ ------ ------Net assets 5.7 1.8Restricted recognition of assets (5.7) (1.8)------------------------------------------ ------ ------Net assets recognised in the balance sheet - ------------------------------------------- ------ ------ Amounts for the current and previous two periods are as follows: As at As at As at 31 March 31 March 31 March 2007 2006 2005 £m £m £m-------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------Defined benefit obligation (37.8) (39.4) (35.0)Market value of assets 43.5 41.2 34.0-------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------Surplus/(deficit) 5.7 1.8 (1.0)Restricted recognition of assets (5.7) (1.8) --------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------Deficit recognised - - (1.0)-------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------Experience adjustments on liabilities 2.7 (3.3) (2.9)Experience adjustments on assets 0.7 5.8 1.4-------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ The amounts recognised in the Income Statement are as follows: Year to Year to 31 March 31 March 2007 2006 £m £m------------------------------------------ ------ ------Current service cost (included in net operating costs) (1.0) (0.9)Past service cost (included in net operating costs) 0.1 -Interest cost (included in net finance income) (1.9) (1.8)Expected return on plan assets (included in net financeincome) 2.7 2.3------------------------------------------ ------ ------Total recognised in the income statement (0.1) (0.4)------------------------------------------ ------ ------ 18 Retirement benefit obligations (continued) The amount recognised in the Group Statement of Recognised Income and Expense(SORIE) is as follows: Year to Year to 31 March 31 March 2007 2006 £m £m------------------------------------------ ------ ------Gain/(loss) on liabilities 2.7 (3.3)Gain on assets 0.7 5.8------------------------------------------ ------ ------Total gain 3.4 2.5Restricted recognition of assts (3.9) (1.8)------------------------------------------ ------ ------Total (loss)/gain included in the SORIE in the year (0.5) 0.7------------------------------------------ ------ ------Cumulative actuarial gain included in the SORIE (1.3) (0.8)------------------------------------------ ------ ------ Changes in the present value of the defined benefit obligation are as follows: As at As at 31 March 31 March 2007 2006 £m £m ------------------------------------------ ------ ------Opening defined benefit obligation (39.4) (35.0)Current service cost (1.0) (0.9)Past service cost 0.1 -Interest cost (1.9) (1.8)Employee contributions (0.2) (0.2)Actuarial gain/(loss) on liabilities 2.7 (3.3)Benefits paid 1.9 1.8------------------------------------------ ------ ------Closing defined benefit obligation (37.8) (39.4)------------------------------------------ ------ ------ Changes in the fair value of the plan assets are as follows: As at As at 31 March 31 March 2007 2006 £m £m ------------------------------------------ ------ ------Opening fair value of plan assets 41.2 34.0Expected return 2.7 2.3Actuarial gain on assets 0.7 5.8Contributions paid by employer 0.6 0.7Contributions paid by employee 0.2 0.2Benefits paid (1.9) (1.8)------------------------------------------ ------ ------Closing fair value of plan assets 43.5 41.2------------------------------------------ ------ ------ The actual return on the plan assets in the year to 31 March 2007 was £3.4m(2006: £8.1m). Burberry Group's total contributions to the GUS Pension Scheme during the yearended 31 March 2007 were £0.6m (2006: £0.7m). The Group expects to contribute£0.4m in the year to 31 March 2008. Supplemental executive retirement plan US Rose Marie Bravo participates in this plan as explained in the Report onDirectors' Remuneration and Related Matters. Payments are made into theSupplemental executive retirement plan based on a percentage of salary andbenefits. Interest is earned on the scheme at a rate of 3.5% (2006: 4.6%). Retirement indemnities France Burberry France S.A. offers lump sum benefits at retirement to all employeesthat are employed by the company based on the length of service and salary.There are no assets held by Burberry Group companies in relation to thiscommitment. 18 Retirement benefit obligations (continued) Burberry (Taiwan) Co Ltd retirement scheme Burberry (Taiwan) Co Ltd offers lump sum benefits at retirement to employeestransferred from one of the previous operators based on the length of service upto date of transfer (i.e. 1 August 2005) and salary at retirement. There are noassets held by Burberry Group companies in relation to this commitment Starting from 1 August 2005, all employees of the company joined the definedcontribution scheme operated under local labour ordinance. Defined contribution schemes Burberry stakeholder plan UK This plan was introduced on 1 April 2006 when the GUS money purchase pensionplan UK closed for Burberry employees. All UK employees are eligible toparticipate in this scheme. The assets of this scheme are held separately in anindependently administered fund. Burberry money purchase plan US Burberry Group administers a Money Purchase Plan in the US (a 401(k) scheme),which covers all eligible full-time employees who have reached the age of 21 andhave completed one full year of service. The assets of the scheme are heldseparately from those of Burberry Group in an independently administered fund. Burberry Asia Limited retirement scheme Burberry Group administers a Money Purchase Plan in Hong Kong, which covers alleligible full-time employees. The assets of the scheme are held separately fromthose of Burberry Group in an independently administered fund. GUS money purchase pension plan UK This plan was introduced during the year ended 31 March 1999 with the aim ofproviding pension benefits for those GUS group employees in the UK who,hitherto, had been ineligible for GUS defined benefit pension scheme membership.On 31 March 2006 all Burberry employees ceased to be members of this scheme.Employees had the choice to transfer their pensions to the Burberry stakeholderplan UK or a private scheme of their choice. The assets of this scheme were heldseparately from those of GUS plc in an independently administered fund. 19 Provisions for liabilities and charges Property obligations £m--------------------------------------------- ------As at 1 April 2006 2.8Released during the year (2.8)--------------------------------------------- ------As at 31 March 2007 ---------------------------------------------- ------ Property obligations arose from the portfolio of leasehold obligations which theGroup maintains and were released during the year. 20 Bank overdrafts and borrowings As at As at 31 March 31 March 2007 2006 £m £m----------------------------------------- ------- -------Unsecured:Bank overdrafts 74.2 51.2Bank borrowings 60.0 50.0----------------------------------------- ------- -------Total 134.2 101.2----------------------------------------- ------- ------- Bank overdrafts represent balances on cash pooling arrangements in the Group.The effective interest rate for the overdraft balances is 4.5% (2006: 5.3%). A £200m five year multi currency revolving facility was agreed with a syndicateof third party banks commencing on 30 March 2005. At 31 March 2007, the amountdrawn down was £60m (2006: £50m). This drawdown was made in Sterling. Interestis charged on this loan at LIBOR plus 0.325% per annum and the borrowing matureson 22 June 2007. 21 Trade and other payables As at As at 31 March 31 March 2007 2006 £m £m----------------------------------------- ------ ------Unsecured:Trade creditors 56.8 28.0Other taxes and social security costs 6.4 6.0Other creditors 19.4 18.9Accruals and deferred income 78.1 67.5Deferred consideration for acquisitions 10.0 6.5----------------------------------------- ------ ------Total 170.7 126.9----------------------------------------- ------ ------ Deferred consideration of £10m (2006: £5m) due within one year arose from theacquisition of the Burberry business in Korea. Deferred consideration arising onthe Burberry Taiwan acquisition was fully paid in the year (2006: £1.5m). 22 Share capital and reserves Authorised share capital 2007 2006 £m £m----------------------------------------- ------- ------1,999,999,998,000 (2006: 1,999,999,998,000) OrdinaryShares of 0.05p (2006: 0.05p) each 1,000.0 1,000.0----------------------------------------- ------- ------ 1,000.0 1,000.0----------------------------------------- ------- ------ Allotted, called up and fully paid share capital Number £m----------------------------------------- ------- ------ Ordinary Shares of 0.05p (2006: 0.05p) each----------------------------------------- ------- ------As at 1 April 2006 446,712,463 0.2Allotted on exercise of IPO Option Scheme awards during the year 3,347,919 -Cancelled on repurchase of own shares (12,281,000) ------------------------------------------ ------- ------ As at 31 March 2007 437,779,382 0.2----------------------------------------- ------- ------ 22 Share capital and reserves (continued) Statement of changes in shareholders' equity Foreign Ordinary Share currency share premium Hedging translation Capital Retained Total capital account reserve reserve reserve earnings equity £m £m £m £m £m £m £m ---------------------- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Balance as at 1 April 2005 0.3 136.1 2.6 5.4 24.9 304.9 474.2Cash flow hedges -losses deferred inequity - - (3.8) - - - (3.8)Foreign currencytranslation differences - - - 15.6 - - 15.6Net actuarial gains ondefined benefit pension scheme - - - - - 0.7 0.7Tax on items taken directly to equity - - 1.5 0.2 - (0.2) 1.5---------------------- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Netincome/(expense) recognised directly inequity - - (2.3) 15.8 - 0.5 14.0---------------------- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Cash flow hedges -transferred tothe income statement - - (0.7) - - - (0.7)Tax on items transferredfrom equity - - 0.2 - - - 0.2Attributable profit for the year - - - - - 106.4 106.4---------------------- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Total recognisedincome/(expenses) for the year - - (2.8) 15.8 - 106.9 119.9Employee share option scheme - value of share options granted - - - - - 7.4 7.4 - tax on share options granted - - - - - 2.6 2.6 - exercise of share options - 15.7 - - - - 15.7 - price differential on exercise of shares - - - - - (12.0) (12.0)Share buy back costs (0.1) - - - 0.1 (191.6) (191.6)Sale of shares by ESOPs - - - - - 2.4 2.4Redemption of preferenceshares - - - - 0.8 - 0.8Dividend paid in the year - - - - - (32.8) (32.8)---------------------- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Balance as at31 March 2006 0.2 151.8 (0.2) 21.2 25.8 187.8 386.6 Cash flow hedges - gains deferred inequity - - 9.1 - - - 9.1Foreign currencytranslation differences - - - (28.9) - - (28.9)Net actuarial losses ondefined benefitpension scheme - - - - - (0.5) (0.5)Tax on items taken directlyto equity - - (3.0) 1.5 - - (1.5)---------------------- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Net income/(expense) recognised directly in equity - - 6.1 (27.4) - (0.5) (21.8)---------------------- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Cash flow hedges -transferred tothe incomestatement - - (5.9) - - - (5.9)Tax on items transferredfrom equity - - 1.8 - - - 1.8Attributable profit for the year - - - - - 110.2 110.2---------------------- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Total recognisedincome/(expenses) for theyear - - 2.0 (27.4) - 109.7 84.3Employee share option -scheme- value of share options granted - - - - - 10.8 10.8- tax on share options granted - - - - - 7.2 7.2- exercise of share options - 15.5 - - - - 15.5- price differential on exercise of shares - - - - - (14.9) (14.9)Share buy back costs - - - - - (62.2) (62.2)Sale of shares by ESOPs - - - - - 6.1 6.1Transfer between reserves - - - - 0.2 (0.2) -Dividend paidin the year - - - - - (36.5) (36.5)---------------------- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Balance as at31 March 2007 0.2 167.3 1.8 (6.2) 26.0 207.8 396.9---------------------- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ During the year to 31 March 2007, the Company repurchased and subsequentlycancelled 12,281,000 Ordinary Shares, representing 2.7% of the issued sharecapital, at a total cost of £62.2m. The nominal value of the shares was £6,141which was transferred to a capital redemption reserve. Retained earnings werereduced by £62.2m. The share repurchase programme commenced in January 2005 andsince then a total of 72,865,230 Ordinary Shares have been repurchased andsubsequently cancelled. This represents 14.5% of the original issued sharecapital at a total cost of £312.2m. The nominal value of the shares was £36,433and has been transferred to a capital redemption reserve and the retainedearnings have been reduced by £312.2m since this date. 23 Financial commitments Burberry Group has commitments relating to future minimum lease payments undernon-cancellable operating leases as follows: As at 31 March 2007 As at 31 March 2006 ------------------------------ -------------------------------- Land and Land and buildings Other Total buildings Other Total £m £m £m £m £m £m-------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Amounts falling dueWithin one year 30.5 1.0 31.5 26.0 1.3 27.3Between two and five years 84.5 1.5 86.0 80.2 1.5 81.7After five years 103.0 0.8 103.8 112.2 2.7 114.9-------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Total 218.0 3.3 221.3 218.4 5.5 223.9 -------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ The financial commitments for operating lease amounts calculated as a percentageof turnover ("turnover leases") have been based on the minimum payment that isrequired under the terms of the relevant lease. Under certain turnover leases,there are no minimums and therefore no financial commitment is included in thetable above. As a result, the amounts charged to the Income Statement may bematerially higher than the financial commitment at the prior year end. Where rental agreements include a contingent rental, this contingent rent isgenerally calculated as a percentage of turnover. Escalation clauses increasethe rental to either open market rent, a stipulated amount in the rentalagreement, or by an inflationary index percentage. There are no significantrestrictions imposed by these lease agreements. The total of future minimum sublease payments to be received undernon-cancellable subleases is as follows: As at As at 31 March 31 March 2007 2006 Land and Land and buildings buildings £m £m-------------------------------------- ------ ------Amounts falling due:Within one year 0.1 0.1Between two and five years 0.4 0.4After five years 0.8 0.9-------------------------------------- ------ ------Total 1.3 1.4-------------------------------------- ------ ------ 24 Capital commitments As at As at 31 March 31 March 2007 2006 £m £m----------------------------------------- ------- -------Capital commitments contracted but not provided for- property, plant and equipment 2.5 3.5- intangible assets 0.1 0.1----------------------------------------- ------- -------Total 2.6 3.6----------------------------------------- ------- ------- Contracted capital commitments represent contracts entered into by the year endand future work in respect of major capital expenditure projects where activityhas commenced by the year end relating to property, plant and equipment. 25 Contingent liabilities Since 31 March 2006 the following changes to material contingent liabilitieshave occurred: During the year ended 31 March 2007, Burberry Group has provided guaranteeletters to certain raw material suppliers. The total value of these guarantees,which expire on 31 July 2007, amount to £1.1m at 31 March 2007. Other material contingent liabilities reported at 31 March 2006 remain unchangedand were: Under the terms of a demerger Agreement, entered into with GUS plc on 13December 2005, Burberry continues to participate in the GUS defined benefitscheme. Under this scheme Burberry is jointly and severally liable with theother participating GUS companies for any deficit in this scheme. When Burberryleaves the scheme it will be required to pay an exit charge calculated pursuantto Section 75 or 75A of the Pensions Act. GUS plc has agreed to pay to Burberrythe amount of this liability to the extent it exceeds £1.25 million. Refer tonote 18. Under the GUS group UK tax payment arrangements, the Group was jointly andseverally liable for any GUS liability attributable to the period of BurberryGroup's membership of this payment scheme. Burberry Group's membership of thisscheme was terminated with effect from 31 March 2002. Burberry (Spain) S.A. is liable for certain salary and social securitycontributions left unpaid by its sole contractors where the amounts areattributable to the period in which subcontracting activity is undertaken onbehalf of Burberry (Spain) S.A. It is not feasible to estimate the amount ofcontingent liability, but such expense has been minimal in prior years. 26 Acquisition of Subsidiaries On 18 October 2006 Burberry Group acquired a shell company in the Czech Republicto enable the Group to buy a lease for a new store. The net asset value of the shell company acquired was £4,197 consisting of cashof £4,095 and a debtor of £102. No adjustments were made to the fair values ofthe assets. Total consideration paid in cash was £71,727 resulting in goodwillof £67,530. The new store contributed £0.1m to turnover and a total loss of £0.1m wasrealised for the period since its opening in March 2007. Due to the fact thatBurberry has never had presence in this country trading history is not availableand therefore the estimated financial impact on the Group had the store openedon 1 April 2006 cannot be determined. 27 Financial risk management The Group's principal financial instruments, other than derivatives, comprisecash and short term deposits, external borrowings, deferred consideration, aswell as trade debtors and creditors, arising directly from operations. The Group's activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risks(including currency risk, fair value interest risk and price risk), credit risk,liquidity risk and cash flow interest rate risk. Risk management is carried out by Group Treasury who seek to reduce financialrisk and to ensure sufficient liquidity is available to meet foreseeable needsand to invest in cash assets safely and profitably. This is done in closeco-operation with the Group's operating units. Group Treasury does not operateas a profit centre and transacts only in relation to the underlying businessrequirements. The policies of the Group Treasury department are reviewed andapproved by the Board of Directors. The Group uses derivative instruments tohedge certain risk exposures. (i) Market Risk Foreign exchange risk The Group operates internationally and is exposed to foreign exchange riskarising from various currency exposures. Burberry Group monitors thedesirability of hedging the profits and the net assets of the overseassubsidiaries when translated in to Sterling for reporting purposes. It has notentered into any specific transactions for this purpose. Burberry Group's Income Statement is affected by transactions denominated inforeign currency. To reduce exposure to currency fluctuations, Burberry Grouphas a policy of hedging foreign currency denominated transactions by enteringinto forward exchange contracts (see note 15). The Group's accounting policy inrelation to derivative instruments is set out in note 2. Price Risk The Group's exposure to equity securities price risk is minimal. The Group isnot exposed to commodity price risk. (ii) Credit risk The Group has no significant concentrations of credit risk. It has policies inplace to ensure that wholesale sales of products are made to customers with anappropriate credit history. Sales to retail customers are made in cash or viamajor credit cards. In addition, receivables balances are monitored on anongoing basis with the result that the Group's exposure to bad debts is notsignificant. With respect to credit risk arising from other financial assets, which comprisecash and short term deposits and certain derivative instruments, the Group'sexposure to credit risk arises from the default of the counter party with amaximum exposure equal to the carrying value of these instruments. The Group haspolicies that limit the amount of credit exposure to any financial institution. (iii) Liquidity Risk The Group financial risk management policy aims to ensure that sufficient cashis maintained to meet foreseeable needs and close out market positions. Due tothe dynamic nature of the underlying business, the Group treasury departmentaims to maintain flexibility in funding by keeping committed credit linesavailable. For further details of this, see note 20. (iv) Cash flow interest rate risk The Group's exposure to market risk for changes in interest rates, relatesprimarily to cash, short term deposits and external borrowings. The external borrowings are linked to the LIBOR rate, while cash and short termborrowings are affected by local market rates around the Group. The borrowingsat variable rates expose the Group to cash flow interest rate risk. 27 Financial risk management (continued) Currently, this risk is not hedged as the risk is not considered significant.This situation is monitored by the Group treasury department. (a) Fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities Set out below is a comparison by category of book values and fair values ofBurberry Group's financial assets and financial liabilities: As at As at 31 March 31 March 2007 2006 Book and Book and Primary financial instruments held or issued to Fair value Fair valuefinance the Group's operations: £m £m ----------------------------------------- ------ ------Cash at bank and in hand 72.0 70.2Short term deposits 59.4 43.5----------------------------------------- ------ ------Total financial assets 131.4 113.7----------------------------------------- ------ ------Interest bearing borrowings (134.2) (101.2)Other financial liabilities (20.4) (23.9)----------------------------------------- ------ ------Total financial liabilities (154.6) (125.1)----------------------------------------- ------ ------Total net financial liabilities (23.2) (11.4)----------------------------------------- ------ ------ The nominal value less impairment provision of trade receivables and payablesare assumed to approximate their fair value. Derivative financial instruments held to manage 2007 2006the currencyprofile £m £m ----------------------------------------- ------ ------Forward foreign currency contracts- book value 4.8 0.7- fair value 4.8 0.7----------------------------------------- ------ ------ Fair value methods and assumptions Fair value is the amount at which a financial instrument could be exchanged inan arm's length transaction between informed and willing parties, other than aforced or liquidation sale and excludes accrued interest. The principalassumptions are: i) The fair value of short term deposits, borrowings and overdrafts approximates to the carrying amount because of the short maturity of these instruments. ii) The fair value of foreign currency contracts is based on a comparison of the contractual and market rates after discounting using the prevailing interest rates at the time. (b) Interest rate risk profile Financial assets The interest rate risk profile of Burberry Group's financial assets by currencyis as follows: Cash at bank and in Short term hand deposits TotalCurrency £m £m £m-------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ As at 31 March 2007Sterling 4.9 2.3 7.2US dollar 14.9 - 14.9Euro 36.2 3.2 39.4Other currencies 16.0 53.9 69.9-------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------Total financial assets 72.0 59.4 131.4-------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------Floating rate assets 64.2 59.4 123.6Balances for which no interest is paid 7.8 - 7.8-------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ 27 Financial risk management (continued) (b) Interest rate risk profile (continued) Cash at bank Short term Total and in hand depositsCurrency £m £m £m-------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ As at 31 March 2006Sterling 5.5 5.0 10.5US dollar 14.4 0.4 14.8Euro 37.6 14.0 51.6Other currencies 12.7 24.1 36.8-------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------Total financialassets 70.2 43.5 113.7-------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------Floating rate assets 56.4 43.5 99.9Balances for which no interest is paid 13.8 - 13.8-------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ Floating rate assets earn interest based on the relevant national LIBORequivalents. Balances for which no interest is paid is made up of Sterling £1.2m (2006:£3.8m), Euros £nil (2006: £0.2m) and Hong Kong dollars £3.2m (2006: £2.2m),Singapore dollars £3.0m (2006: £3.3m), Japanese Yen £nil (2006: £3.9m) andMalaysian Ringgit £0.4m (2006: £0.4m). These amounts arise principally due tothe timing of transactions. Financial liabilities The interest rate risk profile of Burberry Group's financial liabilities bycurrency is as follows: FinancialCurrency Floating liabilities on rate which no financial interest is liabilities payable Total -------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------As at 31 March 2007 Sterling 62.1 12.1 74.2US dollar 14.5 6.6 21.1Euro 20.2 1.0 21.2Othercurrencies 37.4 0.7 38.1-------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------Total financial liabilities 134.2 20.4 154.6-------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------As at 31 March 2006Sterling 50.0 16.6 66.6US dollar - 5.2 5.2Euro 27.7 1.3 29.0Other currencies 23.5 0.8 24.3-------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------Total financial liabilities 101.2 23.9 125.1-------------------------------------- ------ ------- ------ The floating rate financial liabilities at 31 March 2007 and 2006 incurredinterest based on relevant national LIBOR equivalents. The floating rate financial liabilities at 31 March 2007 and 2006 includeoverdraft balances of £74.2m (2006: £51.2m). 27 Financial risk management (continued) (c) Maturity of financial liabilities The maturity profile of the carrying amount of Burberry Group's financialliabilities, other than short term trade creditors and accruals, are as follows: ---------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ Other Deferred financial Debt consideration liabilities Total As at 31 March 2007 £m £m £m £m---------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ In one year or less, or on demand 134.2 10.0 - 144.2In more than one year, but not more than two years - - 1.9 1.9In more than two years, but not morethan three years - - 1.0 1.0In more than three years, but not more than four years - - 0.9 0.9In more than four years, but not more than five years - - 0.8 0.8In more than five years - - 5.8 5.8---------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------Total financial liabilities 134.2 10.0 10.4 154.6---------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ Other Deferred financial Debt consideration liabilities Total As at 31 March 2007 £m £m £m £m------------------------------- ---------- ------ ------ ------ In one year or less,or on demand 101.2 6.5 1.9 109.6In more than one year, but not more than two years - 5.0 1.8 6.8In more than two years, but not more than three years - - 1.4 1.4In more than three years, but notmore than four years - - 1.2 1.2In more than four years, but not more than five years - - 0.9 0.9In more than five years - - 5.2 5.2------------------------------- ---------- ------ ------ ------Total financial liabilities 101.2 11.5 12.4 125.1------------------------------- ---------- ------ ------ ------ All deferred consideration is payable in cash. Other financial liabilities principally relate to accrued lease liabilities£7.9m (2006: £6.3m), property related accruals £0.9m (2006: £1.2m) which areincluded in other creditors falling due after more than one year, and provisionsfor certain property obligations £nil (2006: £2.8m), which are included inprovisions. (d) Currency exposures The tables below show the extent to which Burberry Group has monetary assets andliabilities at the year end in currencies other than the local currency ofoperation, after accounting for the effect of any specific forward contractsused to manage currency exposure. Monetary assets and liabilities refer to cash,deposits, borrowings and amounts to be received or paid in cash. Foreignexchange differences on retranslation of these assets and liabilities arerecognised in the Income Statement. Net foreign currency monetary assets/(liabilities) ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- Other Sterling US dollar Euro currencies Total Functional currency of operation £m £m £m £m £m------------------------------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------As at 31 March 2007Sterling - (11.9) (8.7) (36.4) (57.0)Other currencies 2.0 0.2 (1.3) - 0.9------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Total 2.0 (11.7) (10.0) (36.4) (56.1)------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------As at 31 March 2006Sterling - 0.3 8.6 (0.1) 8.8Other currencies (1.3) (0.2) (0.1) - (1.6)------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Total (1.3) 0.1 8.5 (0.1) 7.2------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 28 Employee costs Staff costs, including directors' emoluments, during the year are as shownbelow. The directors' emoluments are separately disclosed in the Report onDirectors' Remuneration and Related Matters. This includes gains arising on theexercise of share options. Year to Year to 31 March 31 March 2007 2006 £m £m---------------------------------------- ------ ------Wages and salaries 143.5 124.7Social security costs 16.5 13.9Share based compensation (all awards settledin shares) 10.8 7.4Other pension costs (see note 18) 3.2 2.7---------------------------------------- ------ ------Total 174.0 148.7---------------------------------------- ------ ------ The average number of full time equivalent employees (including directors)during the year was as follows: Year to Year to 31 March 31 March 2007 2006 Number of Number of employees employees---------------------------------------- ------ ------Europe (excluding Spain) 2,415 2,149North America 1,026 902Asia Pacific 735 683Spain 1,042 917---------------------------------------- ------ ------Total 5,218 4,651---------------------------------------- ------ ------ Share options granted to directors and employees The share option schemes have been valued using the Black-Scholes option pricingmodel. The Senior Executive Restricted Share Plan 2004, which has market basedperformance conditions attached, has been valued using the Black-Scholes optionpricing model with a discount applied to this value, based on informationobtained by running a Monte Carlo simulation model on the scheme. Where applicable, equity swaps have been entered into to cover future Employer'sNational Insurance liability (or overseas equivalent) that may arise in respectof these schemes. SAYE share option scheme A Save As You Earn (SAYE) share option scheme offering GUS plc ordinary shareswas introduced for employees in the UK by GUS plc in the year to 31 March 2002,with a further option scheme offered to all UK employees of GUS plc in the yearto 31 March 2003. For both of the grants made, employees were entitled to savefor either three years or five years. As a result of the demerger from GUS plc on 13 December 2005, the employees whoheld options at this date as part of the GUS SAYE share option scheme had sixmonths from the date of the demerger to exercise these options. At 31 March 2007there were no shares under option (2006: 129,748 at a weighted average exerciseprice of 413p). The administrative costs of this scheme have not been borne by Burberry Groupplc and are not considered to be material. On 23 June 2006 a Save As You Earn (SAYE) share option scheme offering BurberryGroup plc ordinary shares was introduced for all employees in the UK, Europe andAsia Pacific, with a further option scheme offered to all American employees ofBurberry Group plc on 30 March 2007. For both of the grants made, employees areentitled to save for three years. The options granted on 23 June 2006 and 30 March 2007 are exercisable from 30September 2009 and 31 March 2010 respectively and are dependent on continuedemployment, as well as a saving obligation over the vesting period. The exerciseprice for these options is calculated at a 20 percent discount to market priceover the three dealing days preceding the grant date. Three day averages arecalculated by taking middle market quotations of a Burberry Group plc share fromthe London Stock Exchange. 28 Employee costs (continued) The fair value of the options granted has been calculated using a risk-free rateof 4.9%, expected volatility of 25.2% and an expected dividend yield of between1.6% and 2.1%. The fair values per option for these grants were determined as£1.20 and £2.97 respectively. Expected volatility was determined by calculating the historic annualisedstandard deviation of the continuously compounded rates of return on the sharesover a period of time, prior to the grant, equivalent to the life of the option.As share price information was only available for Burberry Group plc from July2002 an average of a comparator group of companies was used prior to this date.The average expected volatility over the life of the option was used. Movements in the number of SAYE share options in Burberry Group plc sharesoutstanding and their weighted average exercise price are as follows: Number of Number of Weighted shares under Weighted shares under average option as at 31 average option as at 31 exercise March exercise March price 2007 price 2006---------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------Outstanding at 1 April - - - -Granted during the year 354.8 788,517 - -Lapsed during the year 350.5 (25,949) - -Exercised during the year - - - ----------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------Outstanding at 31 March 354.9 762,568 - -Exercisable at 31 March - - - ----------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ SAYE share options in Burberry Group plc shares outstanding at the end of theyear have the following expiry dates and exercise prices: Number of Number of shares under shares under option as at option as at Exercise 31 March 31 March Option term price 2007 2006 --------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------23 June 2006 - 1 September 2009 350.5 663,584 -30 March 2007 - 31 March 2010 384.5 98,984 ---------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------Total 762,568 ---------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ Share options and awards i) GUS schemes Share options were granted to Burberry employees under the GUS 1998 Approved andNon-Approved Executive Share Option Schemes during the years to 31 March 2001and 2002 in respect of the ordinary shares of GUS plc. As a result of the demerger from GUS plc on 13 December 2005, the employees whoheld options at this date as part of the GUS share option scheme had six monthsfrom the date of the demerger to exercise these options. At 31 March 2007 therewere no shares remaining under option (2006: 200,443 at a weighted averageexercise price of 616.6p). ii) The Burberry IPO Senior Executive Restricted Share Plan (the 'RSP') On 11 July 2002 awards in respect of a total of 8,100,198 ordinary shares weremade to directors and senior management under the RSP. The restricted shares vest in three stages, 50 percent are exercisable afterthree years, 25 percent are exercisable after four years and 25 percent areexercisable after five years. The vesting of these share options is dependent oncontinued employment over the vesting period. The exercise price of these shareoptions is £nil. Obligations under this plan will be met by the issue of ordinary shares of theCompany. 28 Employee costs (continued) Movements in the number of share options outstanding are as follows: Number of Number of shares under shares under option as at option as at 31 March 2007 31 March 2006-------------------------------- ------ -------Outstanding at 1 April 3,610,000 6,571,640Lapsed during the year (6,250) (911,640)Exercised during the year (3,102,500) (2,050,000)-------------------------------- ------ -------Outstanding at 31 March 501,250 3,610,000Exercisable at 31 March - 12,499-------------------------------- ------ ------- The weighted average share price at the date of the exercises in the year was£4.56. Share options outstanding at the end of the year have the following terms andexercise prices: Number of Number of shares under shares under option as at option as at 31 March 31 MarchOption term 2007 2006------------------------------------- ------- -------11 July 2002 - 11 July 2012 501,250 3,610,000------------------------------------- ------- -------Total 501,250 3,610,000------------------------------------- ------- ------- iii) Burberry Senior Executive Restricted Share Plan 2004 Between August and November 2006 awards in respect of a total of 2,352,546(2006: 2,413,206) ordinary shares were made to directors and senior managementunder the 2004 RSP. The options vest in three stages, 50 percent are exercisable after three years,25 percent are exercisable after four years and 25 percent are exercisable afterfive years. The vesting of these share options is dependent on two performanceconditions. Vesting of RSP shares is based 50 percent on Burberry's three yearTotal Shareholder Return ("TSR") relative to peers and 50 percent on three yeargrowth in profit before taxation ("PBT"). Awards vest in full only if Burberryachieves at least upper quartile TSR compared to its global peers and at least15 percent per annum profit growth (currency adjusted), and the executiveremains in employment with Burberry for at least five years. A proportion of anaward (12.5%) may vest if TSR performance exceeds the median of the peer groupor if PBT growth exceeds five percent per annum over three years. The vesting ofthese share options is also dependent on continued employment over the vestingperiod. The exercise price of these share options is £nil. Shares have been purchased by the Burberry Group plc ESOP Trust to meetobligations under this plan. Movements in the number of share optionsoutstanding are as follows: Number of Number of shares under shares under option as at option as at 31 March 31 March 2007 2006--------------------------------- ------- ------Outstanding at 1 April 3,565,477 1,342,592Granted during the year 2,352,546 2,413,206Lapsed during the year (25,000) (190,321)--------------------------------- ------- ------Outstanding at 31 March 5,893,023 3,565,477Exercisable at 31 March - ---------------------------------- ------- ------ Share options outstanding at the end of the year have the following terms: Number of Number of shares under shares under option as at option as at 31 March 31 March Option term 2007 2006--------------------------------- ------- ------2 August 2004 - 2 August 2014 1,322,592 1,322,59221 July 2005 - 21 July 2015 1,709,411 1,734,41131 January 2006 - 31 January 2016 508,474 508,47410 August 2006 - 10 August 2016 2,278,837 -1 September 2006 - 1 September 2016 20,000 -27 November 2006 - 27 November 2016 53,709 ---------------------------------- ------- ------Total 5,893,023 3,565,477--------------------------------- ------- ------ 28 Employee costs (continued) For the awards made on 10 August 2006 the fair value for those restricted shareswith the PBT performance condition was determined as £4.76 by applying theBlack-Scholes option pricing model. A discount was applied to the restrictedshares with the TSR performance condition, by applying the Monte Carlo model.The fair value for these restricted shares was determined to be £2.87. For the awards made on 1 September 2006, the fair value for those restrictedshares with the PBT performance condition was determined as £4.84 by applyingthe Black-Scholes option pricing model. A discount was applied to the restrictedshares with the TSR performance condition, by applying the Monte Carlo model.The fair value for these restricted shares was determined to be £2.87. For the awards made on 27 November 2006, the fair value for those restrictedshares with the PBT performance conditions was determined as £5.90 by applyingthe Black-Scholes option price model. A discount was applied to the restrictedshares with the TSR performance condition, by applying the Monte Carlo model.The fair value for these restricted shares was determined to be £3.56. As dividends accrue during the vesting period, expected dividends were notincorporated into the measurement of fair value. The key factors used indetermining the fair value of the options were as follows: 10 August 1 September 27 November 2006 2006 2006------------------ ------------ ------------ -------------Weighted average shareprice at grant date £4.76 £4.84 £5.90Exercise price - - -Option life Equivalent to Equivalent to Equivalent to vesting period vesting period vesting periodExpected volatility 29.5% 29.5% 29.5%Risk free interest rate 4.9% 4.9% 5.0%------------------ ------------ ------------ ------------- Expected volatility was determined by calculating the historic annualisedstandard deviation of the continuously compounded rates of return on the sharesover a period of time, prior to the grant, equivalent to the life of the option.As share price information was only available for Burberry Group plc from July2002 an average of a comparator group of companies was used prior to this date.The average expected volatility over the life of the option was used. iv) Burberry Restricted Share Reinvestment Plan On 21 July 2005 awards in respect of a total of 782,500 Ordinary Shares weremade to senior management under the Restricted Share Reinvestment Plan. The options vest in two stages, 50 percent are exercisable after three years and50 percent are exercisable after four years. The vesting of these share optionsis dependent on the employee holding the original IPO RSP shares which wereawarded and which vested on 11 July 2005. The vesting of these share options isalso dependent on continued employment over the vesting period. The exerciseprice of these share options is £nil. Movements in the number of share options outstanding are as follows: Number of Number of shares under shares under option as at option as at 31 March 31 March 2007 2006---------------------------------- ------ ------Outstanding at 1 April 782,500 -Granted during the year - 782,500---------------------------------- ------ ------Outstanding at 31 March 782,500 782,500Exercisable at 31 March - ----------------------------------- ------ ------ 28 Employee costs (continued) Share options outstanding at the end of the year have the following expiry dateand exercise prices: Number of Number of shares under shares under option as at option as at 31 March 31 MarchOption term 2007 2006---------------------------------- ------ ------21 July 2005 - 21 July 2015 782,500 782,500---------------------------------- ------ ------Total 782,500 782,500---------------------------------- ------ ------ v) The Burberry Senior Executive IPO Share Option Scheme ("the IPO OptionScheme") On 11 July 2002 awards in respect of a total of 5,955,198 ordinary shares weremade to directors and senior management under the IPO Option Scheme.Participants' awards were made in the form of options with an exercise priceequal to the price on flotation, £2.30 per ordinary share. The options vest in three stages, 33 percent are exercisable after one year, 33percent are exercisable after two years and 33 percent are exercisable afterthree years. The vesting of these share options is dependent on continuedemployment over the vesting period. Obligations under this scheme will be met bythe issue of ordinary shares of the Company. Movements in the number of share options outstanding and their weighted averageexercise price are as follows: Number of Number of Weighted shares under Weighted shares under average option as at average option as at exercise 31 March exercise 31 March price 2007 price 2006--------------------------------- ------ ------- ------ -------Outstanding at 1 April 230.0p 842,505 230.0p 2,456,683Exercised during the year 230.0p (245,419) 230.0p (1,614,178)--------------------------------- ------ ------- ------ -------Outstanding at 31 March 230.0p 597,086 230.0p 842,505Exercisable at 31 March 230.0p 597,086 230.0p 842,505--------------------------------- ------ ------- ------ ------- The weighted average share price at the date of the exercises in the year was£5.51. Share options outstanding at the end of the year have the following terms andexercise prices: Number of Number of shares under shares under option as at option as at Exercise 31 March 31 MarchOption term price 2007 2006-------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------11 July 2002 - 11 July 2012 230.0p 597,086 842,505-------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------Total 597,086 842,505-------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ vi) The Burberry Group plc Executive Share Option Scheme 2002 During the previous financial years options were granted to directors in respectof ordinary shares in the Company under the Executive Share Option Scheme. Nooptions were granted in the current financial year (2006: 833,333 at an exerciseprice of £4.23). The options vest in three stages, 33 percent are exercisable after one year, 33percent are exercisable after two years and 33 percent are exercisable afterthree years. The vesting of these share options is dependent on continuedemployment over the vesting period. 28 Employee costs (continued) Movements in the number of share options outstanding and their weighted averageexercise price are as follows: Number of Number of Weighted shares under Weighted shares under average option as at average option as at exercise 31 March exercise 31 March price 2007 price 2006-------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------Outstanding at 1 April 342.0p 3,935,492 315.4p 4,183,378Granted during the year - - 423.0p 833,333Lapsed during the year 356.2p (36,660) 361.7p (221,091)Exercised during the year 330.1p (1,876,983) 274.8p (860,128)-------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------Outstanding at 31 March 357.6p 2,021,849 342.0p 3,935,492Exercisable at 31 March 307.0p 932,740 320.0p 1,093,276-------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ The weighted average share price at the date of the exercises in the year was£5.73. Share options outstanding at the end of the year have the following terms andexercise prices: Number of Number of shares under shares under option as at option as at Exercise 31 March 31 MarchOption term price 2007 2006------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------13 June 2003 - 12 June 2013 258.0p 551,915 1,411,5092 August 2004 - 2 August 2014 378.0p 914,379 1,690,65021 July 2005 - 21 July 2015 423.0p 555,555 833,333------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------Total 2,021,849 3,935,492------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ vii) All Employee Share Plan In previous financial years all employees were offered options over ordinaryshares in the Company at a nil exercise price under an all Employee Share Plan.No new awards were made in the year to 31 March 2007 (2006: 369,240). All awards vest after three years and the vesting of these share options isdependent on continued employment over the vesting period. These ordinary shares are held in two trusts, being the Burberry Group ShareIncentive Plan and the Burberry Group plc ESOP Trust. The ordinary shares mustbe held in trust between three and five years. Movements in the number of share options outstanding are as follows: Number of Number of shares under shares under option as at option as at 31 March 31 March 2007 2006--------------------------------- ------- ------Outstanding at 1 April 1,017,580 1,029,100Granted during the year - 369,240Lapsed during the year (79,350) (143,040)Exercised during the year (243,260) (237,720)--------------------------------- ------- ------Outstanding at 31 March 694,970 1,017,580Exercisable at 31 March 94,150 52,650--------------------------------- ------- ------ 28 Employee costs (continued) Share options outstanding at the end of the year have the following terms andexercise prices: Number of Number of shares under shares under option as at option as at 31 March 31 MarchOption term 2007 2006------------------------------------- ------ ------12 July 2002 - 18 July 2082* 43,450 52,65030 August 2003 - 18 July 2082* 50,700 101,35030 August 2003 - 7 October 2006 - 174,80030 July 2004 - 30 October 2007 189,150 212,65020 August 2004 - 18 July 2082* 128,350 148,25010 June 2005 - 10 June 2008 173,920 200,7201 September 2005 - 18 July 2082* 109,400 127,160------------------------------------- ------ ------Total 694,970 1,017,580------------------------------------- ------ ------ *No date has been specified when awards lapse. The cessation date of the trustin which the awards are held is 18 July 2082. viii) Co-investment Scheme In previous financial years executive directors and other senior management wereable to defer receipt of all or part of their annual bonus and invest it inordinary shares in the Company with up to a 2:1 match based on individual andGroup performance during the year. The matching share awards do not vest forthree years and are forfeited if the executive leaves due to resignation withinthat period. The exercise price of these share options is £nil. No new awardswere made in the year to 31 March 2007 (2006: 984,473). Shares have been purchased by the Burberry Group plc ESOP Trust to meet theobligations under this plan. Movements in the number of share options outstanding are as follows: Number of Number of shares under shares under option as at option as at 31 March 31 March 2007 2006---------------------------------- ------ ------Outstanding at 1 April 1,074,522 221,703Granted during the year - 984,473Lapsed during the year (3,049) (131,654)---------------------------------- ------ ------Outstanding at 31 March 1,071,473 1,074,522Exercisable at 31 March - ----------------------------------- ------ ------ Share options outstanding at the end of the year have the following expiry date: Option term Number of Number of shares under shares under option as at option as at 31 March 31 March 2007 2006---------------------------------- ------- ------29 July 2004 - 29 July 2009 213,996 213,99621 July 2005 - 21 July 2015 857,477 860,526---------------------------------- ------- ------Total 1,071,473 1,074,522---------------------------------- ------- ------ 29 Related party transactions Transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries, which are related partiesof the Company, have been eliminated on consolidation and are not disclosed inthis note. The only related party transactions relate to total compensation paidto key management, who is defined as the executive and non-executive directors.The total compensation paid during the year was as follows: Year to Year to 31 March 31 March 2007 2006 £m £m------------------------------------------ ------ ------Salaries and short term benefits 6.2 4.3Post-employment benefits 0.5 0.5Share based compensation 2.3 3.8------------------------------------------ ------ ------Total 9.0 8.6------------------------------------------ ------ ------ In addition, aggregate gains on the exercise of options in the year to 31 March2007 were £14.2m (2006: £8.4m). GUS plc and other GUS related companies were related parties of the BurberryGroup until 12 December 2005 as GUS plc owned the majority shareholding inBurberry Group plc. On 13 December 2005 Burberry Group demerged from GUS plc,services provided since this date have been done so in accordance with thedemerger agreement. 30 Events after the balance sheet date On 21 March 2007, the UK Chancellor announced that the full rate of UKcorporation tax will be reduced from 30% to 28% from April 2008. However thisrate reduction has not been substantively enacted at the balance sheet date andtherefore as required by IAS 12, deferred tax assets and liabilities (as set outin note 12) relating to the UK have been measured at the currently enacted taxrate of 30%. The deferred tax charge that will arise on substantive enactment ofthe proposed change to the corporation tax rate is not expected to have amaterial financial effect on the Group's effective tax rate for 2007/08.31 Principal subsidiaries Company Country of Nature of business incorporation ---------------------- ----------- ---------------------Spain-----Burberry (Spain) S.A. Spain Luxury goods wholesalerBurberry (Spain) Retail S.L. Spain Luxury goods retailerMercader y Casadevall S.A. Spain Luxury goods retailer Europe--------Burberry Limited UK Luxury goods retailer, wholesaler and licensorBurberry Italy Retail Limited UK Luxury goods retailerThe Scotch House Limited* UK Luxury goods brand and licensorWoodrow-Universal Limited* UK Textile manufacturerBurberry France SASU France Luxury goods retailer and wholesalerBurberry (Suisse) S.A.* Switzerland Luxury goods retailerBurberry Italy SRL* Italy Luxury goods wholesalerBurberry (Deutschland) GmbH Germany Luxury goods retailer and wholesalerBurberry (Austria) GmbH Austria Luxury goods retailerBurberry Antwerp N.V. Belgium Luxury goods retailerBurberry Czech Republic s.r.o. Czech Republic Luxury goods retailerBurberry Hungary kft Hungary Luxury goods retailer North America---------------Burberry Limited USA Luxury goods retailerBurberry (Wholesale) Limited USA Luxury goods wholesaler Asia Pacific--------------Burberry Asia Ltd Hong Kong Luxury goods retailer and wholesalerBurberry (Singapore) Singapore Luxury goods retailer andDistribution Company Pte Ltd wholesalerBurberry Pacific Pty Ltd Australia Luxury goods retailer and wholesalerBurberry Korea Ltd Republic of Luxury goods retailer and Korea wholesalerBurberry (Taiwan) Co Ltd Taiwan Luxury goods retailerBurberry (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Malaysia Luxury goods retailerBurberry Japan K.K. Japan Luxury goods retailer, wholesaler and licensor---------------------- ----------- --------------------- *Held directly by Burberry Group plc. All principal subsidiary undertakings are wholly owned as at 31 March 2007 andoperate in the country in which they are incorporated with the exception ofBurberry Italy Retail Limited, which operates principally in Italy. All thesubsidiary undertakings have been consolidated as at 31 March 2007.Non-operating intermediate holding and financing companies are excluded from thelist above. FIVE YEAR SUMMARY 2003* 2004 2005 2005 2006 2007 UK GAAP UK GAAP UK GAAP IFRS IFRS IFRSTurnover by product £m £m £m £m £m £m--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Womenswear 197.9 225.7 242.1 242.1 249.3 305.5Menswear 162.8 190.1 194.5 194.5 206.2 227.0Accessories (includingChildrenswear) 169.5 178.4 185.0 185.0 189.2 211.2Other 5.1 14.6 15.5 15.5 17.1 20.5Licensing 58.3 67.0 78.4 78.4 81.1 86.1--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Total 593.6 675.8 715.5 715.5 742.9 850.3--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Turnover by destination £m £m £m £m £m £m--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Europe (excluding Spain) 159.3 191.0 188.0 188.0 216.3 257.1North America 140.5 162.4 165.9 165.9 180.4 199.3Asia Pacific 147.0 162.6 186.6 186.6 201.4 223.1Spain 143.4 155.8 168.4 168.4 134.1 151.8Other 3.4 4.0 6.6 6.6 10.7 19.0--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Total 593.6 675.8 715.5 715.5 742.9 850.3--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Turnover by operation £m £m £m £m £m £m--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Retail 228.4 257.4 265.2 265.2 318.5 410.1Wholesale 306.9 351.4 371.9 371.9 343.3 354.1Licensing 58.3 67.0 78.4 78.4 81.1 86.1--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Total 593.6 675.8 715.5 715.5 742.9 850.3--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Profit by operation £m £m £m £m £m £m--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Wholesale and Retail 64.3 86.6 98.5 94.3 96.2 111.7Licensing 52.4 56.0 67.0 67.0 69.4 73.4--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------EBIT** (before Atlas andTreorchy costs) 116.7 142.6 165.5 161.3 165.6 185.1 Net interestincome/(expense) (0.9) 2.3 4.9 4.9 2.5 (0.7)Project Atlas costs - - - - (11.1) (21.6)Treorchy closure costs - - - - - (6.5)Exceptional/materialitems (22.0) 2.2 0.8 - - -Foreign currency loss onloans with GUS group(pre-flotation) (2.3) - - - - -Goodwill amortisation (6.4) (6.8) (6.8) - - ---------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Profit on ordinaryactivities beforetaxation 85.1 140.3 164.4 166.2 157.0 156.3Tax on profit onordinary activities (32.9) (47.3) (54.5) (54.3) (50.6) (46.1)--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Profit on ordinaryactivities aftertaxation/Attributableprofit 52.2 93.0 109.9 111.9 106.4 110.2--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ --------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Margin analysis % % % % % %--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Gross margin aspercentage of turnover 56.0 57.9 59.3 59.3 60.0 61.3 Wholesale and RetailEBIT** as a percentageof turnover 12.0 14.2 15.5 14.8 14.5 14.6Licence EBIT** as apercentage of turnover 89.9 83.6 85.5 85.5 85.6 85.2Total EBIT** as apercentage of turnover 19.7 21.1 23.1 22.5 22.3 21.8--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ *Year to 31 March 2003 has not been restated to reflect the impact of adoptingFRS 17 'Retirement Benefits' as the necessary data is not available. **Earnings before interest, taxation, goodwill amortisation and exceptional/material items. 2003* 2004 2005 2005 2006 2007 UK GAAP pence UK GAAP pence UK GAAP pence IFRS pence IFRS pence IFRS penceEarnings and dividends per share per share per share per share per share per share --------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Basic earnings per share 10.5 18.8 22.2 22.7 22.9 25.2Basic earnings per sharebefore goodwill amortisationand exceptional/Atlas andTreorchy costs 14.9 19.8 23.4 n/a 24.7 29.7Diluted earnings per share 10.3 18.4 21.8 22.2 22.3 24.7Diluted earnings per share beforegoodwill amortisation andexceptional/Atlas and Treorchycosts 14.6 19.4 23.0 n/a 24.1 29.1Dividend per share (UK GAAPon an accruals basis) 3.0 4.5 6.5 n/a n/a n/aDividend per share (IFRS ona paid basis) n/a n/a n/a 5.0 7.0 8.4 Diluted weighted average numberof ordinary shares in issue duringthe year 506.2m 505.9m 504.6m 504.5m 477.6m 446.1m Dividend cover (UK GAAP on anaccruals basis)** 5.0 4.4 3.7 n/a n/a n/aDividend cover (IFRS on apaid basis)** n/a n/a n/a 4.5 3.2 3.0--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 2003* 2004 2005 2005 2006 2007 UK GAAP UK GAAP UK GAAP IFRS IFRS IFRSBalance sheet £m £m £m £m £m £m--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Fixed assets, investments and otherintangible assets 162.4 150.7 167.0 165.6 181.2 179.5Working capital (excluding cash andborrowings) 73.8 66.6 77.7 79.6 121.7 136.1Other long term liabilities (10.6) (10.8) (9.8) (10.1) (19.2) (12.2)--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Net operating assets 225.6 206.5 234.9 235.1 283.7 303.4Goodwill 122.8 110.6 107.1 114.0 121.2 116.9Deferred consideration for acquisitions (31.7) (31.7) (32.7) (32.7) (11.5) (10.0)Cash at bank, net ofoverdraft and borrowings 79.6 157.9 169.9 169.9 12.5 (2.8)Taxation (including deferred taxation) 0.4 1.0 (2.9) (14.0) (19.3) (10.6)Dividends payable (10.0) (14.9) (21.7) - - ---------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Net assets 386.7 429.4 454.6 472.3 386.6 396.9--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 2003* 2004 2005 2005 2006 2007 UK GAAP UK GAAP UK GAAP IFRS IFRS IFRSCash flow £m £m £m £m £m £m--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Operating profit beforegoodwill amortisationand exceptional items 116.7 142.6 165.5 161.3 165.6 185.1Project Atlas costs - - - - (11.1) (21.6)Treorchy closure costs - - - - - (6.5)--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Operating profit afterAtlas and Treorchy costs 116.7 142.6 165.5 161.3 154.5 157.0Depreciation, impairmentand trademarkamortisation charges 19.0 28.5 24.4 24.4 24.9 26.7Loss/(profit) on disposal of fixed assets and similar non-cash charges 1.5 1.7 (1.1) (1.1) (1.6) 0.1Charges in respect ofemployee share incentive schemes - 3.6 5.3 9.5 7.4 10.8(Increase)/decrease in stocks 5.2 (7.5) (12.8) (12.9) (17.8) (33.4)(Increase)/decrease in debtors (2.4) (1.5) (7.3) (7.3) 2.2 (33.8)Increase/(decrease) in creditors 25.0 18.2 1.5 1.5 (21.2) 32.8--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Net cash inflow fromoperations beforecapital expenditure 165.0 185.6 175.5 175.4 148.4 160.2Purchase of tangible andintangible fixed assets (55.7) (28.8) (37.2) (37.2) (30.7) (34.3)Sale of tangible fixed assets 0.2 - 3.1 3.1 3.6 1.1--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------Net cash inflow fromoperations adjusted forcapital expenditure 109.5 156.8 141.4 141.3 121.3 127.0--------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ *Year to 31 March 2003 have not been restated to reflect the impact of adoptingFRS 17 'Retirement Benefits' as the necessary data is not available. **Based on attributable profit or profit after taxation before goodwillamortisation and exceptional items SHAREHOLDER INFORMATION Registrar Enquiries concerning shareholdings, changes of name or address should bereferred to Lloyds TSB Registrars, The Causeway, Worthing, West Sussex, BN996DA, telephone: 0870 600 3970 (or +44 121 415 7047 from outside the UK). Inaddition, Lloyds TSB Registrars offer a range of shareholder information onlineat A textphone facility for those with hearing difficultiesis available by calling: 0870 600 3950 (or +44 121 415 7028 from outside theUK). Share price information The latest Burberry Group plc share price is available on the Group's website and also on the Financial Times Cityline Service on0906 843 0000 (calls charged at 60p per minute). Share dealing Lloyds TSB Registrars offer a telephone and internet dealing service. Terms andconditions and details of the commission charges are available on request. For telephone dealing call 0870 850 0852 between 8.00am and 4.30pm, Monday toFriday, and for internet dealing visit Shareholderswill need the reference number shown on their share certificate. Internet A full range of investor relations information is available This includes webcasts of results presentations givento analysts and fund managers together with the slides accompanying thosepresentations. Amalgamating Share Accounts Shareholders who have more than one account due to inconsistency in name andaddress details may avoid duplicate mailings by asking the Registrar toamalgamate their holdings. Dividends The interim dividend of 2.875p per share was paid on 1 February 2007. A finaldividend of 7.625p has been proposed and, subject to approval at the AnnualGeneral Meeting on 12 July 2007, will be paid on 2 August 2007 to shareholderson the register at the close of business on 6 July 2007. Dividends can be paid by BACS directly into a UK bank account, with the taxvoucher being sent to the shareholders address. A dividend mandate form isavailable from Lloyds TSB Registrars or from Electronic Communication Shareholders have the opportunity to receive all shareholder documentation inelectronic form via the internet, rather than through the post in paper format.Shareholders who decide to register for this option will receive an email eachtime a statutory document is published on the internet. Shareholders who wish toreceive documentation in electronic form should register at ShareGift Shareholders with a small number of shares, the value of which makes ituneconomic to sell them, may wish to consider donating their shares to charitythrough ShareGift, a donation scheme operated by The Orr Mackintosh Foundation(registered charity 1052686). A ShareGift donation form can be obtained fromLloyds TSB Registrars. Further information is available at orby telephone on +44 (0) 20 7828 1151. Registered officeBurberry Group plc18-22 HaymarketLondonSW1Y 4DQtelephone: +44 (0) 20 7968 0000fax: +44 (0) 20 7980 2950 Financial calendarFinal dividend record date 6 July 2007First quarter trading update 11 July 2007Annual General Meeting 12 July 2007Final dividend payment 2 August 2007First half trading update October 2007Interim results announcement November 2007Third quarter trading update and interim dividend record date January 2008Interim dividend payment February 2008Second half trading update April 2008Preliminary results announcement May 2008 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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