1st Jun 2005 07:00
LiDCO Group Plc01 June 2005 For immediate release 1 June 2005 LiDCO GROUP PLC ("LiDCO" or "the Company") Positive Data Presented A New Application for LiDCO's Minimally Invasive Monitoring System 1 June 2005: LiDCO Group plc (AIM: LID), the cardiovascular monitoring company,is pleased to announce that positive data was presented at the Society ofObstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology meeting held in Palm Springs, California,USA. Doctors at the Departments of Anesthesiology & Obstetrics and Gynecology,University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX reported that theLiDCOplus Monitor, used to observe cardiovascular changes during continuousepidural anesthesia in a patient undergoing caesarean section, was able tosafely maintain cardiac output and blood pressure monitoring where thisotherwise would not have been possible without the use of an invasive catheter. This department is one of a number of University centers actively investigatingthe potential applications of the LiDCO technology to the anesthetic managementof high risk obstetric patients. Investigator, Dr McGrane, concluded: "We feel that the LiDCO monitoring systemwas a safe, effective, minimally invasive alternative which allowed us to avoidthe risks associated with placement of a PA catheter, and through continuoushemodynamic monitoring allowed implementation of epidural anesthesia withconfidence, thus avoiding the risks of general anesthesia in this parturient." Dr Terry O'Brien, LiDCO' s Chief Executive, commented: "This is the firstreport of the use of our minimally invasive monitoring in the high riskobstetric population. We are very encouraged by these early results andparticularly excited that a number of other University centers are investigatingthe use of our device to improve care and outcomes in the late stages of highrisk pregnancy and in life threatening conditions such as pre-eclampsia." For further information please contact: LiDCO Group PlcTerry O'Brien (CEO) [email protected] 020 7749 1500 Hugh McGarel-Groves (FD) [email protected] CommunicationsTim Anderson, Mary-Jane Johnson, James Strong 020 7466 5000 Notes for Editors About LiDCO Plc LiDCO is a UK-based AIM-traded developer, manufacturer and leading supplier ofminimally invasive, computer-based hemodynamic monitoring equipment anddisposables used primarily for the management of critical care andcardiovascular risk hospital patients. Use of LiDCO's technology has been shownto significantly reduce the complications (particularly infections) and costsassociated with major surgery. The technology was invented in the Department ofApplied Physiology based at St Thomas' Hospital, London where the Companymaintains a research base. The Company's manufacturing facility is in Hoxton, London and its currentproducts are: • LiDCOplus and PulseCO monitors: computer-based platforms for displaying a range of real-time, continuous hemodynamic parameters including cardiac output, oxygen delivery and fluid volume; • LiDCO disposables: used in conjunction with the LiDCOplus Monitor accurately determine cardiac output in a minimally-invasive manner. Distribution Network: The Company has now achieved registration of its products in 13 markets inEurope, the USA, Brazil and Japan. It sells direct to the NHS in the UK, andthrough a worldwide network of specialty critical care distributors. Background to the recently published clinical trial: Better than standard care -(EGDT) improves outcome in high risk surgery patients: The results of a major trial at St George's Hospital, London using LiDCO'sminimally invasive monitoring technology were presented during the 25thInternational Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine in Brussels(21st to 25th March). The results have revealed the following: a) Savings in the cost of treating patients amounting to an average of £4,000 per patient. Extrapolated nationally, this would equate to a saving of £500 million per annum for the NHS b) The monetary saving (£248,000) - resulted from 640 hospital days saved for 62 patients, an average of more than 10 bed days per patient c) The savings in cost and hospital days were associated with a significant reduction in medical complications (particularly infections - which were halved) through the use of LiDCO's minimally invasive technology to improve tissue oxygen levels following surgery. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: