1st Jul 2013 08:00
PAN AFRICAN RESOURCES PLC - Pan African commences production at BTRPPAN AFRICAN RESOURCES PLC - Pan African commences production at BTRP
PR Newswire
London, June 29
Pan African Resources PLC (Incorporated and registered in England and Wales under Companies Act 1985 with registered number 3937466 on 25 February 2000) AIM Code: PAF / JSE Code: PAN ISIN: GB0004300496 ("Pan African") Pan African commences production at Barberton Tailings Retreatment Project Pan African, the African focused precious metals producer, has successfullycommissioned the Barberton Tailings Retreatment Project (`BTRP'), at itsBarberton Mines (`BGMO') and on Friday 28th June 2013 undertook its' inauguralgold pour. The BTRP project, which commenced construction in April 2012, wascompleted on schedule and within budget. Situated adjacent to the Bramber Tailings Storage Facility (`TSF') at theFairview Mine, the retreatment project was designed to retreat 100,000 tonnesof gold tailings per month at an estimated average cash cost of US$800/oz. Theplant utilises a Carbon in Leach process followed by electro-winning andsmelting to produce a saleable gold product. The project will source about12,000 tonnes per month of current tailings via a pipeline from the FairviewConcentrator and BIOX® plant and some 88,000 tonnes per month from the TSF. The BTRP is expected to ramp up to full capacity of 100,000 tonnes per month atan average recovered grade of 0.52g/t by 2nd quarter 2014. It has a currentlife of mine of six years and will provide Pan African with an additional20,000oz of gold per annum, increasing BGMO's gold output by approximately 20%to 115,000oz per year. The total capital expenditure budget of the project was ZAR305 million(US$31million), of which approximately 90% has been invoiced to date. All ofthe construction capital requirements were funded via internal cash flows fromBGMO. Basil Read-Matomo who successfully constructed Pan African's Phoenix PlatinumChrome Tailings Retreatment Plant, designed and constructed the BTRP. Theproject is managed by an experienced team including BGMO General Manager, MrCasper Strydom and Metallurgy Manager, Mr Jonathan Irons. The BTRP has createdan additional 86 direct employment opportunities in the Barberton area. Ron Holding, joint interim CEO commented: "We are proud to have commissionedthis project on schedule and within budget. The achievement reaffirms ourability to deliver on our development plans at our operations. It alsodemonstrates the potential for future success of our other organic growthprojects at Barberton and Evander." Johannesburg 1 July 2013 JSE Sponsor One Capital Enquiries: UK South Africa Pan African Resources Canaccord Genuity Limited - Nomad and Joint BrokerMr Cobus Loots Andrew Chubb / Peter Stewart / Joe WeavingNon-executive director and +44 (0) 20 7523 8350Joint Interim Chief ExecutiveOfficer +27 (0) 11 305 8900 Mr Ron Holding finnCap Limited - Joint Broker Chief Operating Officer and Elizabeth Johnson / Joanna Weaving Joint Interim Chief Executive +44 (0) 20 7220 0500Officer +27 (0) 11 243 2900 One Capital St James's Corporate Services Limited Sholto Simpson / Megan Young Phil Dexter +27 (0) 11 550 5000 +44 (0) 20 7499 3916 Vestor Investor Relations Gable Communications Louise Brugman Justine James +27 (0) 11 787 3015 / +27 83 504 +44 (0) 20 7193 7463 / +44 (0) 7525 3244311186 For further information on Pan African, please visit the website atwww.panafricanresources.com
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