8th Nov 2006 07:01
Screen Technology Group plc08 November 2006 For Immediate Release 8 November 2006 SCREEN TECHNOLOGY GROUP PLC (the 'Company' or "Screen Technology") Initial €1.7 million order for recently launched ITrans module Screen Technology Group plc, the AIM listed designer and manufacturer ofrevolutionary high-resolution large-screen displays for high ambient lightenvironments, is pleased to announce that the Company has secured a majorcommercial order for its proprietary ITrans tiles from Sambers Italia S.p.A.,which trades as Hantarex Electronic Systems ("Hantarex"), a leadinginternational company based in Milan manufacturing and supplying flat screendisplay systems. The order has an initial value of €1.7m for delivery in the first half of 2007.The tiles will be used to create high-resolution ITrans display modules tosupply to Hantarex's own customer base. This is Screen Technology's first majorOEM partnership. Hantarex has made a significant investment in a dedicatedproduction facility at its Milan plant with the capacity to produce 5,000display modules a year (representing circa 1,800 sq. metres of display). Thisinitial order is to supply the ITrans tile components for Hantarex tomanufacture ITrans display modules for its own customers. Hantarex will also beassembling display modules using ITrans tiles for Screen Technology to supplyits own growing customer base with modular displays. The ITrans modular system offers customers displays that can be configured toany size or aspect ratio without any compromise on image quality simply byseamlessly bolting together display modules. Incorporating the ground-breakingfeatures of Screen Technology's existing large-format displays - highresolution, high brightness and superior image quality - the modular system isideal for Hantarex's worldwide customers, which include airports, televisionstudios, railways, museums and retail environments. Tom Jarman, Chief Executive of Screen Technology, commented : "This first major modular order, combined with the recently announced Wilden AGtile manufacturing partnership, represents a major milestone for ScreenTechnology in creating a fully scaleable production model working with top classpartners. Screen Technology will continue to concentrate our resources ondeveloping and marketing the ITrans technology, while being confident thatsupply can meet the ever increasing demand for our leading edge products." Giacomo Taffelli from Hantarex, said: "The ITrans technology developed by Screen Technology means that we will be ableto offer our customers screens that produce vivid images, intense colours andpin sharp clarity with no upper limit in terms of size. "We are confident that this new technology, coupled with our own experience andworldwide reputation in the displays market will deliver a ready customer baseamong our existing clients and, equally importantly, new ones too." Screen Technology Group plc www.screentechnology.com Thomas Jarman, CEO 01223 559600Simon Barton, Finance Director Buchanan Communications 020 7466 5000Isabel Podda Notes to Editors Screen Technology Screen Technology is the designer and manufacturer of revolutionaryhigh-resolution large-screen displays designed for high ambient lightenvironments. The high resolution and high definition of the Company's displays give ahigh-quality image suitable for advertising images and video as well as publicinformation displays. They are visible at short viewing distances as well asacross larger venues making them particularly suitable for large retail outlets,shopping malls, control rooms and transport concourses where customers might bewithin 10m of the display, a distance at which LED display technologies becomeunsuitable. The high brightness means that the displays are also easily visiblein the kind of high ambient light environments where conventional LCD or plasmatechnologies become unusable. Screen Technology's patent protected technology uses moulded optical fibre tilesto produce seamless large displays using standard production LCD panels. Thescaleable modular technology enables screens to be built in a wide variety ofshapes and of theoretically unlimited size. Screen Technology Group plc listed on AIM, a market operated by the London StockExchange, on 1 August 2005. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: