5th Mar 2007 10:00
Telefonica O2 Czech Republic, A.S.05 March 2007 Press Release O2 TRIO - O2 High Speed Internet, O2 TV, and Unlimited Calling Combined Monthly Savings up to CZK 499! Date: 5. 3. 2007 Telefonica O2 Czech Republic, the first integrated operator on the Czech marketis offering its customers a complete package of telecommunications andentertainment services for a very competitive price under the name O2 TRIO. Thisnew package provides customers with three services in one - O2 Internet ExpresADSL, O2TV multimedia television, and unlimited national and local calls tofixed line networks inclusive in one monthly fee. Starting at a promotionalprice of CZK 999 for the basic package, customers can save up to CZK 499(without VAT) off the standard pricing, increasing the value-per-moneyproposition over just adding the three services individually. After the firstthree months of usage, customers using O2 TRIO will continue to save over CZK199 (without VAT) providing considerable and ongoing savings to the familyhousehold budget. Andrej Torriani, Chief Marketing Officer of Telefonica O2 Czech Republic, says,"Our new offer is simply a logical way to meet market demands and provide theservices our customers want while saving them money. With unlimited calling,unlimited Internet access and the best in TV and movie entertainment, customerswill start to see the benefits of converged offerings of Telefonica O2.Furthermore, with the savings offered through the O2 TRIO package, customers geta financial benefit which can be seen in value terms as receiving O2TVmultimedia television free of charge for three months or highly attractivepricing for high speed Internet access." Special and standard prices of services: O2 TRIO Monthly O2 TRIO Monthly savings savingsInternet 512 kb/s 2 048 kb/sTelevision Entertainment/Cinema Entertainment/CinemaFixed line Nonstop NonstopSpecial price * CZK 999 CZK 499 CZK 1,159 CZK 539Standard price * CZK 1,299 CZK 199 CZK 1,459 CZK 239 O2 TRIO Monthly O2 TRIO Monthly savings savingsInternet 3 072kb/s 4 096 kb/sTelevision Entertainment/Cinema Entertainment/CinemaFixed line Nonstop NonstopSpecial price * - - - -Standard price * CZK 1,659 CZK 239 CZK 2,059 CZK 239 *prices are presented without VAT and are valid as of activation with a(12-month) contract, for the special offer, the service must be activated byApril 30, 2007 at the latest Activation fee for O2 TRIO New as well as existing customers can activate O2 TRIO for just CZK 1 (withoutVAT) with a 12-month contract, or for CZK 1,499 (without VAT) without anycommitment. Activation under these conditions is also possible for customers whohave already signed a contract for Internet Expres, O2TV, or a fixed line. End-user devices for the O2 TRIO service With the O2 TRIO service, the customer receives a four-port D-link DSL-584T ADSLmodem, configured for both broadband Internet as well as O2TV multimediatelevision simultaneously for only CZK 1 (without VAT). Furthermore, thecustomer can rent an iCAN 3800TW-IP set-top box for just CZK 1 (without VAT) permonth. In addition to receiving O2TV multimedia television, this set-top boxalso receives digital terrestrial DVB-T signals and is thus beneficial forcustomers in areas where analogue terrestrial broadcasting is gradually beingreplaced by digital broadcasting. For more information, please contact:MARTIN ZABKASpokespersontel: + 420 271 463 359fax: + 420 271 469 896e-mail: [email protected] http://www.cz.o2.com/ About Telefonica O2 Czech Republic Telefonica O2 Czech Republic, a.s., is the first integrated operator in theCzech Republic formed on 1 July 2006 by the merger of the leading fixed lineoperator, CESKY TELECOM, a.s., and the strongest mobile operator, Eurotel Praha,spol. s r.o., into a single telecommunications organization. The organization isnow operating nearly eight million lines, both fixed and mobile, making it oneof the world's leading providers of fully converged services. Telefonica O2 Czech Republic offers the most comprehensive portfolio of voiceand data services in this country. A special attention is paid to theexploitation of the growth potential, in particular the data and Internetbusiness. Telefonica O2 Czech Republic operates the largest fixed and mobilenetwork including a unique 3rd generation network, CDMA (for data) and UMTS,enabling the transport of voice, data and video. Furthermore, Telefonica O2Czech Republic offers the largest network of WiFi hotspots in the country. About Telefonica O2 Europe Telefonica O2 Europe comprises mobile network operators in the UK and Ireland,along with integrated fixed/mobile businesses in Germany and the Czech Republic- all of which use 'O2' as their consumer brand. The company recently won amobile license in Slovakia, where it plans to launch service in 2007.Telefonica O2 Europe also owns 50% of the Tesco Mobile and Tchibo Mobilfunkjoint venture businesses in the UK and Germany respectively as well as having100% ownership of Be, a leading UK fixed broadband provider. In addition, thegroup includes the Isle of Man fixed/mobile operator, Manx Telecom, and O2Airwave, which supplies secure digital communications to the emergency servicesand other public safety organizations. Telefonica O2 Europe, part of the Telefonica group, is headquartered in Slough,UK, and has more than 37 million mobile and fixed customers. About Telefonica Telefonica is one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world interms of market capitalization. Its activities are centered mainly on fixed andmobile telephony, with broadband as the key tool for the development of both. The company has a significant presence in 23 countries and a customer base of196 million worldwide. Telefonica is a 100% listed company, with in excess of 1.5 million directshareholders. Its share capital currently comprises 4,921,130,397 ordinaryshares traded on the Spanish Stock Market (Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao andValencia) and on those in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Tokyo, New York, Lima,Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: