17th Nov 2021 07:01
17 November 2021
Bluefield Solar Income Fund Limited
('Bluefield Solar' or the 'Company')
Notice of AGM
Bluefield Solar (LON: BSIF), a UK income fund focused on acquiring and managing UK-based renewable energy and storage projects to provide growing dividends for its shareholders whilst furthering the decarbonisation of the energy system, announces that its Annual General Meeting ("AGM") will be held at Floor 2, Trafalgar Court, Les Banques, St Peter Port, Guernsey, at 11.00 a.m. on Friday 3 December 2021.
The Notice of AGM has been dispatched to all shareholders. An electronic copy of the Notice of AGM is also available on the Company's website www.bluefieldsif.com.
A copy of the Notice and Form of Proxy will shortly be available for inspection via the National Storage Mechanism website at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism.
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For further information:
Notes to Editors
About Bluefield Solar
Bluefield Solar is a UK income fund focused, primarily, on acquiring and managing UK-based solar projects to generate renewable energy for periods of typically 25 years or longer. Not less than 75% of the Company's gross assets will be invested into UK solar assets. The Company can also invest up to 25% of its gross assets into wind, hydro and storage technologies. Its primary objective is to deliver to its shareholders stable, long term sterling income via quarterly dividends. The majority of the Group's revenue streams are regulated and non-correlated to the UK energy market. Bluefield Solar owns and operates one of the UK's largest, diversified portfolios of solar and wind assets with a combined installed power capacity in excess of 625 MWp.
Further information can be viewed at www.bluefieldsif.com
LEI Code 2138004ATNLYEQKY4B30
About Bluefield Partners LLP ('Bluefield')
Bluefield Partners was established in 2009 and is an investment adviser to companies and funds investing in renewable energy infrastructure. It has a proven record in the selection, acquisition, and supervision of large-scale energy assets in the UK and Europe. The team has been involved in over £4 billion renewable funds and/or transactions in both the UK and Europe since 2008, including over £1 billion in the UK since December 2011.
Bluefield Partners has led the acquisitions of, and currently advises on, over 200 solar PV and wind assets in the UK and Europe that are agriculturally, commercially, or industrially situated. Based in its London office, it is supported by a dedicated and highly experienced team of investment, legal and portfolio executives. Bluefield Partners was appointed Investment Adviser to Bluefield Solar in June 2013.
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