17th Dec 2007 07:01
Al EZZ Steel Rebars S.A.E.17 December 2007 Al Ezz Steel Rebars Co. Authorized capital 8 billion Egyptian pounds Issued capital 911 940 970 Egyptian pounds Invitation to attend the Ordinary General Meeting The Chairman and the CEO of Al Ezz Steel Rebars Co. S.A.E has the pleasure toinvite you to attend the Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) of the Company whichshall be held on Monday, December 31st, 2007 at 8:30 a.m. at (Pavilion Ballroom-Pyramisa Hotel Dokki- Giza) to deliberate on the following agenda 1- Reviewing and approving the Board of Directors' Report on the Company'sactivities for the fiscal period ended on 30/9/2007 2- Reviewing and approving the Auditors' report on the Company's financialstatements for the fiscal period ended on 30/9/2007 3-Approving the Company's financial statements and determine the proposeddistribution for the fiscal period ended on 30/9/2007 4- Approving the company's contribution in the Capital of Al Ezz Flat SteelCompany. We wish to draw your kind attention to the following:- A- Each shareholder shall have the right to attend the Ordinary General Meetingin person or delegate by proxy any other shareholder who is not a member of theBoard of Directors to be his or her representative, providing that such proxyshall be in writing to be valid. B- Shareholders attending the OGM are required to deposit their shares at theCompany's Headquarter or at any bank or to provide a certificate issued from aBook- Keeper/Custodian stating the ownership of the Shareholder in the Company'scapital no later than three days before the meeting is convened. It is alsorequired to provide a certificate from the above mentioned entities stating therestriction of sale of shares until the conclusion of the OGM. C- Any inquiries concerning the above mentioned agenda must be submitted inwriting either by registered mail or hand delivery at the head office of theCompany no later than three days before the Meeting is convened. D- Shareholders shall be present at least half an hour before the time at whichthe Meeting is convened and submit proof of their identity for the registrationof their attendance. Chairman and CEO This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
Al Ezz Gds Regs