6th Jun 2017 07:00
6 June 2017
Ferrum Crescent Limited
("FCR" or the "Group")(ASX, AIM, JSE: FCR)
New Market Presentation Available
FCR, the European lead-zinc explorer, is today pleased to make available its latest market presentation to all shareholders. The new presentation is updated following the May 2017 commencement of the near-surface lead-zinc exploration campaign at the Company's Toral project located in North West Spain.
The presentation can be viewed directly via this link: http://www.ferrumcrescent.com/site/PDF/2554_1/ShallowdrillingofhistoricoverlookedleadzincmineralisationinSpain
For further information on the Company, please visit www.fcrexploration.com or contact:
Ferrum Crescent Limited
Justin Tooth, Executive Chairman
Grant Button, Director and Company Secretary T: +61 8 9474 2995
UK enquiries:
Laurence Read, Non-Executive Director (UK representative) T: +44 7557 672 432
Strand Hanson Limited (Nominated Adviser)
Rory Murphy/Matthew Chandler T: +44 (0)20 7409 3494
Beaufort Securities Limited (Broker)
Elliot Hance T: +44 (0)20 7382 8300
Bravura Capital (Pty) Ltd (JSE Sponsor)
Doné Hattingh T (direct): +27 11 459 5037
The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014.
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