19th Aug 2005 06:00
19 August 2005 Pursuit Dynamics plc - New Licensee Pursuit Dynamics plc ('Pursuit'), the developer of the innovative PDX‚®processing technology, is pleased to announce that Geest Foods Ltd has licensedits first PDX Sonic system. This order was placed with BPT (Skerman) Ltd, anapproved distributor of the PDX technology.Geest Foods Ltd, part of Geest Limited (`Geest') is a major manufacturer offresh soup and sauces. Geest is one of the leading fresh prepared foods andproduce companies in the UK with group sales of ‚£830.6 million in 2004. Inaddition to its operations in the UK, Geest also has sites in Belgium, France,Spain and South Africa.EndsFor additional information, please contact:Pursuit Dynamics plc +44 (0) 1763 250 592John Heathcote, CEOKester Scrope, Commercial DirectorCapital MS&L +44 (0) 20 7307 5330Mary Clark +44 (0) 7713 335 171Steffan Williams +44 (0) 7767 345 563For more information on Geest, visit www.geest.co.ukFor more information on Pursuit Dynamics plc, visit www.pursuitdynamics.comENDPURSUIT DYNAMICS PLCRelated Shares:
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