5th Oct 2018 07:00
(Incorporated in Guernsey with registered number 51576 under the provisions of The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 as amended)
5 October 2018
28 September 2018 Unaudited NAV Statement
Net Asset Value
Baker Steel Resources Trust Limited (the "Company") announces its unaudited net asset value per share at 28 September 2018:
Net asset value per Ordinary Share: 54.7 pence
Since 31 August 2018, the NAV per share has decreased by 0.4% with a 4.4% fall in the market price of Polymetal International PLC shares being partially offset by the 18.5% rise of Ivanhoe Mines Limited during the month.
The Company had a total of 116,139,980 Ordinary Shares in issue with a further 700,000 shares held in treasury as at 28 September 2018.
Portfolio Update
The Company's top 10 investments as a percentage of NAV are as follows:
Polymetal International PLC | 27.6% |
Bilboes Gold Limited | 16.3% |
Cemos Group plc | 10.7% |
Polar Acquisition Ltd | 10.2% |
Futura Resources Ltd | 9.2% |
Sarmin Mineral Exploration | 5.2% |
Black Pearl Limited Partnership | 4.2% |
PRISM Diversified Inc | 3.9% |
Nussir ASA | 3.6% |
Ivanhoe Mines Limited | 3.1% |
Other Investments | 5.6% |
Net Cash, Equivalents and Accruals | 0.4% |
Investment Update
Sarmin Mineral Exploration ("Sarmin")
During September 2018, Sarmin completed a positive pre-feasibility study ("PFS") of the Kanga potash project, which is located 50km from Pointe-Noire in the Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville). Potash, or potassium chloride ("KCl") also known as muriate of potash ("MOP") is the most commonly used potassium fertiliser providing crops with essential nutrients.
An Indicated Mineral Resource of 4,730 million tonnes grading 17.1% KCl containing 810 million tonnes KCl has been estimated for Kanga. In addition, the project area holds an Inferred Mineral Resource of 7,160 million tonnes grading 16.7% KCl containing 1,197 million tonnes KCl. A further 15 billion tonne Inferred Mineral Resource has been identified at a neighbouring licence which has recently been acquired by Sarmin. In the PFS, the Indicated Resource has translated into a Probable Reserve of 376 million tonnes carnallite grading 17.5% KCl, which is sufficient for over 30 years of production.
The PFS has adopted a phased approach to the development of Kanga employing solution mining, which will commence with a 400,000 tonne per annum operation with a peak capital cost of US$410 million, rising to 2.4 million tonnes per annum with further capex. The exceptional mining widths of over 210 metres would result in one of the lowest operating costs per tonne globally with a forecast FOB cost per tonne of Muriate of Potash ("MOP") of US$53/tonne at full production. Project economics demonstrate a potentially robust project.
The Company holds 7.55% of Sarmin which, in turn, owns 85% of Kanga. Sarmin has commenced marketing the project with a view to bringing in a development partner or an outright sale. Progress in this regard is anticipated to have a significant impact on the carrying value of Sarmin,
Ivanhoe Mines Limited ("Ivanhoe")
During September 2018, Ivanhoe announced that the previously reported C$723 million investment in Ivanhoe by CITIC Metal Co. Ltd at C$3.68 per share had been completed and that Zijin Mining had exercised its anti-dilution rights subscribing C$78 million at the same price.
On 1 October 2018, Ivanhoe announced that the discovery of a new high-grade copper discovery to the west of its Kamoa-Kakula project in Democratic Republic of Congo. This new discovery, known as Makoko, has shown similar characteristics to Kamoa-Kakula and has the potential to further increase the size of the existing project. Kamoa-Kakula has already been established as the fourth largest copper discovery globally. An initial resource statement on Makoko is expected by the end of this year.
Further details of the Company and its investments are available on the Company's website www.bakersteelresourcestrust.com
Baker Steel Resources Trust Limited +44 20 7389 8237
Francis JohnstoneTrevor Steel
Numis Securities Limited +44 20 7260 1000
David Benda (corporate)
James Glass (sales)
The Net Asset Value ("NAV") figure stated is based on unaudited estimated valuations of the underlying investments and not necessarily based on observable inputs. Such estimates are not subject to any independent verification or other due diligence and may not comply with generally accepted accounting practices or other generally accepted valuation principles. In addition, some estimated valuations are based on the latest available information which may relate to some time before the date set out above.
Accordingly, no reliance should be placed on such estimated valuations and they should only be taken as an indicative guide. Other risk factors which may be relevant to the NAV figure are set out in the Company's Prospectus dated 26 January 2015.
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