15th Sep 2022 08:20
15 September 2022
B&M European Value Retail S.A.
Management Succession and Board Update
B&M European Value Retail S.A. ("the Group"), the UK's leading variety goods value retailer, announced on 31 May 2022 that Alex Russo (currently Group Chief Financial Officer "CFO") would succeed Simon Arora as Group Chief Executive Officer ("CEO"). The Group today confirms that Alex will become CEO on 26 September 2022, the commencement of the second half of the Group's financial year. At that point Simon Arora, who announced his intention to step down as CEO on 22 April 2022, will retire as CEO but continue to serve the Board as an Executive Director until the end of his notice period in April 2023.
Mike Schmidt, who was previously announced as the successor to Alex Russo in the role of CFO, will join the business on 17 October 2022. In the short period between Alex's appointment as CEO taking effect on 26 September 2022 and Mike joining as CFO on 17 October 2022, Alex will retain responsibility for his current role and will be supported in that work by Peter Waterhouse as Group Financial Controller.
On 18 August 2022, the Group announced that Ron McMillan (currently Senior Independent Director and Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee) would be retiring as a Director at the conclusion of the Company's AGM in July 2023 and that Oliver Tant would be appointed to the Board in November 2022 and would succeed Ron as Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee when he retires from the Board. The Group now confirms that Tiffany Hall, currently Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Remuneration Committee, will become Senior Independent Director when Ron retires from the Board.
Since there is currently no vacancy in the office of a Director, in accordance with Luxembourg law, Mike Schmidt's and Oliver Tant's appointments to the Board are required to be approved by resolutions of shareholders at a general meeting of the Company. Accordingly, an Ordinary General Meeting of shareholders will be convened for 31 October 2022 (the "Meeting") for that purpose. Subject to their appointments being approved at the Meeting, both appointments to the Board will take effect on 1 November 2022. Further announcements will be made to confirm when the notice of the Meeting has been sent to shareholders and, following the Meeting, to confirm the outcomes of the votes.
This announcement contains inside information which is disclosed in accordance with the Market Abuse Regulation. There is no further information to be disclosed in accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.13.
B&M European Value Retail S.A.
For further information please contact +44 (0) 151 728 5400 ext. 5763
Simon Arora, Chief Executive
Alex Russo, Chief Financial Officer
For media please contact +44 (0) 207 379 5151
Sam Cartwright, Maitland
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