14th Feb 2019 10:41
Great Western Mining Corporation PLC
("Great Western Mining", "GWM" or the "Company")
M4 Permit Application Update
Great Western Mining (AIM: GWMO; Euronext Growth: 8GW) is pleased to announce that it has now received a formal "Letter of Acknowledgement" from the United States Forest Service ("USFS") regarding its 2019 drill permit application on the M4 Copper-Gold project in Mineral County, Nevada.
This is an important first stage in the application process. The USFS has accepted the environmental and cultural studies completed by GWM which were submitted as part of the application. Great Western Mining's Operations Director and permitting consultants met with the USFS representatives in December 2018 to agree a review process for outstanding issues and the application has now received a "Plan of Operations" reference number. Formal permit approval is anticipated in May 2019 as previously announced.
The Company is planning a drill programme of up to six holes to follow up on the excellent "discovery" intersect from M4_05 in 2018, where a large quartz-copper vein was hit at 106.2 metres. This intercept comprised 43 metres of 0.24% Cu, including 1.8 metres of 0.74% Cu from 121 metres. The breccia vein is open both along strike and down dip, following the trend of the limestone-sediment contact.
Chief Executive, David Fraser commented: "We are very pleased that the Company's good working relationship with the USFS has facilitated a fast track approval process. GWM's field team is ready to get back into the field to follow up on the exciting discovery at M4_05 which has confirmed the prospectivity of the M4 Copper-Gold project. The Company looks forward to updating shareholders as work progresses."
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