12th Nov 2007 10:11
Lyxor Gold Bullion Securities Ltd12 November 2007 PRESS RELEASE Lyxor Gold Bullion Securities increases access to gold for UK retail investors Monday, 12th November, 2007: Gold Bullion Securities Ltd, a member of theExchange Traded Gold (ETG) franchise, today announced that it has listed asterling priced version of Lyxor Gold Bullion Securities ("Lyxor GBS") on theLondon Stock Exchange. Today's listing is designed to meet the demand comingfrom UK retail investors, many of whom have brokers that only trade in sterling.The product (Ticker: GBSS) provides easy access to gold price movements viaordinary sterling brokerage accounts, allowing UK investors to trade the LyxorGBS without the constraint of exchanging currency, thereby reducing the cost toinvestors. The multi currency listing of Lyxor GBS will now provide more investors withsecure, low cost access to owning gold bullion without the additional costsnormally associated with insuring, storing and transacting in physical gold.The Lyxor GBS is currently listed on the London Stock Exchange, with secondarylistings on Euronext Paris, Deutsche Borse and on Borsa Italiana. The US dollar priced Lyxor GBS debuted on the London Stock Exchange in March2004 and since then has accumulated over 97 tonnes of gold. At today's pricesthe Lyxor GBS holds $2.6 billion of assets, a 48% increase when compared to the$1.78 billion held on 8th November 2006. Lyxor GBS is an integral part of the Exchange Traded Gold family of productsestablished as a result of an initiative by the World Gold Council, themarketing organisation funded by the world's leading gold mining companies.Gold held by products in the Exchange Traded Gold stable now exceeds US$19.73billion, or 731 tonnes of gold, which represents more than an 88% share of themarket for this category of security. Commenting on today's announcement, Owen Rees, European Business DevelopmentManager for Exchange Traded Gold, said: "The Lyxor GBS is Europe's largest and most liquid Exchange Traded Commodity(ETC), and the launch of the sterling product is an important development forretail investors. We have witnessed growing demand from retail investors forLyxor GBS, which is evident from the capital inflows to the product. Now thosewho may have previously found it difficult to invest due to currencyrestrictions, will be able to trade in Lyxor GBS through their usual retailbroker, accessing gold's unique investment properties via Europe's leading goldETC." The Lyxor GBS is promoted and distributed in Europe by Societe GeneraleCorporate and Investment Banking (SG CIB), via Lyxor Asset Management. Lyxor GBS trades in sterling as GBSS on the LSE and has a total expense ratio of0.40% per annum. - Ends - Press contacts Richard Campbell or Rebecca Clark, Capital MS&L on behalf of Gold BullionSecurities, on +44 20 7307 5334 or +44 20 7307 5342 Alternatively, e-mail: [email protected] Note to Editors The World Gold Council (WGC), a commercially-driven marketing organisation, isfunded by the world's leading gold mining companies. A global advocate forgold, the WGC aims to promote the demand for gold in all its forms throughmarketing activities in major international markets. For further informationvisit www.gold.org Potential investors should be aware that the World Gold Council takes noresponsibility as to the contents of this document and does not carry onactivities relating to the sale of Gold Bullion Securities. Gold BullionSecurities will be the sole obligation of Gold Bullion Securities Limited andGold Bullion Nominees Limited. The World Gold Council does not provide anyguarantee in respect of Gold Bullion Securities and is not responsible or liablefor Gold Bullion Securities or any acquisition of Gold Bullion Securities in anyway, unauthorised persons should not rely on the information contained herein. Exchange Traded Gold (ETG), is a World Gold Council initiative and is thecollective name for a series of gold-backed securities introduced over the pastfour years. For further information visit www.exchangetradedgold.com Gold Bullion Securities Limited is a Jersey-registered company that was set upspecifically to issue Gold Bullion Securities. The company was incorporated inMarch 2004, and its sole activity has been to issue and redeem Gold BullionSecurities. Lyxor AM - Created in 1998, Lyxor AM currently manages EUR 69.4 billion (30 /09/07). A wholly-owned subsidiary of Societe Generale, belonging to the Corporateand Investment Banking arm of the group, the asset management companyspecializes in three businesses: • Alternative Investments. Lyxor AM offers a broad range of hedge funds and funds of hedge funds and adheres to high risk-management standards and rigorous hedge fund manager selection guidelines. Lyxor AM gained its prominence with its hedge fund platform. This platform includes more than 170 hedge funds covering all principal strategies and represents a diversified investment universe benefiting from a high level of transparency and security. Lyxor AM is regularly rewarded for the quality and the diversity of its platform: "Best Investment Platform" (Hedge Funds Review 2005) and "Best Managed Account Platform" (Albourne Partners Ltd. 2004 and 2006). • Structured Funds. Lyxor AM benefits from the expertise and innovation of the Equity Derivatives department of SG CIB to offer adapted investment solutions to fit investors' risk profile and return objectives. SG CIB has been awarded Equity Derivatives House of the Year by The Banker (Financial Times) 2004-2005-2006, IFR 2004-2005, Risk magazine 2005-2006, Structured Products 2005-2006, Global Finance 2006, Asia Risk 2005, The Assets 2005. • Index Tracking. Lyxor AM offers one of the most diversified and liquid range of ETF (Exchange Traded Funds). The company is one of the top players of the European ETF industry with more than EUR 18 billion under management. Lyxor ETFs are listed in Europe and Asia and reflect Equity, Bond and Commodity markets. www.lyxoretf.com. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
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