17th May 2005 11:08
17th May 2005 Pursuit Dynamics plc ('Pursuit' or 'the Group') Pursuit Dynamics plc, the developer of the PDX‚® innovative fluid processingtechnology, is pleased to announce that Campbell Grocery Products Ltd., awholly owned subsidiary of the Campbell Soup Company ("Campbell's"), haslicensed its first PDX Sonic system for installation in the UK.The system is scheduled for installation by BPT (Skerman) in July 2005. Thelicense follows more than three months of evaluation work by Campbell's attheir Research and Development Centre at Worksop.Commenting on the announcement, John Heathcote, Chief Executive, said:"I am delighted to be able to announce this licensing agreement. It followsextensive evaluation work by Campbell's following the launch of the PDX Sonic25 in January 2005."We expect to see further orders from the food and drink industry as bothdistributors and end users seek to integrate PDX technology into theirproduction processes." Ends For additional information, please contact:Pursuit Dynamics plc 01763 250 592 John Heathcote, Chief Executive Gary Pyle, Finance Director Capital MS&L 020 7307 5330 Steffan Williams 07767 345 563 Paula Crymble NotesCampbell's employs over 1,400 people in its King's Lynn, Worksop and Ashfordfactories, its head office in Cambridge and Research and Development centre ofexcellence at Worksop. Campbell's UK business has an annual turnover in excessof ‚£250 million.ENDPURSUIT DYNAMICS PLCRelated Shares:
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