2nd Mar 2006 11:13
Telefonica SA02 March 2006 PART 2 RESULTS BY BUSINESS LINES Other businesses TELEFONICA DEUTSCHLAND GROUP Telefonica Deutschland obtained revenues of 281.2 million euros in 2005, showinga year-on-year reduction of 3.3%, due primarily to the reduction in revenuesfrom narrowband services which has not yet been offset by the increase inbroadband business. With respect to the broadband business, it is worth to highlight the increase inthe number of connections resold on a retail basis by the company to its mainclients. With it, the total number of equivalent ADSL lines in service in theGerman market exceeds the figure of 535 thousands at the end of 2005, whichcompares with the more than 481 thousands achieved in December 2004, providingservices to four of the five top main ISPs in Germany. Telefonica Deutschland has registered a negative operating income beforedepreciation and amortization (OIBDA) of 3.1 million euros at the end of theyear, which compares with the negative figure of 151.7 million euros obtained in2004, mainly due to the anticipated cancellation of Telefonica's UK goodwill. TELEFONICA DEUTSCHLAND GROUPSELECTED FINANCIAL DATA Unaudited figures (Euros in millions) January - December 2005 2004 % Chg Revenues 281.2 290.8 (3.3)Operating income before D&A (OIBDA) (3.1) (151.7) (98.0)OIBDA margin (1.1%) n.m. 51.1 p.p. ADDENDA Companies included in each Financial Statement Based on what was indicated at the start of this report, the results breakdownof Telefonica Group are detailed according to the business in which the Grouphas a presence. The main differences between this view and the one that wouldapply attending to the legal structure, are the following: • Telefonica, S.A. directly participates in the share capital of Endemol Entertainment Holding, N.V., which has been included in Content and Media Business. The results from the Sogecable S.A. stake have been also assigned to Content and Media Business, even though a part of the investment is legally dependent upon Telefonica, S.A. • Telefonica Holding Argentina, S.A. holds 6.98% of Atlantida de Comunicaciones, S.A. (ATCO) which, for those purposes, is considered to be part of Content and Media Business, consolidating 100% share capital of ATCO. • Compania de Telecomunicaciones de Chile, S.A. (CTC), participated by Telefonica Latinoamerica, sold Telefonica Moviles Chile to Telefonica Moviles Group in the third quarter of fiscal year 2004, although the results of this company have been assigned to the cellular business from the beginning of the year 2004. • The participation of Telefonica Group in IPSE 2000 SpA is assigned to the cellular business, also including the investment legally dependent upon Telefonica DataCorp, S.A. • Telefonica de Argentina (TASA), participated by Telefonica Latinoamerica Group, sold in November 2005 its 100% stake in Telinver, S.A. share capital to TPI Group. Nevertheless, the results from this company has been assigned to the directories business through 2004 and2005 in line with our vision for the total Telefonica's directories business. • Telefonica Data Group (denominated "Telefonica Empresas"), legally dependent upon Telefonica S.A., has been segregated and subsequently integrated into the fixed line activities both in Latin America and Spain for presentation purposes, and according to geographic criteria. The stakes not included in neither of the previous geographic areas will be consolidated directly by Telefonica S.A. In this sense, the stakes in Telefonica Data Espana, S.A.U. and Soluciones Group have been sold to Telefonica de Espana S.A.U. in the third quarter of 2004, although the results of both companies had been assigned to the fixed line business in Spain from the beginning of the year 2004. • Telefonica International Wholesale Services Group (TIWS) financial results has been assigned to Telefonica Latinoamerica Group during 2004 and 2005, even though is legally dependent upon Telefonica, S.A. (92.5%) and Telefonica Data Corp (7.5%). • The activities of Terra Networks Espana S.A., Maptel Networks, S.A.U. and Azeler Automocion, S.A. have been included in Telefonica de Espana Group as of July 1st 2005; at the same time, Terra Networks Chile has been included in Telefonica Latinoamerica Group together with the rest of Latin American companies of Terra. As of December 31st 2005, Terra Networks Espana is directly held by Telefonica S.A., while Maptel Networks and Azeler Automocion are directly held by Terra Networks Asociadas, S.L. Terra Networks Chile was legally included in Telefonica Latinoamerica Group in the fourth quarter of 2005. ADDENDA Key Holdings of the Telefonica Group and its Subsidiaries detailed by businesslines TELEFONICA GROUP TELEFONICA MOVILES GROUP % Part % Part Telefonica de Espana 100.00% Telefonica Moviles Espana 100.00%Telefonica Moviles (1) 92.46% Brasilcel (1) 50.00%Telefonica Latinoamerica 100.00% TCP Argentina 100.00%Grupo TPI 59.90% TEM Peru 98.03%Telefonica de Contenidos 100.00% T. Moviles Mexico 100.00%Atento Group 91.35% TM Chile 100.00%Cesky Telecom 69.41% TEM El Salvador 99.02% TEM Guatemala 100.00% Telcel (Venezuela) 100.00%(1) Effective participation: 92.91%. Includes TEM Colombia 100.00%Telefonica Moviles S.A.' Stock Options Program("Programa MOS"). TEM Guatemala y Cia 100.00%TELEFONICA LATINOAMERICA GROUP Otecel (Ecuador) 100.00% % Part TEM Panama 99.98% Abiatar (Uruguay) 100.00% Telefonia Celular Nicaragua 100.00%Telesp 87.49% Radiocomunicac. Moviles SA (Arg) 100.00%Telefonica del Peru 98.19% Telefonica Moviles Chile 100.00%Telefonica de Argentina 98.03% Group 3G (Germany) 57.20%TLD Puerto Rico 98.00% IPSE 2000 (Italy) (2) 45.59%CTC Chile 44.89% 3G Mobile AG (Switzerland) 100.00%Terra Networks Peru 99.99% Medi Telecom 32.18%Terra Networks Mexico 99.99% Telefonica Moviles Interacciona 100.00%Terra Networks USA 100.00% Mobipay Espana 13.36%Terra Networks Guatemala 100.00% Mobipay Internacional 50.00%Terra Networks Venezuela 100.00% T. Moviles Soluciones y Aplicac. (Chile) 100.00%Terra Networks Brasil 100.00% Tempos 21 (3) 38.50%Terra Networks Argentina 99.99%Terra Networks Chile 100.00% Terra Networks Colombia 99.99% (1) Joint Venture which fully consolidates TeleSudeste Celular Participacoes, Celular CRT Participacoes, TeleLeste Celular Participacoes and Telesp Celular Participacoes. Telesp Celular Participacoes fully consolidates Global Telecom Participacoes and TeleCentro Oeste Participacoes. The states that Brasilcel consolidated in its subsidiaries are the following: TeleSudeste Celular Participacoes 91.0%; Telesp Celular Participacoes 66.1%; Global Telecom Participacoes 66.1%; Celular CRT Participacoes 66.4%; TeleLeste Celular Participacoes 50.7% and TeleCentro Oeste Participacoes 34.7%. Telefonica Data Colombia 100.00% (2) Aditionally, Telefonica Group holds a 4.08% of IPSE 2000 through Telefonica DataCorp. Telefonica Empresas Brasil 93.98% (3) In June 2005, Tempos 21 is consolidated by the equity method with a retroactive effect as from January 1st 2005. Telefonica Empresas Peru 97.07% Telefonica Data Argentina 97.92% Telefonica Data USA 100.00% T. Intern. Wholesale Serv. (TIWS) (1) 100.00% (1) Telefonica, S.A. owns 92.51% y Telefonica DataCorpowns 7.49%. TELEFONICA DE ESPANA TELEFONICA DE CONTENIDOS GROUPGROUP % Part % Part Telyco 100.00% Telefe 100.00%Telefonica Telecomunic. 100.00% Endemol (1) 99.70%PublicasTelefonica Soluciones 100.00% Telefonica Servicios de Musica 100.00%SectorialesTelefonica Empresas Espana 100.00% Telefonica Servicios Audiovisuales 100.00%Terra Networks Espana (1) 100.00% Hispasat 13.23%T. Soluciones de 100.00%Informatica yComunicaciones de Espana (1) Ownership held by Telefonica S.A. (1) Telefonica S.A. owns 100%. OTHER PARTICIPATIONSTPI - PAGINAS AMARILLAS % Part % PartGROUP Lycos Europe 32.10%TPI Edita 100.00% Sogecable (1) 23.83%Publiguias (Chile) 100.00% Portugal Telecom (2) 9.84%TPI Brasil 100.00% China Netcom Group (3) 5.00%TPI Peru 100.00% BBVA 1.07%Teleinver (Argentina) 100.00% Amper 6.10%11888 Servicios de 100.00% Telepizza 4.13%Consulta TelefonicaServices de Renseig. T. 100.00%(France)Servizio di Consultazione 100.00%Telefonica,S.R.L. (Italy) (1) Telefonica de Contenidos, S.A. holds 22.23% and Telefonica, S.A. holds 1.60%. (2) Telefonica Group's effective participation. Telefonica Group participation would be 9.96% if we exclude the minority interests. (3) Ownership held by Telefonica LatinoamericaATENTO GROUP % Part Atento Teleservicios 100.00%Espana, S.A.Atento Brasil, S.A. 100.00%Atento Argentina, S.A. 100.00%Atento de Guatemala, S.A. 100.00%Atento Mexicana, S.A. de 100.00%C.V.Atento Peru, S.A.C. 99.46%Atento Chile, S.A. 77.60%Atento Maroc, S.A. 100.00%Atento El Salvador, S.A. 100.00%de C.V. ADDENDA Significant Events • On February 28th, 2006, the Board of Directors of Telefonica, S.A approved to distribute an interim dividend from 2005 net income, of a fix gross amount of 0.25 euros for each outstanding share with the right to receive dividends of the Company. The payment of this dividend shall be executed on May12th. Tax withholding shall be made on gross amounts as required by applicable legislation. Likewise, in accordance with the shareholder remuneration policy approved by the Company's Board of Directors, it is the Board's intention to pay a further dividend of the same amount per share in the course of this financial year, and the appropriate resolutions for that purpose will be passed at the relevant time. • On February 28th, 2006, the Board of Directors of Telefonica, S.A. resolved to explore strategic alternatives in relation to Telefonica's holding in the share capital of Telefonica Publicidad e Informacion, S.A. (TPI), including total or partial disinvestments in that company (sale). Telefonica, S.A. will to that end contact persons potentially interested in the acquisition of that holding. • On February 22nd, 2006, approval was given at the respective Shareholders' Meetings of Telesp Celular Participacoes S.A. ("TCP"), Tele Centro Oeste Celular Participacoes S.A., ("TCO"), Tele Sudeste Celular Participacoes S.A. ("TSD"), Tele Leste Celular Participacoes, S.A. ("TBE") and Celular CRT Participacoes S.A. ("CRTPart") for a corporate restructuring in order to carry out the exchange of TCO shares for TCP shares, thereby making TCO a 100%-owned subsidiary of TCP, and for the merger and takeover of TSD, TBE and CRT Part by TCP. • On January 31st, 2006, the Italian government informed Ipse 2000 Spa, in which Telefonica Group holds a 49.66% stake, of its decision to withdraw the UMTS license granted to this company in 2000. Telefonica will analyse the convenience of taking the appropriate legal actions against this decision. • On February 9th, 2006, Telefonica had received acceptances in respect of a total 7,822,149,476 O2 plc shares, representing approximately 88.45 percent of O2's issued share capital. On the other hand, and as a result of several purchases, Telefonica holds 747,606,107 O2 plc shares representing approximately 8.52 percent of O2's issued share capital. Consequently, Telefonica and its wholly owned subsidiaries owned or had received valid acceptances in respect of a total of 8,569,755,583 O2 plc shares representing approximately 96.9 percent of O2's issued share capital. Given that acceptances have now been received in respect of more than 90 per cent of O2 plc share capital to which the Offer relates, Telefonica has implemented the procedures set out to acquire compulsorily the remaining O2 Shares for which it has not received acceptances of the Offer. As of March 7th, 2006, the stock will be delisted and cease trading in London Stock Exchange. • On January 2006, O2 incorporated representatives of Telefonica to its Board, a reflection of Telefonica's status as major shareholder of the mobile operator. Thus, O2's Board of Directors approved the appointment of Mr. Cesar Alierta, Mr. Julio Linares, Mr. Antonio Viana-Baptista and Mr. Jaime Smith as new Board members, and Peter Erskine the Chairman and the company's CEO. • On December 22, 2005, The Board of Directors of "Telefonica, S.A.", accepted the resignations from their positions on the Board of Mr Jose Antonio Fernandez Rivero (member of the Audit and Control Committee) and Mr Jesus Maria Cadenato Matia. Likewise, the Board agreed, preceded by the relevant favourable report from the Nominating, Compensation and Corporate Governance Committee, the appointment by cooption of the new Board members Mr Vitalino Manuel Nafria Aznar and Mr Julio Linares Lopez. Lastly, the Board of Directors agreed to appoint Mr Gregorio Villalabeitia Galarraga as member of the Audit and Control Committee. Telefonica S.A.'s Board of Directors approved the restructuring of the Company's senior management in accordance with its new projects and targets, with Luis Lada as the new Chairman of Telefonica de Espana, and the creation of a new General Management for Coordination, Business Development and Synergies, with Julio Linares. Once the acquisition of O2 has been finalised, will include Cesky Telecom and Telefonica Deutschland. • On November 22nd, 2005, regarding the Initial Public Offering (IPO) of Endemol N. V., the offer price was set at 9 euros per share. Likewise, it was determined that the number of shares offered reached 27,901,786 ordinary shares, representing 22.32% of the Company share capital (excluding the green shoe granted to the Underwriters, which amounts 3,348,214 shares, representing 2.68% of the Company share capital). That day was the first trading day of Endemol shares on Euronext Amsterdam.Text ADDENDA Changes to the Perimeter and Accounting Criteria of Consolidation In the period January-December of 2005, the main changes have occurred in theconsolidation perimeter were the following: Telefonica Group • The Spanish company Telefonica Procesos y Tecnologia de la Informacion, S.A. was taken over by Telefonica Gestion de Servicios Compartidos, S.A. in February this year. This company, which was consolidated within Telefonica Group's financial statements by full integration method, has been removed from the consolidation perimeter. • On April 19th, Telefonica Wholesale Services, S.L.(TIWS), the Spanish subsidiary of Telefonica Datacorp, S.A., carried out a capital increase of 212.68 million euros , that was both fully subscribed and paid by Telefonica, S.A. by means of a non-monetary contribution from the Uruguayan company, Telefonica International Wholesale Services America, S.A. Following this operation, Telefonica, S.A. owns 92.513% of the capital of the Spanish company TIWS, which continues to be consolidated within Telefonica Group's financial statements by the full integration method; Telefonica Group owns 100% of the company's shares. • In March, the Telefonica Group purchased 50% of the shares held by Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. (BBVA) in the Spanish company Azeler Automocion, S.A. Following the sale, the Telefonica Group now controls the entire Azeler stake. The company, which was consolidated within Telefonica Group's financial statements by equity method, has now been incorporated by full integration method. At the same time as the previous operation, the Telefonica Group sold the 50% it held in the Spanish company Iniciativas Residenciales en Internet, S.A. (ATREA) to BBVA. Following this sale ATREA, which was consolidated within Telefonica Group's financial statements by equity method, has been removed from the consolidation perimeter. This combined operation involved a total payment of 1.84 million euros and generated goodwill amounting to 1.54 million euros. • On April 14th 2005, the company Onetravel.com, Inc. was sold for 26.4 million dollars. Telefonica's stake in this company was 54.15%. The capital gain registered in this disposal amounted 3 million euros and was recorded under the item "Gains on sale of fixed assets ". The company, which was included in Telefonica Group's financial statements by the full integration method, has been removed from the consolidation perimeter. • On June 10th, the European Commission authorized the takeover of the Czech telecommunications company Cesky Telecom by means of the acquisition of 51.1% of the company's share capital. The deal was closed on June 16th, offering a price of 502 Czech Crowns per share. Telefonica launched a compulsory takeover bid for the remaining 48.9% of outstanding shares still controlled by minority shareholders. On September 19th, the takeover bid for the remaining shares ended, acquiring Telefonica S.A. 58,985,703 shares at a price of 456 Czech Crowns per share. The total amount paid by Telefonica S.A. for the Czech company totaled 3,662.53 million euros. After this purchase, the stake of Telefonica in the Czech company reach 69.41% of the share capital The company has been included within Telefonica Group's financial statements by the full integration method. • In June, Telefonica, S.A. has sold 4,300,000 shares of its subsidiary Telefonica Publicidad e Informacion, S.A. This capital gain has been recorded within Telefonica Group's financial statements under the item "Gains on disposals of consolidated companies". Following this transaction, Telefonica Group owns 59.9% of TPI. The company continues to be consolidated within Telefonica Group's financial statement by the full integration method. • In June, the Spanish company, Terra Networks Latam, S.L., and the Dominican company, Terra Networks Caribe, S.A., were dissolved. Both companies, which were consolidated in Terra Group's financial statements by the full integration method, have been removed from the consolidation perimeter. • In July, it took place the merger by absorption of Terra Networks, S.A. by Telefonica, S.A., with the termination of the former company, and the en bloc transmission of all its assets to the latter company, through the provision of Telefonica, S.A. treasury stock, in a proportion of 2 Telefonica shares for every 9 Terra shares. The company, which was included in Telefonica Group's financial statements using the full integration method, has been removed from the consolidation perimeter. • Effective November 22, 2005, the shares of the Endemol N.V. Company (a company owned by the Endemol Group, which includes all of the companies except Endemol Holding France S.A.P and its subsidiaries) started trading on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. Since that day, the stock has been listed on the AEX Euronext Amsterdam. The price of the Endemol, N.V. public offering was 9 euros per share and the final number of shares sold was 31,250,000 common shares, representing 25% of the company's capital stock. This yielded total income of 55.58 million euros , which is reported in the Telefonica Group's Income Statement under the heading "Gain on disposal of consolidated companies". The full amount of the proceeds from the share placement went to the selling shareholder, Endemol Investment B.V., in which Telefonica S.A. has an indirect investment of 99.7%. The company continues to be consolidated into the Telefonica Group using the full consolidation method. Telefonica de Espana Group • The Spanish company Soluciones Tecnologicas para la alimentacion, S.L., in which Telefonica Soluciones de Informatica y Comunicaciones de Espana, S.A.U. had a 45% stake, was sold in February and has been removed from the Telefonica Group consolidation perimeter where it was consolidated by equity method. • In March, Telefonica de Espana S.A.U.'s sold its stake of 0.73% in INTELSAT for 17.77 million euros, obtaining a capital gain of 17.58 million euros. The company was recorded within the "Other investments" item of the Telefonica Group's consolidated balance sheet. • In May, Telefonica Soluciones Sectoriales, S.A. is not anymore a shareholder of the Spanish company IT7 (formerly Incatel), Instituto Canario de Telecomunicaciones S.A.. It has returned the 31% stake they owned at December 31st, 2004 to its partners. The company has been removed from Telefonica Group's consolidation perimeter, where it was included by the equity method. • In June, the Spanish company Segurvirtual MVS, S.A., in which Telefonica Data Espana, S.A. owned 49% of the shares, was liquidated. The company has been removed from Telefonica Group's consolidation perimeter, where it used to be included by the equity method. • Also in June, the Salvadorian company Telefonica Sistemas el Salvador, S.A. de C.V., a company in which Telefonica Soluciones Informaticas y Comunicaciones de Espana, S.A.U. owns 99.5 % of the shares, was liquidated. As a result, it has been removed from Telefonica Group's consolidation perimeter, where it was consolidated by the full integration method. • Telefonica Telecomunicaciones Publicas took part in the constitution of the Spanish company Telefonica Salud, S.A., subscribing and paying up 51% of the new company's initial share capital, a total of 0.06 million euros. The company has been included in the consolidation perimeter of the Telefonica Group by using the full integration method. • Telefonica Soluciones Sectoriales, S.A. took part in the constitution of the Spanish company Ceuta Innovacion Digital, S.L., subscribing and paying up 40% of its initial share capital. The company has been included in the consolidation perimeter of the Telefonica Group using the equity method. • On September 1st, in accordance with the decisions made by the sole shareholder, the Spanish company Agencia de Certificacion Electronica, S.A. was taken over by its sole shareholder Telefonica Data Espana, S.A. The company, which was included in Telefonica Group's financial statements using the full integration method, has been removed from the consolidation perimeter. Telefonica Latinoamerica Group • In March, the Dutch company Telefonica International Holding, B.V., wholly owned by Telefonica Internacional, S.A., sold its 14.41% stake in the US company Infonet Services Corporation, Inc. • Telefonica Internacional, S.A.U. has acquired 2.99% of the Chinese telecommunications company, China Netcom Group Corporation (Hong Kong) Limited (CNC) share capital, at a price of 11.45 Hong Kong dollars per share, which represents a total price of 240 million euros. In September, it acquired an additional 2.01% of the share capital of the Chinese company for 184 million euros. Following this purchase, the stake of Telefonica in China Netcom rose to 5%. The company is consolidated in Telefonica Group's financial statements at market value. • During July 2005, Telefonica Internacional, S.A. acquired 100% shareholding in Terra Mexico Holding, Terra Colombia Holding, Terra Guatemala, Terra Venezuela, Terra Argentina and Terra USA from Telefonica, S.A. Furthermore, on that same date, Telefonica Internacional, S.A. took over 100% of the net debt that said companies from the Terra Group held with Telefonica, S.A. • In August, Telefonica Internacional sold the US company Communication Technology, Inc. (CTI), in which it was the sole shareholder, leading to a capital loss of 3.71 million euros that appear in the Telefonica Group profit and loss account under the heading "Losses from the sale of consolidated companies". The company, which was included in the consolidated accounts of the Telefonica Group by using the full integration method, has been removed from the consolidation perimeter. • The Spanish company Telefonica DataCorp, S.A. fully subscribed the capital increase made by the Colombian company Telefonica Data Colombia, S.A. in September. Following this contribution, the Spanish company's shareholding in the Colombian company increased from 65% to the current 100%. The Colombian company continues to be consolidated within Telefonica Group's financial statements by the full integration method. Telefonica Moviles Group • The share placement by Telesp Celular Participacoes, S.A. on January 4, 2005 was fully subscribed, yielding approximately 2,054 billion Brazilian reais. Brasilcel, N.V.'s ownership interest in this company rose to 66.09%. • On January 7th and January 11th 2005, respectively, 100% of the shares in the BellSouth Chile and Argentina operators were purchased, thus concluding the acquisition of BellSouth operators in Latin America. The acquisition of Chilean operators from BellSouth was on January 7th 2005. The price agreed in the sale contract dated March 5th 2004 totaled 532 million dollars. The amount paid by Telefonica Moviles, after adjusting the net debt, totaled 317.56 million euros. In the case of Argentina, the acquisition of the Argentinean operators from BellSouth was on January 11th 2005. The price agreed in the sale contract totalled 988.35 million dollars. The amount paid by Telefonica Moviles, after adjusting the net debt, totalled 519.39 million euros. The amount of acquisitions of BellSouth stakes due in 2004 and 2005 includes the cost derived from hedging the risk associated to variations in the exchange rates. In accordance with NIIF standards, those amounts should not be considered as acquisition cost, but reported directly as equity. • On April 20th 2005, Telefonica Moviles through its subsidiary TEM Puerto Rico, Inc. proceed to the conversion of bonds representing 49.9% of share capital of the Puerto Rico company, Newcomm Wireless Inc. As a result, the Telefonica Moviles stake amounts to 49.9% of said Company. • Also in April 2005 Telcel, C.A. made a capital increase fully subscribed by Telefonica Moviles, amounting 26.80 million dollars, equivalent to 21.0 million euros. As a result, Telefonica Moviles increased its stake to 91.63% of share capital. In October of 2005, the Venezuelan companies Telcel, C.A., Servicios Telcel, C.A. and Telecomunicaciones BBS, C.A. merged. The surviving company is Telcel, C.A. The company continues to be consolidated into the Telefonica Group using the full consolidation method. • In June 2005 ended the public tender offer launched by TES Holding, S.A., Salvadorian Company fully-owned by Telefonica Moviles, S.A., to acquire Telefonica Moviles El Salvador, S.A. The transaction represented a 2.7% increase and amounted 3.10 million dollars. Following this acquisition and after purchases, TES Holding, S.A.'s stake increased to 99.03%. The company continues to be consolidated in the Telefonica Group financial statements using the full integration method • In June 2005 was closed the acquisition of an additional 0.38% stake in Telefonica Moviles Panama for 2.20 million euros. Following this acquisition and others, Telefonica Moviles' stake increased to 99.98%. The company continues to be consolidated in the Telefonica Group financial statements using the full integration method. • In June 2005 the merger between Comunicaciones Moviles Peru, S.A. and Telefonica Moviles Peru, S.A.C. was carried out. Telefonica Moviles's stake in the resulting company, Telefonica Moviles Peru, S.A., stands at 98.03%. The company continues to be consolidated in the Telefonica Group financial statements using the full integration method. • In June 2005, the Spanish company Tempos 21 Innovacion en Aplicaciones Moviles, S.A., was consolidated within Telefonica Group's financial statments by the equity method, with a retroactive effect starting as from January 1st 2005. • In July of 2005, the tax credits generated by the use, for tax purposes, of the goodwill available in the following companies were capitalized. New shareholdings of Brasilcel N.V. are: 91.03% in TSD, 50.67% in TBE, 66.36% in CRT, 66.09% in TCP and 34.68% in TCO. • In September of 2005, Telefonica Moviles, the sole shareholder, approved the merger by absorption of Telefonica Moviles Espana, S.A., the surviving company, and Telefonica Moviles Interacciona, S.A., the merged company. The company continues to be consolidated into the Telefonica Group using the full consolidation method. • In November of 2005, the remaining 2.07% of the shares of Telefonica Moviles Argentina, S.A, were acquired for 1.99 million euros. This transaction brought the ownership interest in Telefonica Moviles, S.A. to 100%. The company continues to be consolidated into the Telefonica Group using the full consolidation method. • In December of 2005, Telefonica Moviles, S.A. reached an agreement to buy 8% of Telefonica Moviles Mexico, S.A. de C.V. The acquisition was structured as an exchange of Telefonica, S.A. shares. This transaction involved the payment of 177.27 million euros. Following this transaction, the Telefonica Moviles shareholding increased to 100%. The company continues to be consolidated into the Telefonica Group using the full consolidation method. • The merger (by absorption) of TEM Guatemala y Cia. S.L.A. also took place in December of 2005. Telefonica Moviles Guatemala, S.A. and Tele-Escucha, S.A. were merged into S.C.A., the surviving company. The new company was renamed Telefonica Moviles Guatemala, S.A. The company continues to be consolidated into the Telefonica Group using the full consolidation method. TPI Group • The Spanish company 11888 Servicio Consulta Telefonica, S.A., wholly owned by Telefonica Publicidad e Informacion, S.A. (TPI), constituted, subscribed and fully paid all of the share capital of the French company Services de Renseignements Telephoniques, S.A.S. by the 0.04 million euros. The company is now incorporated in the consolidated accounts of the Telefonica Group by full integration method. • 11888 Servicio Consulta Telefonica, S.A. also constituted the Italian company Servizio Di Consultaziones Telefonica, S.R.L., subscribing and paying up 0.01 million euros for all of the shares forming its share capital.The company has been included in the consolidated financial statements of the Telefonica Group by full integration method. • Effective November 11, 2005, the Group companies Telefonica Publicidad e Informacion, S.A. (the parent company) and Telefonica Publicidad e Informacion Internacional, S.A.U. spent a total of 57.0 million euros (66.72 million U.S. dollars) to acquire 95% and 5%, respectively, of the shares of the Argentine company, Telinver, S.A., from Telefonica de Argentina, S.A. Telefonica de Argentina, S.A. financed the transaction through borrowings with a maturity date in fiscal year 2008. The company continues to be consolidated into the Telefonica Group using the full consolidation method. Telefonica Contenidos GRoup • During the first quarter, the Telefonica de Contenidos Group sold all of the shares it held in LS4 Radio Continental, S.A. and Radio Estereo, S.A., obtaining capital gains of 7.22 and 0.20 million euros, respectively. The companies, which were included in the financial statements of the Telefonica Group by full integration method, have been removed from the consolidation perimeter. • The company Sogecable, S.A. increased its share capital during fiscal year 2005 by issuing 7,560,261 shares with a par value of 2 euros each and additional paid-in capital of 22.47 euros. The Telefonica Group participated in the equity issue by subscribing to 1,801,689 shares and paying out approximately 44.1 million euros, thereby maintaining the 23.83% stake that it already owned in this company. The company continues to be accounted for in the financial statements of the Telefonica Group using the equity method. Atento Group • On July 29th, Atento Brasil, S.A. took over the entire shareholding in the Brazilian company Beans Administradora de Cartoes de Credito, Ltda. In August, Beans merged with its parent company Atento Brasil, S.A. The company, which was included in the Telefonica Group's consolidated financial statements by the full integration method, has been removed from the consolidation perimeter. ADDENDA Telefonica, empowering economic, social and technological development Throughout 2005, Telefonica has consolidated as the reference operator in eachof the countries where it is present. This is a consequence of its commitment tothe economic, social and technological development, and its willingness to adaptto the needs and reality of each one of them. In 2005, Telefonica performance made a significant contribution to all itsstakeholders (customers, employees, society, suppliers, environment..). Theresults underpin the company's position an important driver of economic,technological and social development in the countries where it operates. Economic development driver Telefonica is among the leading companies in the markets where it operates, thusdriving local economic development driver. Throughout 2005, Telefonica has shown its commitment to the development ofnational economies; contributing in average 1.7% of GDP of the main countrieswhere it operates. Moreover, Telefonica Group has an important revenueredistribution effect among its stakeholders; approximately 45% to itssuppliers, 16% to public administrations and 8% in employee compensation. Telefonica Group has more than 18,000 awarded suppliers across the world. Thepercentage of purchasing volume awarded to local suppliers exceeds 85%. Finally, it is important to emphasize the indirect impact of Telefonica Group'sservices have on the economies of the main countries where it is present. Forinstance, activities targeted at reducing the digital divide; a reduction in theprice of services; greater availability of broadband services and permanentconnectivity; are having a significant impact on the increase of theproductivity levels of the local economies. Technological development driver In 2005, Telefonica committed nearly 2,900 million euros for technologicalinnovation, according to OECD measurement criteria. Research and developmentactivities represent 530 million euro of this amount. Telefonica Moviles is the largest investor in innovation within the TelefonicaGroup as a result of its new generation networks deployment. Its activitiesencompass 52% of the technological innovation of Telefonica's Group's innovationbudget, followed by Telefonica de Espana with 27% and Telefonica Latinoamericawith 15%. By country distribution, Spain is the recipient of 45% of the totalinnovation and Brazil of 23% respectively. Social development driver In 2005, Telefonica has developed several projects oriented to improve itsbehaviour as a responsible company to all its stakeholders: • Telefonica pursues customer satisfaction, through great customer orientation and operational excellence. As a consequence of this effort, customer satisfaction levels reached 83% in Spain. • In 2005, there has been progress related to responsible service provision, especially in adult content management norms and the publication of reports on the impact of ICT on sustainable development. • Telefonica has strengthened its value proposal to its employees, seeking progress in their professional development (9.2 million training hours in 2005) and clarity in company and employees relationship. In this sense, a group wide workplace environment studies has been carried out. • In 2005, Fundacion Telefonica performed a strategic review of all its projects, focusing on educational ones ("educared") and children integration in society ("pronino"). Complementing Fundacion Telefonica's commitment, it is important to highlight the employees' commitment to volunteering; already 60,000 employees engage with ATAM (Telefonica Association to Aid Disabled People) • Digital inclusion of people with the lowest income levels (over five million prepaid or control fixed lines in Latin America) or disabled people ("Telefonica Accesible" programme kick off) are examples of programmes where Telefonica shows its commitment to social inclusion. • The corporate norm on environmental management, approved in 2004, has progressed to implementation within Telefonica subsidiaries; outstanding progress has been made in energy management, visual impact and waste management. • In 2005, Telefonica has - for the first time ever - completed a supplier satisfaction assessment in their relationship with Telefonica. Satisfaction levels achieved an average of 6.75 (out of a scale from 0 to 10) Moreover, it is important to mention three circumstances that confirmTelefonica's commitment to corporate responsibility: • Code of Ethics approval by the Telefonica Group. • Publication of corporate responsibility annual reports in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Peru; complementing the existing ones for Telefonica SA, Telefonica Moviles and TPI. • Confirmation of Telefonica presence in major Sustainability Indexes. DISCLAIMER This document contains statements that constitute forward looking statements inits general meaning and within the meaning of the Private Securities LitigationReform Act of 1995. These statements appear in a number of places in thisdocument and include statements regarding the intent, belief or currentexpectations of the customer base, estimates regarding future growth in thedifferent business lines and the global business, market share, financialresults and other aspects of the activity and situation relating to the Company.The forward-looking statements in this document can be identified, in someinstances, by the use of words such as "expects", "anticipates", "intends","believes", and similar language or the negative thereof or by forward-lookingnature of discussions of strategy, plans or intentions. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance andinvolve risks and uncertainties, and other important factors that could causeactual developments or results to differ materially from those expressed in ourforward looking statements. Analysts and investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on thoseforward looking statements which speak only as of the date of this presentation.Telefonica undertakes no obligation to release publicly the results of anyrevisions to these forward looking statements which may be made to reflectevents and circumstances after the date of this presentation, including, withoutlimitation, changes in Telefonica's business or acquisition strategy or toreflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. Analysts and investors areencouraged to consult the Company's Annual Report as well as periodic filingsfiled with the relevant Securities Markets Regulators, and in particular withthe Spanish Market Regulator. The financial information contained in this document has been prepared underInternational Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). This financial informationis unaudited and, therefore, is subject to potential future modifications. 2004financial results were originally prepared under Spanish GAAP and have beentranslated into IFRS for comparison purposes only. For additional information, please contact. Investor Relations Gran Via, 28 - 28013 Madrid (Spain) Phone number: +34 91 584 4700 Fax number: +34 91 531 9975 Email: Ezequiel Nieto - [email protected] Diego Maus - [email protected] Dolores Garcia - [email protected] Isabel Beltran - [email protected] [email protected] www.telefonica.es/investors This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: