8th Jan 2013 07:05
PREMIER AFRICAN MINERALS LTD - Issue of two gold exploration permits in TogoPREMIER AFRICAN MINERALS LTD - Issue of two gold exploration permits in Togo
PR Newswire
London, January 7
8 January 2013
Premier African Minerals Limited (`Premier' or `the Company')
Issue of two gold exploration permits in TogoPremier African Minerals Limited, the AIM quoted multi-commodity naturalresource company with mineral projects located in Western and Southern Africa,is pleased to announce that two gold Exploration Permits in the Dapaong area ofTogo (`Dapaong' or `the "Project') which were stated as having been approved inthe Company's AIM Admission Document dated 4 December 2012, have now beenformally issued to the Group. The total area under permit is 400 sq km.
* Dapaong is considered to be highly prospective for gold due to location and geological setting; * Project underlain by volcanic and sedimentary Birimian-aged intrusive rocks, the geology that hosts major mines in Ghana, Mali & Burkina Faso; * Significant artisanal activity across the licence, which has not yet been subject to a systematic exploration programme for gold; * Using its existing resources in Togo, the Company intends to immediately commence exploration in order to quantify the full potential of this highly prospective area; * The Project adds to the Company's already extensive portfolio of mineral assets in Southern and West Africa, which are in various stages of development.Information on the Dapaong Permits
Dapong consists of two permits, covering 400 sq km, for the exploration of goldand associated metals, which are valid for an initial period of three years.
The Project is underlain by volcanic and sedimentary Birimian-aged intrusiverocks with minor volcano-sedimentary sequences, quartz veins and pegmatites,which form part of the larger West African Craton geologic region. Goldmineralisation generally occurs along north to north east trending shear zonesand faults that cut Birimian belts or form the margins of these Birimian beltswhere sedimentary rocks often include paleo-placer gravels. Substantial goldmineralisation has previously been discovered within Birimian-aged formationbelts located in Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Guinea and Burkina Faso. Majorgold mines in the region include Tarkwa in Ghana operated by GoldFields whichhas a 15.Moz resource and produces circa 700,000 oz per annum; Oubasi mine inGhana operated by AngloGold which produces circa 300,000 oz of gold per annum;and the Youga gold mine operated by Etruscan Resources in southern Burkina Fasowhich produces circa 80,000 oz of gold per annum.
Multiple rivers draining Birimian rocks in the West African Craton holdalluvial gold deposits and an initial reconnaissance visit by Premiergeological teams have already identified four areas in the drainage systemswhere there has been recent artisanal activity.
The Project is considered to be highly prospective for gold, having extensiveartisanal activity but has not yet been the subject of systematic exploration.The Board believes that the area offers excellent development potential due toits location and geological signature. Accordingly, using its existingresources in Togo, the Company intends to immediately commence exploration inorder to quantify the full potential of the highly prospective area.
George Roach, Chief Executive Officer of Premier African Minerals Limited,said: "The Dapaong Project in northern Togo is an exciting addition toPremier's diversified multi-commodity portfolio. Given the substantial size ofthe Project, the presence of Birimian-aged mineralisation, which has beenproven to host commercial gold deposits across Western Africa, and thesignificant levels of artisanal activity, we consider Dapaong to have excellentdevelopment potential.
"This is the first announcement since our AIM listing in December 2012 and itunderlines our aggressive development strategy aimed at both advancing ourexisting portfolio, which consists of a number of pre-production assets, andincreasing our asset base to build shareholder value. We expect to be active in2013, as we look to continue with the development of our RHA and Kateteprojects, which are highly prospective for tungsten and Rare Earth Elementsrespectively. In regard to these properties, we look forward to updatingshareholders in due course."
A PDF version of this announcement including a map showing the geology of theDapaong Gold Project in northern Togo and location map can be viewed on theCompany's website www.premierafricanminerals.com.
**ENDS**For further information please visit www.premierafricanminerals.com or contactthe following:
Pamela Hueston Premier African Minerals Tel: +44 (0) 755 778 3855
LimitedTony Rawlinson Cairn Financial Advisers LLP Tel: +44 (0) 207 148 7901
(Nominated Adviser) Cairn Financial Advisers LLP Tel: +44 (0) 207 148 7900 Jerry Keen Shore Capital Stockbrokers Tel: +44 (0) 207 408 4050 Limited Ed Mansfield Shore Capital Stockbrokers Tel: +44 (0) 207 408 4050 LimitedFelicity Edwards St Brides Media & Finance Ltd Tel: +44 (0) 20 7236 1177
Qualified Person:
The technical information contained in this announcement has been reviewed byBruce Cumming, Technical Director, Premier African Minerals Limited. Mr Cummingholds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Geology from the University of CapeTown and is accredited to the South African Counsel for Natural ScientificProfessionals (SACNASP). Mr Cumming has sufficient geological experience (over35 years) to qualify as a Qualified Person for the purposes of thisannouncement and has reviewed the text of this announcement and is satisfiedwith the accuracy and precision of this release by Premier African MineralsLimited.
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