6th Mar 2013 16:25
BARONSMEAD VCT 2 PLC - Issue of Supplementary ProspectusBARONSMEAD VCT 2 PLC - Issue of Supplementary Prospectus
PR Newswire
London, March 6
Issue of Supplementary Prospectus
6 March 2013
The boards of Baronsmead VCT plc, Baronsmead VCT 2 plc, Baronsmead VCT 3 plc,Baronsmead VCT 4 plc and Baronsmead VCT 5 plc (the "Companies") announce thatthey have published a supplementary prospectus (the "Supplementary Prospectus")relating to the offers for subscription for new ordinary shares of 10p each inthe capital of each of the Companies made pursuant to a prospectus issued on 20November 2012 by each of the Companies to raise up to £30 million.
The Supplementary Prospectus refers to the publication by each of BaronsmeadVCT 4 plc and Baronsmead VCT 5 plc of their respective financial results forthe year ended 31 December 2012 (together, the "2012 Accounts"), certaininformation from which is incorporated by reference into the SupplementaryProspectus.
Copies of the Supplementary Prospectus and the 2012 Accounts have beensubmitted to the Financial Services Authority and will shortly be available forinspection at the National Storage Mechanism, which is located at:
A downloadable version of the Supplementary Prospectus will also be availablefree of charge from www.baronsmeadvcts.co.uk and from the Companies' registeredoffice at 100 Wood Street, London, EC2V 7AN.
For further information, please contact:
Michael Probin - VCT Investor Relations DirectorISIS EP LLPTelephone: 020 7506 5796Related Shares:
Baronsmead Vt