21st Dec 2015 10:55
Surgical Innovations Group plc
("the Company")
Issue of Shares and Grant of Share Options
Surgical Innovations Group Plc (AIM: SUN), the designer and manufacturer of innovative medical technology for minimally invasive surgery, announces details of the issue of shares to certain directors and the grant of share options to a number of key personnel.
Issue of Shares
The Company has issued and allotted 605,714 ordinary shares of 1p each ("Shares") at a price of 1.575 pence per share to each of Nigel Rogers, Executive Chairman, and Melanie Ross, Finance Director.
The Shares issued and allotted to Nigel Rogers are in lieu of remuneration in accordance with the terms of his engagement with the Company as referred to in the announcement of his appointment on 28 October 2015. Following this transaction, his beneficial holding is 1,605,714 Shares, representing approximately 0.33% of the enlarged issued ordinary share capital.
The Shares issued and allotted to Melanie Ross represent a bonus under the terms of her engagement with the Company in recognition of her contribution to the stabilisation of the Company. Following this transaction, her beneficial holding is 605,714 ordinary shares, representing approximately 0.12% of the enlarged ordinary share capital.
Application will be made for 1,211,428 Shares to be admitted to trading on AIM ("Admission") which is expected to take place on 30 December 2015.
Following Admission, the total number of ordinary shares in issue will be 486,275,710 with each share carrying the right to one vote. The above figure may be used by shareholders as the denominator for the purposes of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules.
Grant of Share Options
The Board has resolved to grant share options under the existing Enterprise Management Incentive scheme to acquire a maximum of 17,000,000 Shares at an exercise price of 1.575 pence each, exercisable between 19 December 2018 and 18 December 2025 (the "Options").
The Options have been allocated to a number of key personnel, including an award of 4,750,000 Options to Melanie Ross, Finance Director of the Company.
The maximum number of shares under this award represent approximately 3.5% of the current issued share capital.
For further information please visit www.sigroupplc.com or contact:
Surgical Innovations Group plc
Nigel Rogers
Executive Chairman
Tel: 07767 603362
WH Ireland Limited (Nominated Adviser and Broker)
Tim Feather / Liam Gribben
Tel: 0113 394 6600
Related Shares:
Surgical Innovations