27th Jan 2010 07:00
Issue of Equity
Dated: 27 January 2010
This placing utilises part of the available 15% capacity of the Company's issued capital prior to the placing, pursuant to ASX Listing Rule 7.1. The Placing Shares issued will rank equally with existing Thor ordinary shares trading on AIM and with existing CDI's quoted on the ASX.
The Directors advise that Thor is actively seeking new projects with an emphasis on mainstream commodities to enhance its portfolio and funds raised by the Placing will be used to evaluate new projects to supplement the Molyhil Tungsten & Molybdenum project ("Molyhil"). As announced on 19 November 2009 Molyhil is currently on hold due to the depressed price of Molybdenum.
Following the issue of the Placing Shares the Company's total issued share capital will be 233,223,763 ordinary shares of 0.3p each. Application will be made to the London Stock Exchange for the Placing Shares, which will rank pari passu with the Company's existing issued ordinary shares, to be admitted to trading on AIM. Dealings are expected to commence at 8.00 a.m. (GMT) on Friday 5 February 2010.
Mick Billing
+ 61 (0)414 741 007
Thor Mining PLC
Executive Chairman
Laurie Ackroyd
+61 (0) 8177 8800
Thor Mining PLC
CFO/Company Secretary
John Simpson
+ 44 (0)20 7776 6550
Daniel Stewart & Co. plc
Nominated Adviser
Updates on the Company's activities are regularly posted on Thor's website www.thormining.com, which includes a facility to register to receive these updates by email.
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