28th Apr 2015 18:00
28 April 2015
Sefton Resources, Inc.
("Sefton" or the "Company")
Issue of Equity & Disclosure of Holding
The Company has today issued 65,000,000 new common shares of no par value ("Common Shares") following the exercise of options by Daniel Levi, a former director (the "Options"). The Options were exercised at a price of 0.05 pence per Common Share. The grant of Options was announced on 24 February 2015, and all of Mr Levi's Options have now been exercised.
In addition, the Company has today issued a further 57,409,091 Common Shares following a partial exercise request from Cornhill Capital Limited ("Cornhill") of the 81,818,182 warrants to subscribe for Shares at a price of 0.1 pence per share, exercisable for a period of three years to 24 February 2018, that were announced on 24 February 2015 (the "Warrants"). Cornhill now have 24,409,091 Warrants remaining.
Following the exercise of the Options and the Warrants, the Company now has a total of 2,833,336,079 Common Shares in issue. An application has been made for the 122,409,091 new Common Shares resulting from the exercise of the Options and the Warrants to be admitted to trading on AIM with effect from 5 May 2015.
Following the exercise of the Options, Mr Levi holds 86,650,001 Common Shares, equivalent to 3.06% of the current issued common share capital of the Company.
Visit www.seftonresources.com or contact:
Raylene Whitford, CFO | Tel: 020 7872 5570
Nick Harriss, Nick Athanas, Allenby Capital (Nomad) | Tel: 020 3328 5656 |
Nick Bealer, Cornhill Capital (Broker) | Tel: 020 7710 9612 |
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